
3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 十五浜屋

住所 :

Minatomachi, Ishinomaki, 〒986-0025 Miyagi,Japan

Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–2PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 11:30AM–2PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–2PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–2PM
Thursday 11:30AM–2PM
Friday 11:30AM–2PM
街 : Miyagi

Minatomachi, Ishinomaki, 〒986-0025 Miyagi,Japan
新田次郎 on Google

I always eat a delicious set of ramen and half-curry. Is delicious.
Nob Ito on Google

あっさりスープに細麺縮れ麺が特徴。 くどくなくサッパリした味好みの方お勧め。 私は写真のチャーシューメンを注文。 家族には好評でしたが、個人的には物足りないお味でした。
The light soup is characterized by thin noodles and curly noodles. Recommended for those who like a refreshing taste. I ordered the char siu men in the photo. It was well received by my family, but it tasted unsatisfactory personally.
渥美環 on Google

美味しかったですよ! いつもは麺類ですが、チャーハンもなかなかgoodでした。
It was delicious! It's usually noodles, but the fried rice was also very good.
Masayuki Etoh on Google

The texture of the small noodles melts in your mouth. Ramen is super assari, but fried rice is very fragrant.
masaru mori on Google

あっさり味で超細めのちぢれ麺。 石巻にはこういう味のラーメン屋が多い気がします。 チャーシューは脂身が少ないしっかり系。 最近あまり見かけないナルト入り。 メンマは普通。 チャーシュー麺で¥750はお財布に優しいですね。 駐車場は砂利で枠の無い、適当に好きな所に停める感じですが、そこそこ広さはあります。 店内は天井が高くて開放感のある感じ。 テーブル席と座敷席がありますが、座敷も掘ってあるタイプなので足は楽です。 でも冬場の座敷席は足が冷たい(^^; どちらかというと家族でやってる感じのアットホームなラーメン屋です。 あっさり好きならきっとここのラーメンが好きだと思います。 2018.06再訪 取引業者さんでこのお店のファンがいるので一緒に来ました。 またまたチャーシュー麺オーダー、しかも連れにつられて大盛り(^^;) ん、?チャーシューはこんなだったかな? 硬い歯ごたえで味も特に美味しいわけじゃなくて… うーん、舌が肥えちゃったのかなぁ。
Super thin noodles with a light taste. I think there are many ramen restaurants with this kind of taste in Ishinomaki. Char siu is a solid system with little fat. With Naruto that I don't see much recently. Menma is normal. Char siu noodles are ¥750, which is kind to your wallet. The parking lot is gravel and has no frame, so it feels like you can park it anywhere you like, but it is reasonably large. The interior of the store has a high ceiling and a feeling of openness. There are table seats and tatami mat seats, but since the tatami mats are also dug type, your feet are comfortable. However, the legs are cold in the tatami room in winter (^^; If anything, it is a home-style ramen shop that feels like a family. If you like it lightly, I'm sure you like ramen here. 2018.06 Revisited I'm a trader and I have a fan of this shop so I came with him. Once again the order of char siu noodles, and a great deal with the companion (^^;) Hmm,? Was this the pork? It's hard to chew and doesn't taste particularly good... Well, I wonder if my tongue has become fat.
Katsu Koba on Google

中華そば?とても美味しい ただ、ラーメンを作りながらマスクをせず大声でで笑い話しながらってのが、すごく残念でした。 客席から丸見えですし、考えなくてもこのご時世分かりませんか?
Chinese soba ? Very delicious However, it was a shame that I was making ramen and laughing out loud without wearing a mask. You can see it from the audience seats, and don't you know this time without thinking?
佐藤政浩 on Google

味噌ラーメンの麺を持つと硬くしてほしい 麺を茹でたときに器に入れるとき水分を飛ばしていないのがすぐに解った それに麺を茹でる時間が長い味噌ラーメンの麺は10分以上茹でた麺だからチャーシューは乾燥していた 味噌ラーメンを頼んで味噌の味がしない味噌ラーメンが来た 店内はストーブ1台で暖房をとっていたが外で働く人なら寒くて居られない
I want you to make it hard when you have miso ramen noodles When I boiled the noodles, I immediately realized that they didn't remove the water when I put them in the bowl. Besides, the miso ramen noodles, which take a long time to boil, are boiled for 10 minutes or more, so the char siu was dry. I ordered miso ramen and the miso ramen that doesn't taste like miso came The inside of the store was heated by one stove, but if you work outside, it's cold and you can't stay.
リンリン on Google

If you are from the Ishinomaki region, it has a nostalgic taste. It was a refreshing and delicious mackerel soup ramen that was different from the popular mackerel soup ramen. I also had half-fried rice, but I was satisfied with the taste and volume. It was a shop I wanted to visit again when I went nearby.

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