麺屋土竜 八王子店

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 麺屋土竜 八王子店

住所 :

Yokoyamacho, Hachioji, 〒192-0081 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8988
Webサイト : https://www.facebook.com/%25E9%25BA%25BA%25E5%25B1%258B%25E5%259C%259F%25E7%25AB%259C-840144842668960/
街 : Tokyo

Yokoyamacho, Hachioji, 〒192-0081 Tokyo,Japan
M Tanaka on Google

野菜が大量にのったつけ麺が有名なお店です。色々なお店でつけ麺を食べましたが、こちらのお店はお世辞抜きにベスト3に入ります。とても好みです。 「野菜入りが絶対に美味しい」とお店に書いてあるように野菜が本当にマッチします。割りスープも独特で美味しかった。八王子は本当にラーメン屋がたくさんあってレベルが高いですが、このお店は本当にオススメ。とても好みでした!
The restaurant is famous for its tsukemen with a large amount of vegetables. I ate tsukemen at various shops, but this shop is in the top 3 without compliment. I like it very much. Vegetables really match as the shop says, "Vegetables are absolutely delicious." The split soup was also unique and delicious. Hachioji has a lot of ramen shops and the level is high, but this shop is really recommended. I really liked it!
Takeo Tatsumi on Google

(2022/02/26追記)臨時休業中です。 野菜が多種類入ったつけ麺を食べました。味は普通に美味しいです。ただ、マスク無しに話し続ける客2人に注意をしてなかったので、その分減点。
(Added on 2022/02/26) It is temporarily closed. I ate tsukemen with many kinds of vegetables. The taste is usually delicious. However, I didn't pay attention to the two customers who kept talking without masks, so I was deducted by that amount.
O.Y. Lily on Google

つけ麺?麺が増やせるのいいね!普通のモグララーメン?とっっっっっても美味しかった!味が好き!よき! つけ麺に野菜がいっぱい入ってる!にんじん?苦手だった…笑
tsukemen? It's nice to have more noodles! Ordinary mole ramen? It was really delicious! I like the taste! Good! Tsukemen contains a lot of vegetables! Carrot ? I was not good at it ... lol
俊成 on Google

土竜つけ麺(1000)+角煮丼(300)を注文。店頭で推されている通り本当に野菜が美味しく、スープ含めてここ3年間で食べたつけ麺の中で一番幸せな気持ちになれた一杯でした。 角煮丼は角煮がホロホロで美味しかったのですが、ご飯の量に対しての角煮比率が個人的には少なかったかな、と。ただここは事前に確認しておけば良かった話ではありますが。
I ordered Tsukemen (1000) + Kakuni bowl (300). As recommended at the store, the vegetables were really delicious, and it was the happiest cup of tsukemen I had eaten in the last three years, including soup. Kakuni-don was delicious because it was fluffy, but I wondered if the ratio of kakuni to the amount of rice was small. However, this is a story that should have been confirmed in advance.
Y sisio on Google

夏休みの日曜午前11時過ぎに到着。雨が降る日だったので開店時間の11:30まで駐車場で待機。開店時間に一番乗りで入店しました。 家族4人分の食券を買い席に着くと次々にお客様がご来店。あっという間に満席になりました。 私は土竜つけ麺、夫はそれにチャーシューと角煮を更にトッピング、肉好き息子はドドドーンらーめん(角煮3個がゴロゴロ乗っている)、娘はスペシャル生醤油らーめんを注文。 つけ汁は麺に程よく絡む濃厚具合。口に広がる風味も抜群です。具の野菜は見た目からは硬そうに思ったのですがこれも程良い柔らかさで麺やつけ汁とのバランスが絶妙。 更に娘と角煮丼を半分ずつシェア。これをそのまま頂くのも良いのですが、麺を食べ終わったつけ汁に投入とこれがまた美味い。 おすすめにあったトマトと生姜の割りスープは私の好みとはちょっと違う味だったのですが、つけ汁の濃厚さが強すぎると感じる方には良い味変になるかと思います。 お店の雰囲気も遊び心があり楽しく、店員さんの接客も好印象です。 美味しかった!また来たいな、今度は何を食べようかなぁ〜と思わせてくれる良店です。 御馳走様でした。
Arrived after 11:00 am on Sunday during the summer vacation. It was a rainy day, so I waited in the parking lot until 11:30, the opening time. I entered the store first at the opening time. Customers come to the store one after another when they get to the seats to buy meal tickets for four family members. It was full in no time. I ordered Tsukemen with earthen dragon, my husband added char siu and kakuni toppings, my son who loves meat ordered dododon ramen (three kakuni are on top), and my daughter ordered special raw soy sauce ramen. The soup is rich and entwined with the noodles. The flavor that spreads in the mouth is also outstanding. I thought that the vegetables in the ingredients seemed to be hard from the appearance, but this is also moderately soft and the balance with the noodles and soup is exquisite. In addition, share half of the Kakuni bowl with your daughter. It is good to have this as it is, but if you put it in the soup after eating the noodles, this is also delicious. The tomato and ginger split soup that I recommended had a slightly different taste from my taste, but I think it will be a good taste change for those who feel that the richness of the soup is too strong. The atmosphere of the shop is playful and fun, and the customer service of the clerk is also a good impression. was delicious! It's a good restaurant that makes me want to come back again and wonder what to eat next time. It was a treat.
s T on Google

こんなに野菜が彩られたラーメン〔つけ麺〕は初めて‼️芸術的でありながら、ダシも程よい濃厚さに少し甘みがある。麺は中太麺、程よい太さでダシが絡みやすく食べやすいです。 レモンや特製の唐辛子も程よいスパイになり。 味変が可能。また伺いたいです。 売りの人参?も甘くて美味しかったです。
This is the first ramen with vegetables so colored! ️Although it is artistic, the dashi stock has a moderate richness and a little sweetness. The noodles are medium-thick noodles, and the thickness is moderate, so the dashi stock is easy to get entangled and easy to eat. Lemons and special chili peppers are also good spies. The taste can be changed. I would like to ask you again. The carrots for sale ? were also sweet and delicious.
pp a on Google

So delicious
Rose Middlehurst on Google

Best tsukimen in Hachioji, absolutely loaded with vegetables. Rich, aromatic soup is my favourite part. Nice, dark interior, just like a molehole! Staff always friendly. No English on the vending machine but the pictures help a little.

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