Best Syokudo and Teishoku restaurant in japan
6-6 Yamadahiraocho, Nishikyo Ward, Kyoto, 615-8256, Japan
電話: +81753941159
郵便番号: 615-8256
事業内容: Syokudo and Teishoku restaurant
近所: Kyoto
事業内容: Syokudo and Teishoku restaurant
街: Kyoto
事業内容: Syokudo and Teishoku restaurant
街: Kyoto
事業内容: Syokudo and Teishoku restaurant , Box lunch supplier
街: Kyoto
事業内容: Syokudo and Teishoku restaurant , Japanese curry restaurant
街: Kyoto
事業内容: Syokudo and Teishoku restaurant
街: Kyoto
Kisshoin Inokuchicho, Minami Ward, 〒601-8314 Kyoto,Japan
事業内容: Syokudo and Teishoku restaurant
街: Kyoto
事業内容: Syokudo and Teishoku restaurant
街: Kyoto
事業内容: Syokudo and Teishoku restaurant
街: Kyoto
事業内容: Syokudo and Teishoku restaurant
街: Kyoto