
3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 食事処あむ

住所 :

Taremizucho, Ishinomaki, 〒986-2104 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–3PM
Sunday 11AM–3PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 11AM–3PM
Wednesday 11AM–3PM
Thursday 11AM–3PM
Friday 11AM–3PM
街 : Miyagi

Taremizucho, Ishinomaki, 〒986-2104 Miyagi,Japan

It is an easy-to-use shop with both noodles and set meals.
市ichi on Google

Tang fried set meal is delicious. It is not in the menu, but also delivers a single fried chicken. Smoking is allowed throughout the day.
黄泉三木也 on Google

豚カツ定食ははずれ。通って他のメニューに期待します。 定員さんの愛想はひどいものでした。愛想に目をつむっても対応にもなんがあります。人数を伝えても案内なし。抑揚なし。面倒くさい仕事をさせられているという雰囲気をもろに出していました。 せめて目を合わせてください。伝わっているか不安です。 注文されるのすら嫌そうなのでやりずらいです。 いくら味が美味しくてもこういう店では気持ちよく食べられません。 次は当たりの定員さんになりますように
The pork cutlet set meal is off. I look forward to other menus through. The amiability of the capacity was terrible. Even if you close your eyes to amiability, there is something to do with it. There is no guidance even if you tell the number of people. No intonation. It created an atmosphere of being forced to do troublesome work. Please make eye contact at least. I'm worried if it's transmitted. It's hard to do because I don't even want to be ordered. No matter how delicious the taste is, you can't eat it comfortably at such a store. I hope the next capacity will be the number of people
佐々木一徳 on Google

安くて美味しい。 接客対応もちゃんとしてて、良いお店です!
It's cheap and delicious. It's a good shop with good customer service!
nori k on Google

唐揚げ定食いただきました。 大変美味しかったです。 一言だけ言わせてもらえるなら、女性には充分な量だと思いますが、働き盛り世代には、から揚げもう一個増やしてもらうか、ご飯の盛りをちょっとだけ増やしてもらえると満足感が上がると思います。
I had a fried chicken set meal. It was delicious. If you can say just one word, I think that it is enough for women, but if you ask the working generation to add another fried chicken or a little more rice, you will be more satisfied. I think.
アンドリ on Google

店員の愛想が無く間違えかとがっかりしましたが 値段は安めで唐揚げ定食も 美味しかったけど、もう行く事は無いかな?残念な店でした⤵️
I was disappointed that I made a mistake because the clerk wasn't friendly. The price is cheap and the fried chicken set meal is also available It was delicious, but I wonder if I will go there anymore ? It was a disappointing shop ⤵️
勇者さま on Google

日替わりランチ 塩ラーメンとカルビ丼のセット 710円 塩ラーメン、麺は細麺でゴマ油の風味が良い感じ、でも塩味が少し自分には濃かったかな。 カルビ丼は、肉が柔らかくて、味付けも甘辛い御飯が進む味付けですね。 塩ラーメンがアッサリなので、いい感じです。 安いし美味しいのですが?禁煙ではないので、お店の中がタバコ臭くてチョット辛かった。この辺は喫煙率高いのかな、制服姿の学生も居たけど気にしてない感じでした。 ラーメンのレンゲが、水垢見たいので薄っすら汚れてるのも気がかり、食器にブリーチ使ってほしい。 食事は、安くて美味しいのですがね。
Daily lunch Set of salt ramen and ribs ¥ 710 The salt ramen and noodles are fine noodles with a good taste of sesame oil, but I wonder if the saltiness was a little deep for me. Calvi bowl is a seasoning that has a tender meat and sweet and spicy rice. Because salt ramen is assari, it feels good. It was cheap and delicious, but it was not smoking, so the inside of the shop smelled of tobacco and it was hot. I wonder if this area has a high smoking rate. There were some students in uniforms, but I didn't care. I want to see the scales of the ramen noodles, so I'm worried that they are slightly dirt, so I'd like you to use bleach on your dishes. The food is cheap and delicious.
らいおん on Google

もやしあんかけラーメン、餃子食べました。 写真も撮ろうかと迷いましたが撮るほどおいしそうでわなかったので辞めました。もやしあんかけラーメン家庭の味レベル、、、お金を払ってまで食べに行く所でわない。
I ate bean sprout ankake ramen and dumplings. I was wondering if I should take a picture, but it didn't look as good as I took, so I quit. Bean sprout ankake ramen The taste level of the family ... I can't even pay for it.

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