Takefuku - Yamagata

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Takefuku

住所 :

2 Chome-3-1 Uwamachi, Yamagata, 990-2483, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 990-2483
Webサイト : https://take-fuku.jimdo.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Sunday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Monday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Friday 11:30AM–2:30PM

2 Chome-3-1 Uwamachi, Yamagata, 990-2483, Japan

久々にいきましたが 一体店主様どうしちゃったの?角がたたない蕎麦も もり汁にもまったく精彩なし。 変わり蕎麦菊きりは一番粉更科だけど 寒晒し風な弾力とこしがなく 盛りそば共にキレがなかったぬ。 もっさり もったりした お蕎麦で残念極まりない 上手に上品にうってたお蕎麦であった筈なのにね。香り コシ 喉越しわるく別人がうったお蕎麦でした。 山形イチとファンでしたので更なる忠実に実直なお蕎麦を期待申し上げます。粉か?水回しか 湿度かなんだろう? 自称 蕎麦通が蕎麦痛になっちゃった。
I went there after a long time, but what happened to the owner? There is no vividness in the soba noodles and soup that have no horns. Weird soba chrysanthemum is the most powdered sardine There is no elasticity and stiffness like cold exposure Both morisoba were not sharp. It ’s a shame that the soba noodles are light and fluffy. It must have been soba that was well and elegantly eaten. It was a soba noodle that was scented by another person. I was a fan of Ichi Yamagata, so I look forward to more faithful and honest soba noodles. Is it powder? Is it only water and humidity? Self-proclaimed soba connoisseur has become soba pain.
Junko ITOH on Google

Kakiage lunch is the best cospa ☀ The number of seats is reduced due to infection countermeasures, and they are lined up one after another.
kuma on Google

山形で生粋の江戸前蕎麦を頂くなら間違いないお店、本鰹で取った辛口の汁に麺先つけて頂けば鼻にぬける蕎麦の香り、 お昼の接待にも使いますが県外のお客様からも山形にもこんな蕎麦屋があるのかと喜ばれます、更科粉で打つ季節の変わり蕎麦もお薦めで夏のしそ切りと冬のゆず切りの季節は体が勝手に竹ふくさんに向かいます、
There is no doubt that you will get a genuine Edo-style soba in Yamagata, if you add noodles to the dry soup taken with this bonito, you can smell the soba It is also used for entertaining at lunch, but customers outside the prefecture are also pleased if there is such a buckwheat shop in Yamagata.The soba noodles that are seasoned with Sarashina flour are also recommended. Goes to Takefuku-san,
とらミルク on Google

平日の1時前頃 初訪問。 山形の有名なお蕎麦屋さんと比較するとひっそりと住宅街にある地元の方が常連として親しんでいる雰囲気。 駐車場は7-8台駐車可能。 時間のせいか先客はお一人でしたが、1時を過ぎたら、4組ほど来店されました。 ランチのかき揚げそば大盛り(¥1190)をいただきました。 つけだれは、やや辛めのさっぱりした味 かき揚げはサクサクでとてもおいしです。 近くに行ったときはまた行こうと思います。
First visit around 1 o'clock on weekdays. Compared to Yamagata's famous soba noodle shop, the atmosphere in the residential area is a familiar atmosphere as a regular. The parking lot can park 7-8 cars. Because of the time, the only customer was one person, but after 1 o'clock, about 4 pairs came to the store. We had a large serving of deep-fried kakiage soba (¥ 1190). The sauce is slightly spicy and refreshing Kakiage is crispy and very delicious. I will go again when I go nearby.
菊地那瑠 on Google

お昼を食べに行ってきました~( *・ω・)ノ 店内にはテーブル8人席と4人席が1つ、座敷4人席が3つありました もりそば、ゆず切り、野菜天、にしんを注文 もりそばは細麺にも関わらずコシがしっかりありました ゆず切りはゆずの香りも味もしていて最高(*^^*) 野菜天はからっとした軽い仕上げでそれぞれ野菜の食感が残っており、にしんはとても柔らかくて味が染みてて美味しかったです! 満足満足(^o^) 駐車場は結構多くありますが、店内はこじんまりとしていますので昼時は混みやすいかもです…!
I went to eat lunch ~ (* ・ ω ・) ノ Inside the store there were 8 tables and 1 table for 4 people, 3 rooms for 4 people Order Mori soba, citron, vegetable heaven and herring Mori soba had firmness despite the thin noodles The citron is the best (* ^^ *) with the flavor and taste of citron Vegetable heaven had a light texture and the texture of each vegetable remained, and the herring was very soft and tasted so delicious! Satisfaction Satisfaction (^ o ^) There are quite a lot of parking lots, but the inside of the store is small so it may be crowded at noon ...!
madam gina on Google

通年いただける訳では無いメニュー 2020年から3年、毎年いただいてます 今年が一番美味しい♪
Menu that is not available all year round I have it every year for 3 years from 2020 This year is the most delicious ♪
整体桜楽(さくら) on Google

A long-established soba shop in Yamagata City. It is rich in soba noodles, and tempura and soba are popular. The special soup goes well with soba.
遠藤聡 on Google

平日限定かき揚げもりをいただきました。 細打ちの蕎麦は香り高く、コシも歯応えも申し分ありません。 喉越しも良い本当に美味しい蕎麦です。 揚げたてのかき揚げ天は帆立の小柱や小エビ・しめじ等、外はサクサク、中はジューシー。 漬物の他、なめこおろしや刻み海苔の小鉢が付いてくるのも嬉しいですね!
We had Kakiage Mori only on weekdays. The finely beaten soba is fragrant and has a perfect texture and texture. It's a really delicious soba that feels good in your throat. Freshly fried kakiage heaven is crispy on the outside and juicy on the inside, such as scallop trabeculae, small shrimp and shimeji mushrooms. In addition to pickles, it's nice to have a small bowl of grated nameko mushrooms and chopped seaweed!

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