Sushi Jizakanaryori Suigetsu - Yonago

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Sushi Jizakanaryori Suigetsu

住所 :

218 Higashicho, Yonago, Tottori 683-0067, Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Postal code : 683-0067
Webサイト :

218 Higashicho, Yonago, Tottori 683-0067, Japan
吉川 on Google

The sake cospa is also good.
Sunny Shiny on Google

The life story of the general was interesting. 20
あずき(ヒロ) on Google

煮魚がとても美味しいです。 穴子の炙ったのもワサビをのせて。思わずお酒が進みます。
Boiled fish is very delicious. Put a horseradish on top of the one that Anago eats. The liquor goes on involuntarily.
リンゴリンゴ on Google

We bothered at lunch. We can enjoy cooking by advantageous set and side menu such as sushi and chawanmushi is delicious. It's not a bustling sushi like a sushi roll, so it's a little luxury shop.
いかやん on Google

騒がしくなく、ゆっくり過ごせます。 一人でも、カップルでも。 小上がりもあるのでグループでも。 予約がオススメです。
There is no noise and you can spend it slowly. Either alone or as a couple. There is also a rise, so even in groups. Reservation is recommended.
chipi Chipi (がっちゃんの家) on Google

You can get local fish sushi at a relatively low price. The wasabi-yaki of Oyama chicken was also very delicious. The gentle personality of the general was also good.
a yuasa on Google

地魚がとてもおいしかったです。 煮付けの味付けも甘すぎず、優しい味がしました。 従業員の方々もそれぞれ個性があり、山陰が初めてだと言うと、観光アドバイスをたくさんしてくださりました。
The local fish was very delicious. The boiled seasoning was not too sweet and tasted gentle. Each employee had their own personality, and Sanin was the first to give us a lot of sightseeing advice.
みききのこ(みききのこ) on Google

松葉がにのコースが食べれると言うことで奥さんと訪ねました。 刺身~蟹しゃぶ~焼き~天ぷら、雑炊、寿司です。 蟹の足の殻がきれいに剥いてあり、食べやすいのはもちろん、美しいです❗ 手間がかかっています。 今度、家でも練習してみます。。 締めの寿司もウニ、イクラ等散りばめられ、おいしかったなあ。 ただ、鍋がロウを使った一人鍋のため最後まで湯がぬるかったのが残念でした。 職場でも利用しましたが、総じてお安く、おいしいのでお気に入りになりました。 他にもふぐのコースもあるようで、、 塩麹に浸けたふぐは絶品とか、次回、是非食してみたいです。
Matsuba visited her wife because she could eat the course. Sashimi-crab shabu-grilled-tempura, porridge, sushi. The crab's leg shell is peeled off neatly, and it is beautiful as well as easy to eat. It takes time. Next time I will practice at home. . The sushi of the closing was also sprinkled with sea urchins, salmon roe, etc. It was delicious. However, it was disappointing that the hot water was wet until the end because the pot was a single pot using wax. I used it in my workplace, but it was cheap and tasty as a whole and became a favorite. There seem to be other blowfish courses, Fugu soaked in salt koji is exquisite, and I would like to try it next time.

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