Sakanaya Kiimon - Shibuya City

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Sakanaya Kiimon

住所 :

1 Chome-26-15 Ebisu, Shibuya City, Tokyo 150-0013, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 150-0013
Webサイト :

1 Chome-26-15 Ebisu, Shibuya City, Tokyo 150-0013, Japan
おばてつ on Google

炭火の串焼きはとても美味しくいただきました! しかし、アクアパッツァがひどく口に合わず一口で断念。ぬるいアクアパッツァを食べたのは初めてで驚きました。白子の生臭さがスープに充満していました。あれがきいもんさんのスタンダードなのでしょうか?ぬるいアクアパッツァ、驚きです。 その他、お刺身やお料理を何品か注文させていただきましたが、特に印象に残る物はありませんでした。 きんもんさんへ伺う一ヶ月前、富山で本場のお刺身やお料理を堪能しました。富山直送と謳っていらっしゃったので期待しすぎたのかもしれませんがとっても残念でした。
The charcoal skewers were very delicious! However, Acqua pazza didn't fit well and gave up with a bite. It was my first time to eat lukewarm aqua pazza and I was surprised. The fishy smell of milt filled the soup. Is that Kiimon's standard? The lukewarm aqua pazza is a surprise. In addition, I ordered some sashimi and dishes, but none of them left a strong impression on me. One month before I visited Kinmon-san, I enjoyed authentic sashimi and dishes in Toyama. You might have expected too much because you said that it was sent directly from Toyama, but it was very disappointing.
レベル8 saica on Google

以前働いていた職場で、社長とスタッフが私の歓迎会をこちらのお店で開いてくれました。 こちらは、社長がお気に入りのお店ということで紹介してくれました。 お店に伺う5分前に席を予約したにも関わらず、席には添付した画像のメッセージが。いつでもお客様を大事にされているお店だと第一印象から凄く良かったです。 こんな神対応なお店ですので、料理は美味しくないはずがありません。 新鮮なお刺身から、変わった種類の多い串料理まで、どれも文句のつけどころのない美味しさ。 極めつけは、社長おすすめの焼酎"兼八"。 普段は芋ばかり呑んでいるのですが、とても味わい深い凄く久しぶりにむぎ焼酎で美味しいお酒を見つけました。 最後の最後まで本当に楽しめる心地よい居酒屋でした。
At the workplace where I used to work, the president and staff held my welcome party at this shop. The president introduced me to this as my favorite shop. Even though I reserved a seat 5 minutes before visiting the shop, the message of the attached image is on the seat. From the first impression, it was very good that the store always values ​​customers. It's such a god-friendly restaurant, so the food can't be delicious. From fresh sashimi to skewered dishes with a wide variety of unusual dishes, they are all delicious. The best choice is the shochu "Kenpachi" recommended by the president. I usually drink only potatoes, but I found a delicious sake with Mugi Shochu for the first time in a long time. It was a comfortable izakaya that you can really enjoy until the very end.
Tominaga Yuta on Google

The quality of the food was all high and it was very delicious. Repeat confirmed ?
manon 4649 on Google

一度行けば絶対に好きになる和食峰 おすすめポイント ・お店がコンパクトなので、店員さんとの距離が近い。 ・美味しいものをリーズナブルに食せる。 金曜の19時に入店。予約せず直前に電話し、カウンター席が1組だけ空いていた。 【生ガキ 宮城産】690円 ✅当日4種用意された牡蠣の1つ。食べ方は生の他、焼き牡蠣、フライ、バターソテーが選べる。 ✅宮城産生ガキは小ぶりながら異常なほどミルキー。生臭さは一切無く、牡蠣の濃厚な味わいと滑らかさを堪能できた。 【刺盛り】1,800円(2人前) ✅日により変わるお刺身の盛り合わせ。この日はシマアジやヒラメ、カワハギなどもあった。 【かんぱちとトマトとアボカドのカルパッチョ】1,390円 ✅かんぱち、トマト、アボカドが綺麗に並べられ、和風ドレッシングがかけられたカルパッチョ。ポン酢に近い立った酸味を感じた。 【カニクリームコロッケ】800円 ✅小ぶりながらカニの身がぎっしり詰まったカニクリームコロッケ。ホワイトソースの量はやや控えめでカニの美味しさが分かる一品。
Japanese food peak that you will definitely like once you go Recommended points ・ Because the store is compact, it is close to the clerk. ・ You can eat delicious food at a reasonable price. Entered at 19:00 on Friday. I called just before without making a reservation, and only one set of counter seats was available. [Raw kid from Miyagi] 690 yen ✅ One of the four oysters prepared on the day. You can choose to eat raw, grilled oysters, fried chicken, and butter saute. ✅ Miyagi-produced kid is small but unusually milky. There was no fishy odor, and I was able to enjoy the rich taste and smoothness of the oysters. [Sashimi] 1,800 yen (for 2 people) ✅ Assorted sashimi that changes from day to day. There were also striped jacks, flatfish, and stephanolepis on that day. [Amberjack, tomato and avocado carpaccio] 1,390 yen ✅ Carpaccio with amberjack, tomatoes and avocado lined up neatly and dressed in Japanese style. I felt a standing acidity similar to ponzu. [Crab cream croquette] 800 yen ✅ A crab cream croquette that is small but packed with crab meat. The amount of white sauce is rather modest and you can see the deliciousness of the crab.
Peter Jussi on Google

Amazing fish and good times!
miwa kakuta on Google

Oyster and Crab corokke was super good!! and big highball!
Yuan Gong on Google

Decent food and stylish menu. It takes time to wait for each order though.
Yuri Yamaguchi on Google

Not that expensive but really good quality food! Great grilled fish skewers are esp awesome.

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