真砂 長久手店 - Nagakute

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 真砂 長久手店

住所 :

Uchikoshi, Nagakute, 〒480-1152 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 480-1152
街 : Aichi

Uchikoshi, Nagakute, 〒480-1152 Aichi,Japan
西村直城 on Google

仕事帰りに少し足を伸ばしてこちらへ。 チャーシューめんをいただきました。 うどんのかえしを思い出すようなスープと縮れの細麺がめちゃスープに絡みがたまらない1杯。 更に漬物がサービスで出てきたのでごはんも頼んでしまいました。? 更にゆで卵が硬めに黄身が懐かしく感じ思わずスープに浸しながらいただきました。 ゆで卵とスープの相性がめちゃ良さげでした。 進化系ラーメンもいいですが、このようなシンプルなラーメンは飽きないですね。✨
On the way home from work, stretch your legs a little and go here. I had char siu noodles. A cup of soup that reminds me of udon noodles and curly thin noodles that are entwined with the soup. In addition, pickles came out as a service, so I ordered some rice. ? Furthermore, the boiled egg was hard and the yolk felt nostalgic, so I had it soaked in the soup. The boiled egg and soup went really well together. Evolutionary ramen is good, but I'm not tired of such simple ramen. ✨
ふゆほたる(ふゆほたる) on Google

I think the store has very good customer service. The soup was a little thick, but it was delicious, and when I drank it, I started to sweat, but the owner adjusted the air conditioner, which was a pleasant response. The noodles also went well with the soup and I was able to finish it smoothly.
Yukko (ユッコ) on Google

とてもシンプルですが、濃いめのスープがクセになる逸品ですね。 チャーシューも、美味しいです。 お店の方の目配りと気配りがとてもすごくて 感激です。 駐車場は5台ほどありますが少し狭いので ご注意を。 欲を言えば麺はもう少しコシがある方が好み です。 でも美味しかったのでまた行きたいです。
It's very simple, but it's a gem that makes the thick soup addictive. The char siu is also delicious. The attention and attention of the shop staff is very great I'm thrilled. There are about 5 parking lots, but they are a little small. Please be careful. Speaking of greed, I prefer noodles to be a little more chewy is. But it was delicious so I want to go there again.
エイト on Google

初めて行きましたが、入店したらすぐ聞こえる「いらっしゃいませ」から最後の「ありがとうございました」まで全ての接遇が素晴らしかったです。ご夫婦さんかと思いますが、お客さんにだけでなく、お互いに対しても思いやりがある素敵なラーメン屋さんでした。 チャーシューも美味しく、麺の細さや硬さも好みでした。量もちょうど良かったです。 また行きたいと思います。ありがとうございました^ ^
I went there for the first time, but everything from "Welcome" to the last "Thank you" that you can hear immediately after entering the store was wonderful. I think it's a couple, but it was a wonderful ramen shop that was considerate not only to the customers but also to each other. The char siu was delicious, and I liked the thinness and hardness of the noodles. The amount was just right. I think I want to go again. Thank you ^ ^
佐藤康之 on Google

中華そば食べに訪問しました。 お昼時だったので少し待って席へ 私は焼豚麺大盛を妻は普通の中華そばと小ごはんを注文 注文後5分程で出てきました早いですね。 高山ラーメンだけあって甘めの醤油ラーメン 見た目濃いですが見た目程濃くありません。 ご飯と一緒の方が味としては良いかもしれません。 妻は少し濃いと言ってましたね。 焼豚は薄切りで6枚位入ってます。 味も悪くなく私は好きな味付けです。 メンマも柔らかく良いと思います。 感動する程の味では有りませんが値段も手頃でシンプルに美味しいと思います。 大盛でも男の人は物足りないかもしれまん。 ★は3.7ですね。
I visited to eat Chinese noodles. It was lunchtime, so wait a moment and go to your seat I ordered a large serving of roast pork noodles and my wife ordered ordinary Chinese noodles and small rice It came out about 5 minutes after ordering, isn't it? There is only Takayama ramen and it is a sweet soy sauce ramen It looks dark, but not as dark as it looks. It may be better to have it with rice. My wife said it was a little dark. The roast pork is sliced ​​and contains about 6 pieces. The taste is not bad and I like the seasoning. I think Menma is also soft and good. It's not a touching taste, but it's reasonably priced and simply delicious. Even if it's a big success, a man may not be satisfied. ★ is 3.7.
nagoya spa on Google

なかなか機会がなかった長久手の真砂に ようやくランチで行くことができました。 店内はカウンター席のみのシンプルな空間。 金山にある本店と同様に、心優しい接客で メニューもすべて同じでした。 ◆焼豚麺(830円)
◆ご飯小(110円) たっぷりのチャーシューが乗った焼豚麺は 出汁が効いた風味豊かな甘辛醤油スープに 歯応えと喉越しの良い細平麺がよく絡んで めっちゃ美味しいです!!! 焼豚も脂身と肉の旨味のバランスが良くて ご飯や麺に絡めても最高でした。 そして、お会計は「940万円になります」 そんなところまで本店と同じが癒しでした。 素直に美味しい中華そばに大満足です。 ごちそうさまでした。
In Masago, Nagakute, which I hadn't had a chance to do I was finally able to go for lunch. The inside of the store is a simple space with only counter seats. Like the main store in Kanayama, with a kind customer service The menu was all the same. ◆ Grilled pork noodles (830 yen) ◆ Small rice (110 yen) Grilled pork noodles with plenty of char siu For flavorful sweet and spicy soy sauce soup with soup stock The thin flat noodles that are crunchy and have a good throat are often entwined. It's really delicious! !! !! Grilled pork also has a good balance of fat and meat flavor It was great to entangle with rice and noodles. And the bill will be "9.4 million yen" Up to that point, the same thing as the main store was healing. I am very satisfied with the delicious Chinese noodles. Thank you for the meal.
Tetsuya N. on Google

チャーシュー麺大盛?とライス小? 約3年ぶりに来ました? 相変わらず息のあった仲良し夫婦健在でこちらも癒されます。 挨拶がとても素敵です。 地元の常連さんに愛されてますね。 メニューも相変わらずシンプル中華そばとチャーシュー麺からの選択。 今回はスープがかなり辛く感じました。っていうか、味の記憶に自信ないですが、スープ完飲できず? お会計も相変わらずの○○万円健在でした? 駐車場の空きが一番奥しかない時は、切り返せないのでバックで入るのをお勧めします❗️ ♿️?
Barbecued pork Mendai Sheng ? and rice small ? I came for the first time in about three years Here are also healed a still alive and well there was a good friend couple of breath. Greeting is very nice. It has been loved by the local regulars. Also as usual selection from simple Chinese noodles and roast pork noodles menu. This time, soup felt quite painful. I mean, but is not confident in the memory of the taste, it can not be soup complete drinking ? Also checkout was as usual of ○○ yen alive and well ? When free parking is not only the innermost, it is recommended to enter in the back does not Kirikaese ❗️ ♿♿?
Albert Groeneveld on Google

Love the taste of Chuka soba

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