Mineta - Yamagata

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Mineta

住所 :

2 Chome-1-40 Shironishimachi, Yamagata, 990-0832, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 990-0832
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–2PM
Sunday 11:30AM–2PM
Monday 11:30AM–2PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–2PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–2PM
Thursday 11:30AM–2PM
Friday 11:30AM–2PM

2 Chome-1-40 Shironishimachi, Yamagata, 990-0832, Japan
渡邉勝 on Google

Nabeyaki udon is nice on a cold day. Fried chicken shiitake mushrooms had a white jellyfish and a salmon leg in a burdock to improve the scent. Hot until the end of frying. The clerk is also hot comment. I know it ’s hot. It was amazing to have a little burnt udon. A hot pot of udon baked udon that burns udon. I was surprised at the amazing speed and deliciousness until the arrival of the dress for about 10 minutes. I don't know what the values ​​are, but it costs 1080 yen
鷹夕貴 on Google

First visit. I had cold meat Chinese food in the set. Cospa.
kuma on Google

店主は無類の山菜取り、 ラーメンもお薦めですがここはやはり 山菜のつけ汁そばで、 中細の蕎麦はほのかに蕎麦の香りが残り お薦めの蕎麦屋のひとつです、
Shopkeeper takes unrivaled wild vegetables, Ramen is also recommended, but here as well Wrapped around the pickled vegetable juice, Slightly buckwheat leaves scent of buckwheat faintly It is one of the recommended buckwheat shops,
ヤマわーちゃん on Google

The pork noodles were hot until the second half, and the mini mushrooms were delicious with delicious boiled food. The clerk was friendly and kind.
黒沢博樹 on Google

弥七きものチャンネル on Google

A friend's dad was discovered at Soba Mineta in Josai, Yamagata City! The right side in the photo is the general of Yamacho, who is by the side of the now dead park. A celebrity who was instrumental in the Yamagata Soba Association. In this way, I was very surprised to see Yamanaga's father live. Delivered to Junji ~~
星川修一 on Google

I'll bother you for the first time. However, it doesn't open even if it's time ?✋ When I went to another store, it finally opened. The bright sister gave me water. I'd like Chinese noodles, please. came! ️ Simple but nostalgic scent! It was Chinese buckwheat noodles in a soba bowl. It's a little light ⁉️ However, it was delicious. What a bowl is a mortar ?✋ It was a treat with this type ?.
神弦慧靂 on Google

2020年10月末から始まっている山形蕎麦スタンプラリーというのがやっていて、たくさんの中から選んだ店。 休みは不定休との事だったので、どうしようかと思いつつオープンの30分前に着いてしまった。 開店時間10分くらい前に、忙しいとは思いつつ電話で問い合わせてみたら忙しい中でもキチンと対応していただいた。 電話での対応が悪ければ他の店に変えようと思っていたが、その心配はなかったようだ。 時間ぴったりに店が開き、コロナ対策宣言店のことだけはある。 入り口左には【飲食するとき以外はマスクをするように】とのお願い文もあるし、店に入ってすぐの左には【消毒液が設置】されている。 店内のテーブル席や座敷もテーブルに一定の距離を開けている。 さて、席を決めるとすぐにお茶が出てきた。蕎麦茶である。やはり蕎麦屋は蕎麦茶が一番いいものだ。 初めから【山菜ざる】を選ぶ気満々で行ったのだが、一応メニューを観てみる。 【おまかせミニ丼をセットに出きる】らしく、興味をひかれてどちらも注文する。 入店から退店までに3組の客がきたのだが、後からきた女1人と男2人組に関しては、最悪である。【アルコール消毒はしない】【マスクをはずして喋る】だった。 店側がいくら頑張ってもこういう非常識な客が居るなら、改善の余地はあるかもしれない。もっと目立つようにするのが良いと思う。 【山菜ざる】がまず運ばれてきた。 蕎麦の香りはそこまでないが、ほんのりコシがありつゆは和風…やはりここの店は良くわかっていると思う。 キノコが入っている山菜つゆ(鍋?)はキノコの味や香りを引き立たせるために和風であることが大事だと思う。蕎麦も山菜つゆも美味である。 山菜やキノコはこの時期のものではないが、ほんのりそれぞれの旨味がありこの時期でも食べられるのが良い。 途中で【おまかせミニ丼セット】も運ばれてきたが、驚いた。 こんなに付いてていいのか?と思ってしまう。 今回は豚丼だろうか?甘辛なたれがご飯にも染みていて美味。 会計時に「キノコや山菜のつゆも美味しかった」と伝えると「キノコは自然のものがやはり美味しいので、また時期になったらお越しくださいね」と笑顔で話してくださった。 こういう最初から最後までいいと思う店は数が少ないし中々ない。 また、来たいと思える店であるし今度こそ【キノコと山菜の時期】に合わせてまた来て今度はもっと強い香りを堪能してみたい。
The Yamagata Soba Stamp Rally, which started at the end of October 2020, is a shop that I chose from a lot. It was said that the holidays were irregular, so I arrived 30 minutes before the opening, wondering what to do. About 10 minutes before the opening time, I made an inquiry by phone while thinking that I was busy, and he responded to me even though I was busy. I was thinking of changing to another store if the telephone response was poor, but it seems that I wasn't worried about it. The store opens at the right time, and there is only a store that declares measures against corona. On the left side of the entrance, there is a request to "wear a mask except when eating and drinking", and on the left side immediately after entering the store, "a disinfectant solution is installed". The table seats and tatami mats in the store also have a certain distance from the table. Well, as soon as I decided on a seat, tea came out. It is buckwheat tea. After all, buckwheat tea is the best at soba shops. From the beginning, I was eager to choose [Yamana Zaru], but I'll take a look at the menu. [Random mini-don is available as a set] It seems that I am interested and order both. There were three sets of customers from entering the store to leaving the store, but the worst is the one woman and two men who came later. [Do not disinfect with alcohol] [Remove the mask and speak]. No matter how hard the store tries, if there are such insane customers, there may be room for improvement. I think it's better to make it stand out more. [Sansai Zaru] was first brought in. The scent of soba isn't that great, but it's slightly chewy and the soup is Japanese-style ... I think you know the store here. I think it is important that the edible wild plants soup (nabe?) That contains mushrooms is Japanese in order to enhance the taste and aroma of the mushrooms. Both soba and edible wild plants are delicious. Wild plants and mushrooms are not from this season, but they have a slight flavor and are good to eat even at this time. A [Random mini bowl set] was also brought along the way, but I was surprised. Is it okay to keep up with this? I would think. Is it a pork bowl this time? The sweet and spicy sauce is soaked in the rice and it is delicious. At the time of checkout, he said, "Mushrooms and edible wild plants were delicious," he said with a smile, "Mushrooms are naturally delicious, so please come again when the time comes." There are few and few stores that I like from the beginning to the end. In addition, it is a shop that I would like to visit, and this time I would like to come back again at the time of [mushroom and edible wild plants] and enjoy a stronger scent this time.

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