英吉家 - Nagoya

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 英吉家

住所 :

Shiogamaguchi, Tempaku Ward, Nagoya, 〒468-0073 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 468-0073
街 : Aichi

Shiogamaguchi, Tempaku Ward, Nagoya, 〒468-0073 Aichi,Japan
S F on Google

After the noodles are hardened for 650 yen, the order is normal. A nice service with free rice. The rice that you eat with seaweed on rice with doubanjiang is delicious. The shop owner felt good and the ramen was delicious. There are many students, and I would like you to stop talking while eating in this corona. It is a shop that does not have basic infection control measures. If you can come by car, go to the nearby Coinpa for 60 minutes for 100 yen.
YUKI on Google

程よく醤油の角があり、豚骨、鶏ガラもしっかり効いてバランスが整っている感じ。 麺ももちもちで、スープと麺バッチリ!! チャーシューも大きく、軽く焼いて程よく油が溶けて美味しかったー! 中毒性があるラーメン。 マイルドな武蔵系かな。
It has moderate soy sauce horns, and the pork bones and chicken bones work well and are well-balanced. The noodles are chewy, soup and noodles are perfect! !! The char siu was also big, and it was delicious when baked lightly and the oil melted moderately! Addictive ramen. Is it a mild Musashi system?
クイ・ダ・オーレ on Google

ラーメン行脚を初めて10数年、 初期の頃に尋ねたこちらへ。 本命は店主が変わった二代目の方だが、 せっかくなので初代の方と食べ比べてみた。 至近距離に大学がある立地、メインの客は学生なんだろう。 1日中ご飯無料&大盛りもOKらしい。 最初に来た時と同じようにスペシャルトッピングのラーメンを注文。 かつては冷えたチャーシューがドカ盛りだったが、 今は餃子焼き機で炙ってくれるようだ。 キャベツやホウレン草、味玉の分を差し引いてもスープがぬるい。 冷えたチャーシューの頃からもトッピングですぐにスープ冷める代物だったが、 相変わらずでかえって安心したw つい最近知ったのだが東京の家系「武蔵家」出身なんだそうな。 まさか武蔵家も冷えたトッピングにぬるいスープなんじゃないだろうな? 散々こき下ろしたが、 ぬるいのはすぐに、たくさん食べたい学生や大食いにはある意味助かるのではないだろうか。 専用駐車場は無いので、 車やバイクの方は近くの時間貸しパーキングに入れるのが一番早い。 おまけ:こちらの店舗には二階席もあります。 多分家族連れ優先なのでしょうが、 満席時に3名以上なら聞いてみるのもありでしょう。
For the first time in 10 years of ramen pilgrimage, Here I asked in the early days. The favorite is the second generation whose owner has changed, I tried to compare it with the first one because it was a big deal. The location where the university is located very close, the main customers are probably students. It seems that free rice and a large serving are OK all day long. I ordered a special topping ramen just like when I first came. In the past, cold charshoe was a big hit, Now it seems that it will be roasted with a dumpling machine. The soup is lukewarm even after subtracting the amount of cabbage, spinach, and taste balls. Even when it was cold charcoal, it was a substitute for cooling the soup immediately with toppings, I was relieved as usual w I just recently learned that he is from the Musashi family in Tokyo. Isn't the Musashi family also a lukewarm soup with cold toppings? I took it down a lot, but The lukewarm may help students who want to eat a lot and big eaters in a sense. There is no private parking lot, so If you are a car or bike, it is the fastest to put it in a nearby hourly rental parking lot. Bonus: This store also has upstairs seats. Maybe it's a family priority, If there are 3 or more people when the seats are full, you may ask.
Takumi Kanada on Google

