お食事処 楓楸栞〜ふうしゅうかん〜

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact お食事処 楓楸栞〜ふうしゅうかん〜

住所 :

Okaidohigashi, Ishinomaki, 〒986-0855 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : https://www.facebook.com/fushukan/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–1:45PM
Sunday 11AM–1:45PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 11AM–1:45PM
Wednesday 11AM–1:45PM
Thursday 11AM–1:45PM
Friday 11AM–1:45PM
街 : Miyagi

Okaidohigashi, Ishinomaki, 〒986-0855 Miyagi,Japan
かたひす on Google

出張がてらに食べに行きました。 トンカツ定食を食べましたが、他の店では出ないと思う脂身がありました。あと、ゴマが欲しかったかな。 からしを付けて食べるから良いけど、からしがいらない人のために、からしの場所は考えた方が良いかな。
I went to eat on a business trip. I ate a pork cutlet set meal, but there was some fat that I didn't think would be available at other restaurants. Also, I wonder if I wanted sesame seeds. It's okay to eat with mustard, but for those who don't need mustard, it's better to think of a place for mustard.
sei1rou suzuki on Google

2020年5月 持ち帰りのみの営業で、唐揚げ弁当を購入した。 お店で食べると¥900だがお弁当は¥100引きの800円。駐車場で出来上がりを待って5分程で受け取ったのだが、お弁当はとても軽い。嫌な予感は当たった。800円払ってこれだけ?と後悔するボリュームとお味。甘い唐揚げはご飯にもお酒にも合わなかったのが私の感想。2度の訪問は無いな。。
May 2020 I bought fried chicken bento as a take-out only business. If you eat at the shop, it is 900 yen, but the bento is 100 yen off 800 yen. I waited about 5 minutes at the parking lot and received it in about 5 minutes, but the bento is very light. I had a bad feeling. Is this the only payment for 800 yen? And the volume and taste that you regret. My impression was that the sweet fried chicken didn't go well with rice or sake. I haven't visited twice. .
D S on Google

めちゃめちゃ美味しかった!!! 雰囲気よし!飯よし!値段よし! またビジネスで近くに来たら行きます
It was really delicious! !! !! Good atmosphere! Good rice! Good price! I will go again if I come near for business
T- BA on Google

唐揚げ 口に合わなかったです。 特に一押しの甘だれ 砂糖的な甘さに衝撃的に違和感でした。 接客態度は申し分無いので、他の料理を試してみるのもありかもしれません。
Fried chicken I didn't like it. Especially one of the best sweets I was shocked by the sugary sweetness. The customer service is perfect, so you may try other dishes.
後藤浩之 on Google

移転以来ずっと来たかった当店。ようやく念願の初訪問でした。 しじみラーメン大盛り+唐揚げ4つ+小ライス ¥1,450 思っていたよりも薄味で自分好みの唐揚げで美味しかったですね。 ゆっくり楽しみたかったんですが、隣席の常連らしき男性が、マスクをアゴにズラしたまま咳をして食後に和んでいたので、半分位食べたかなってところでさすがに店を出ました。 そんな人と言い合いするだけのリスクは背負えません。 美味しかっただけに残念・・・という私情から星は2つとしました。 会計時に、それなりに事情を説明したんですが、お姉さんに伝わってたか気になります。 決して不味くて残した訳じゃないですからね〜お姉さん〜
Our shop that I've always wanted to visit since I moved. It was finally my long-cherished first visit. Large serving of freshwater clam + 4 fried chicken + small rice ¥ 1,450 It was lighter than I expected and it was delicious with my favorite fried chicken. I wanted to enjoy it slowly, but a man who seemed to be a regular in the next seat coughed with his mask on his chin and was relieved after eating, so I left the store when I wanted to eat about half. I can't take the risk of just arguing with such a person. I chose two stars because of my personal feeling that it was delicious. At the time of accounting, I explained the situation as it was, but I'm wondering if it was conveyed to my sister. I didn't leave it because it was so bad ~ Older sister ~
にゃまうち on Google

クルマの車検をお願いしている間に昼食で伺いました✨ 「冷やしラーメンの味噌 840円」をいただきま…スタッ?ついでに夕飯のおかずに持帰りで唐揚げ(甘から揚げと塩から揚げを半々で)1000円を購入? また行きますぅ? 20210805 感想追加 写真追加
I visited for lunch while asking for a car inspection ✨ I got "Chilled ramen miso 840 yen" ... Sta ? In addition, I bought 1000 yen for fried chicken (half fried from sweet and half fried from salt) with a side dish of dinner ? I will go again ? 20210805 Impression addition Add photo
及川吉章 on Google

The fried food is crispy and good. Shijimi ramen was also delicious, but I'm afraid I couldn't feel the presence of freshwater clams.
Ruiramu on Google

ボリュームあります。 ラーメンはしっかり味なので、濃いと感じる方もいるかもしれません。 唐揚げは1個が大きく、食べごたえあります。
There is a volume. Ramen has a strong taste, so some people may find it strong. One piece of fried chicken is big and it is delicious.

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