UQ Spot Kamata - Ota City

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact UQ Spot Kamata

住所 :

蒲田K-1ビル 1F 5 Chome-8-7 Kamata, Ota City, Tokyo 144-0052, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 144-0052
Webサイト : https://www.uqwimax.jp/mobile/shoplist/EP13UQ1/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–8PM
Sunday 11AM–8PM
Monday 11AM–8PM
Tuesday 11AM–8PM
Wednesday 11AM–8PM
Thursday 11AM–8PM
Friday 11AM–8PM

蒲田K-1ビル 1F 5 Chome-8-7 Kamata, Ota City, Tokyo 144-0052, Japan
近城ToshI on Google

コロナでショップが閉鎖してまったくセンターの電話つながらすUQ スポットに電話してみました。気になる質問イエス&ノウで答えくれた。フリーダイヤルが混雑してて助かりました。サンキューです。
I closed the shop in Corona and tried to call UQ Spot, which is totally center phone. Answered with a question of concern Jesus & Know. It was saved because the toll-free number was busy. Thank you.
man nick on Google

The clerk registers the phonetic spelling of the name when applying for a new application, but the input is incorrect and cannot be corrected at a later date. He told me that he would use the coupon and said he understood, but at a later date the price on the invoice was the price at which the coupon was not used.
泉克二 on Google

Purchasing at a real store was the first experience. Maybe all of them are not employees, but their personal qualities seem to be high. We closed for receipt of 5.5 hours by rejoining by new treatment of router.
中村伸一 on Google

I am grateful to the contractors and purchasers at other stores for their kind support.
どぅ・たまにゃん on Google

ずっとauショップに行ってましたが、UQへの乗り換えに相談に行きました。 とても親切丁寧でした。タメ口など無かったので、店員さんによるのかな?と思いました。
I went to the au shop for a long time, but I went to consult about switching to UQ. It was very kind and polite. I didn't have a tame mouth, so maybe it depends on the clerk. I thought.
ki kiki on Google

予約しないと出来ないなんてどこにも書いてないのに予約がないと受付できないと言われた。11時10分について12時に予約がはいってるからできないと。3人いて、1人しか対応してないのに。埋まってるなら分かるけどさ。 どうゆうこと?ものすごくイライラしました。
I was told that I couldn't accept without a reservation even though I didn't write anywhere that I couldn't do without a reservation. About 11:10 I can't because I have a reservation at 12:00. There are three people, and only one person is available. I know if it's buried. what do you mean? It was extremely frustrating.
ジョバァナァジョニィー on Google

とても雰囲気のよいキレイな店舗でした。 若い方が多く親切に対応してくださいました。 ただ予約しても非常に混雑しており、待ち時間はありました。
It was a beautiful store with a very nice atmosphere. Many young people kindly responded. However, even if I made a reservation, it was very crowded and there was a waiting time.
ひびっく on Google

最悪の接客でした。 機種に不具合があったので訪れたところ、何故か店員が高圧的な態度。修理は、お金にならないからあのような対応をしたのでしょうか。 とにかく、残念でなりません。 修理等をするのであれば、au style雑色 新規申込、機種変更であればauショップ蒲田、auショップ蒲田西口 に行くのがおすすめです。 不愉快な思いをされる確率は下がるでしょう。
It was the worst customer service. When I visited because there was a problem with the model, the clerk had a high-pressure attitude for some reason. Did you do that because repairs don't make money? Anyway, I'm sorry. For repairs, au style miscellaneous colors For new applications and model changes, au shop Kamata, au shop Kamata West Exit It is recommended to go to. The chances of getting unpleasant will decrease.

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