皆さんの投稿で訪問。 開店早々にお邪魔しましたが既にお客さんが居ました。 味噌豚骨を注文。 中盛とチャーシューとネギを追加しました。 チャーシューの大きさと量にビックリ! またサービスのご飯を頂いたので、お腹満腹です。 私の好きなラーメンです。
Visit with your posts. I visited the store early, but there were already customers. I ordered miso pork bones. Added middle-sized pork, char siu and green onions. I was surprised at the size and amount of char siu! I'm full because I got the service rice again. This is my favorite ramen.
木造一軒家 on Google

名城大学前にある人気の家系ラーメン店。 名古屋では家系として人にオススメできるレベルだと思う。 食べ盛りの男子大学生だけでなく、女性も入っていて驚いた。 その理由は女性でも食べやすい麺にあるかもしれない。 家系としてはかなり細い麺は3mmぐらいだろうか、茹で時間2分50秒で上がってくる。 そのために着丼も回転も早かった。 このレベルが650円で食べられるのはかなりコスパが良い。 無料のライスは量を調整してくれるので、腹の調子と相談できるのもポイントが高い。 写真4枚目は店から15m西にある、60分100円の駐車場。 最寄りで安いためここを使うのが便利だ。
A popular family ramen shop in front of Meijo University. I think it's a level that I can recommend to people as a family in Nagoya. I was surprised that not only male college students who were eating well but also females were included. The reason may be the noodles that are easy for women to eat. As for the family, the noodles that are quite thin are about 3 mm, and the boiling time is 2 minutes and 50 seconds. Therefore, the bowl and rotation were quick. It is quite cospa that you can eat this level for 650 yen. Free rice adjusts the amount, so it is also important to consult with your stomach condition. The fourth photo is a parking lot of 100 yen for 60 minutes, 15m west of the store. It is convenient to use here because it is the nearest and cheap.
シンタルー on Google

美味い、、もう何度もリピートしてる。 ワイ神奈川県出身だから少しだけ家系について語ろうと思う。 コメント見てて思うところがあったのでね。。 もともと家系ラーメンってご飯のおかず、だからちと塩味強めの設定。醤油立たせるのは関東の味付けの特徴だよね。 なので、塩辛いって人はご飯のおかずだと思うと美味しく食べられるかと。 お店側も海苔50円、ご飯無料って思いっきり誘導してるしね? そんなに量食べられないよって人は麺少なめ、ご飯少なめでオーダーすると良いかもね。 途中で味変したければ豆板醤も良いけどオススメはお酢だね。さっぱりするよね。 で、ラーメンの特徴は少し細めの酒井製麺に、半乳化の鳥がしっかり効いたスープだね。 店炊きで余計なもの入っていないから油多めにしても重さは無いし、体に悪い感じもしないかな。 駐車場はコインパーキングなんだけど、大学の近くだけあって安め、30分50円とか。 ラーメン、海苔、ライスで700円は古き良き時代価格だね。ありがたいよね。 少しでも参考になれば??
It's delicious ... I've been repeating it many times. I'm from Kanagawa prefecture, so I'll talk a little about my family. There was something I thought about when I saw the comments. .. Originally, Iekei Ramen is a side dish of rice, so it has a strong salty taste. Making soy sauce stand is a characteristic of Kanto seasoning. So, if you think that salty is a side dish of rice, you can eat it deliciously. The shop side is also guiding you to 50 yen for seaweed and free rice ? If you can't eat that much, you may want to order with less noodles and less rice. If you want to change the taste on the way, doubanjiang is good, but vinegar is recommended. It's refreshing. The characteristic of ramen is the slightly thin Sakai noodles and the soup with half-emulsified birds. It's cooked in a store and doesn't contain any extras, so even if you add a lot of oil, it won't be heavy and it won't feel bad for you. The parking lot is a coin parking lot, but it's cheap because it's only near the university, and it costs 50 yen for 30 minutes. 700 yen for ramen, seaweed and rice is a good old-fashioned price. Thank you. If it helps even a little ??
浅井祐一 on Google

Derrick Lee on Google

Very good ramen, and a very friendly staff. Highly recommended!!

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