
2.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact つじ耳鼻咽喉科クリニック

住所 :

Tsuchihashi, Miyamae Ward, Kawasaki, 〒216-0005 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8887
Webサイト : https://peraichi.com/landing_pages/view/2tse4
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Tsuchihashi, Miyamae Ward, Kawasaki, 〒216-0005 Kanagawa,Japan
Roco Moco on Google

家から1番近いのであれこれ何年通ってるけど行くたびに違うとこ探そうと思う(笑) しかしなんでこの辺ってこんなに耳鼻科もないしどこ行ってもイマイチなんだろう… 受付のおばさん達は私的には普通。基本受付に嫌な思いする人は…大人しい顔立ちか優しい口調のいい人達な気がする…私はキツイ顔と口調なので向こうが気使ってる感じ…涙
Although it is the closest from home I have been through for years, but every time I go I will try to find something different (laughs) However, why there is no such as otolaryngology here and there will be no problem here ... The ladies at the reception are privately normal. The person who dislikes the basics receptionist ... I feel like people with nice face or gentle tone ... I feel that the other side is paying attention because I have a tight face and tone ... Tears

家族が通院しています。辻医師は、慈恵医大外来の耳管疾患の専門医であり、仕事熱心な医師です。 クリニック施設は、待合室が広く新しく幼児コーナーもあり、待ちやすいです。同ビル内の薬局は、親切で使いやすいです。 総合して、好ましいクリニックですが、ただひとつ難を指摘するなら、受付の方の一部が命令的でこわいことです。もう少し優しくゆっくりと言っていただければと願っています。 土曜日は、1時間以上待つほど混雑するので、ネット予約してから行くのをお勧めします。
My family visits the hospital. Acupuncture and moxibustion doctor is a specialist in ear canal diseases at Jikei University School of Medicine and is an avid doctor at work. The clinic facilities have a large waiting room, and there is a new toddler corner, so it's easy to wait. The pharmacy in the building is kind and easy to use. Overall, it is a desirable clinic, but if you point out only one problem, some of the receptionists are commanding and scary. I hope I can say something more gently and slowly. On Saturdays, it's crowded to wait for more than an hour, so it's a good idea to go online after making a reservation.
K M on Google

いつもめまいでお世話になっています。 受付の方々は忙しくなければ他の病院よりも優しく接してくださいます。 先生はあまり感情を表に出さない方だと思いますが、仕事やメンタルに負担の無いようにとアドバイスを下さり親身な対応をしてくださいます。 私はこの病院にお世話になって良かったです。
Thank you for being always dizzy. The reception staff will treat you more gently than other hospitals if you are not busy. I think the teacher doesn't express his feelings very much, but he advises me not to overload my work and mentality, and treats me kindly. I'm glad I was taken care of by this hospital.
s i on Google

6/10 16時頃 電話受付から最悪でした。初診で、質問があり電話したのに、電話では予約受け付けていません。今なら空いてるから直接きてと馴れ馴れしく見下してるような言い方でイライラしました。また、診察内容について聞いても味覚については見てくれないという(コロナに関係なく)。せっかく木曜にやっているのでお願いしようと思いましたが非常に嫌な気分になりました。
6/10 around 16:00 It was the worst from the telephone reception. At the first visit, I had a question and called, but I am not accepting reservations over the phone. It's vacant now, so I was frustrated by the way I was familiar with it and looked down on it. Also, even if you ask about the contents of the examination, they will not see the taste (regardless of corona). I'm doing it on Thursday, so I thought I'd ask, but I felt very unpleasant.
XY FEED on Google

It has been a family otolaryngology for many years. The teacher listens carefully and listens. They will listen even if the story becomes long. We ask them to think carefully about the choice of medicine and talk to them to decide. Now that I know which medicines don't suit me, I don't have to go to another otolaryngologist for any reason.
T F on Google

かかりつけ医です。 鼻が詰まりやすく副鼻腔炎になることが多いので、風邪をひくとこちらにかかります。 予約システムがありますが、朝1番に行ける時は予約せずに向かいます。そうでない時は予約システムを利用しています。 院長は割と話を聞いてくれて、過去の風邪との症状を比べて薬を選んでくれます。
I'm a family doctor. My nose is easily clogged and I often get sinusitis, so if I catch a cold, I will get it. There is a reservation system, but when I can go to No. 1 in the morning, I will go without making a reservation. If not, I use the reservation system. The director will listen to you and choose a medicine based on your past cold symptoms.
non non on Google

花粉シーズンいつもお世話になってます。 お薬色々ありますが効果があっても副作用が強かったりイマイチだったり。これにはコレ、と型にはめた処方ではなく色々試させていただき、 やっと自分にぴったりなお薬が見つかってうれしい! 駅から近くて通いやすいのもいい。
Pollen season I am always indebted. There are various medicines, but even if they are effective, the side effects are strong or not good. For this, I tried various things instead of using a prescription that was shaped like this. I'm glad I finally found the right medicine for me! It's good that it's close to the station and easy to get to.
めいめろ on Google

It was my first time and I felt very sick when I was asked to ask the receptionist. Correspondence is unfriendly. I want to say that I don't understand this side even though it is difficult to understand without the subject of the interview. I got the impression that other remarks were also very sloppy. This is a review post before the medical examination, but I came here because I was only able to see this on Thursday, but I don't want to be taken care of anymore. I think the receptionist is the face of the hospital, so I would like you to change your response to patients a little more.

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