Takomatsu - Kyoto

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Takomatsu

住所 :

花屋町通櫛笥西入ル 167-5 Yakuencho, Shimogyo Ward, Kyoto, 600-8823, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 600-8823
Webサイト : http://www.mascara-fabrica.com/index-takomatu.html

花屋町通櫛笥西入ル 167-5 Yakuencho, Shimogyo Ward, Kyoto, 600-8823, Japan
redhot0224toyota on Google

とてもおいしいお酒と人情味溢れる接客で楽しい夜を過ごせます♪ こだわりのおでんは11月中旬〜3月頃までだそうです。
You can have a pleasant evening with a very delicious drink and a friendly customer service ♪ It is said that the Oden of sticking is from mid-November to around March.
Jaryd McCavana on Google

The owner is very kind. Nice atmosphere. Thank you very much.
Bunta Shimokubo on Google

It was very peaceful and I had a wonderful time slowly. I love mommy. happy Birthday.
Kazuyoshi Yamanaka on Google

年季を感じる庶民的な老舗のおでん屋さん。 創業91年になるそうです。 カウンターだけの小さなお店で、年期の入った建物ですが、それがまたいい雰囲気を出してます。 おでんはじっくり煮込んでて、いい味でてます。 聖護院大根にこだわって季節限定なところも渋い! なので、春の終わり頃から秋にかけては、おでんはされてないので、ご注意を。 こういうお店はずっと残って欲しい。
A well-established oden shop that feels the season. It seems that it will be 91 years since its establishment. It is a small shop with only a counter. Oden is cooked carefully and tastes good. We are particular about Seigoin Daikon and seasonal places are also cool! So be careful, as oden is not served from late spring to autumn. I want these shops to remain.
Mitsugu Nakajima on Google

The mother is kind and the conversation is lively with the customers of the shop. It will be very crowded depending on the time of day. The oden of Shogoin radish is big and easy to eat, and it has a notch. The various ingredients were also really delicious. At first glance, it may be difficult to enter.
st57bn游俠 on Google

聖護院大根の季節が終わり、おでんはいただけませんでしたが、女将や常連客との会話、チロリの熱燗、美味しくいただきました。 11月に又うかがいます。
The season of Shogoin radish was over and I couldn't get oden, but I enjoyed the conversation with the landlady and regular customers, the hot sake of Tirori, and the deliciousness. I'll be back in November.
Yummy Dummy on Google

時代を感じる佇まいのお店。 おでんは12月〜3月頃までたこも聖護院大根おいしいよ
A shop with an appearance that feels the times. Oden is delicious from December to March. Octopus is also delicious.
nuku nuku on Google

Awesome !! I sincerely recommend this, You guys ? Absolutely perfect ! I like The “Ittoryu”?一刀流 ??? !‼︎

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