Steakhouse Yamato - Kyoto

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Steakhouse Yamato

住所 :

14-152 Zushiokuonoecho, Yamashina Ward, Kyoto, 607-8453, Japan

電話 : 📞 +878778
Postal code : 607-8453

14-152 Zushiokuonoecho, Yamashina Ward, Kyoto, 607-8453, Japan
Law Twozee on Google

20200731 夜のコースをいただきました。品数も多く魚系の料理もあり大変美味しくおなかいっぱいになりました。
20200731 I had an evening course. There were many dishes and fish dishes, so it was very delicious and full.
よっさん on Google

It was full last week, so I wasn't going to have a lunch across from the izakaya, and I had a nobori lunch at a Hokkaido culinary officer. I found it, but I put it in today. I ordered a steak weight of 1300 yen. The tender meat was eaten with a sour sauce. it's delicious. However, the volume is not enough for the fat man (laughs) I think it is a good place to take if you have an elderly person who likes meat. It would be nice if the menu had twice as much meat or more.
武内里江 on Google

I visited for lunch for the first time. The curry was outstandingly delicious according to the reputation. The meat was very soft and melted in my mouth. The cospa is good, and the chef's and his wife's correspondence are wonderful, so I recommend it. Reservations are required for both lunch and dinner. It's so popular that you might not be able to dive in ...
mash ijust on Google

予約無しで、開店時刻の10時半に入店しましたが、既に持ち帰りの大量注文が入っており、仕入れた肉が底をついたとの事。(´TωT`) やむ無く目当ての「テキ重定食」を諦めてハンバーグ定食を注文。 でも、シッカリとした食感で美味しいソースで大満足でした。 近いうちに、また行きます。
I entered the store at 10:30, the opening time, without a reservation, but I heard that there was already a large order for take-out and the meat I purchased had run out. (´TωT `) I had no choice but to give up the "tech heavy set meal" I was looking for and order a hamburger set meal. However, I was very satisfied with the delicious sauce with a crispy texture. I will go again soon.
高岡みつお on Google

2021.6来店 以前より気になっていたお店で、ランチの時間に予約して訪れました(休日でしたが、今回は予約なしでも入れるくらいの利用率でした)? 今回は「テキ重定食(税込1300円)」を注文しました。ステーキ重、サラダ、赤だし、お漬物がついたセットで、どれも美味しかったです?後から店主さんに聞いたのですが、ご飯大盛も同額でしてもらえるようです。 店内はカウンターのみの12席で二席ごとにパーティションが設置されていました(アルコール消毒液も入り口にアリ)。少人数での利用がオススメです☆
2021.6 Visit I made a reservation for lunch at a shop that I was more interested in than before (it was a holiday, but this time it was a usage rate that I could enter without a reservation) ? This time, I ordered "Teki Heavy Set Meal (1300 yen including tax)". The set included steak weight, salad, red soup, and pickles, all of which were delicious ? I asked the owner later that he would be able to get a large serving of rice for the same price. There were 12 seats only at the counter, and partitions were set up for every two seats (alcohol disinfectant was also ant at the entrance). Recommended for small groups ☆
やっさん on Google

脂身が少なくておいしい肉が食べたいと言ったら息子が探してくれました。ステーキ定食、美味しくって満足?ステーキカレーを注文した息子はご飯もカレールーもお代わり自由と言われ どちらもしっかりお代りしました。店はカウンターしかないので子連れの家族は不向きですが、値段もリーズナブル❗大坂から来たカイがあったです
My son searched for me when I wanted to eat delicious meat with less fat. Steak set meal, delicious and satisfying ? My son who ordered steak curry was said to be free to replace rice and curry, both of which were firmly replaced. The shop has only a counter, so it is not suitable for families with children, but the price is reasonable ❗ There was Kai from Osaka.
Y. Okuda on Google

カウンターのみのこぢんまりしたお店。11時30分頃に行くと1席のみ空いているとのことで、次に来店された方はお断りされてました。 テキ重は満足度の高い一品でした。
A small shop with only a counter. When I went around 11:30, only one seat was vacant, so the next visitor was refused. Tekiju was a highly satisfying dish.
Kimiya Kitani on Google

夕食をコースで家族で食べました。 ワインは白と赤を堪能して、飲みやすく香りも良くいい感じでした。でてきた料理はどれも美味しく満足しました。
I ate dinner with my family on the course. The wine enjoyed white and red, was easy to drink and had a nice aroma. All the dishes that came out were delicious and satisfying.

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