Ramen Shinobu Branch - Sendai

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ramen Shinobu Branch

住所 :

2-10 Koeji, Taihaku Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 982-0842, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 982-0842
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–3PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 11AM–3PM
Tuesday 11AM–3PM
Wednesday 11AM–3PM
Thursday 11AM–3PM
Friday 11AM–3PM

2-10 Koeji, Taihaku Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 982-0842, Japan
natsudaze ottottotto on Google

I hope the master stays well forever. もうこの入口の雰囲気からしてもはや星五つです! 老齢のご夫婦と思われるお二人がほがらかに作られている様を観ているだけでここにきてよかったと思います。 駐車場どこか聞いたらわざわざ車に乗ってナビしてくれた大将、Cool Japan!すよ。 冷やし中華、とワンタンメンどちらもリーズナブル&シンプルな仕上がり。素敵なコト消費でした。
I hope the master stays well forever. It is already five stars from the atmosphere of this entrance! I'm glad I came here just by watching the two couples who seem to be old couples. Cool Japan, the general who took the car and navigated when I asked where the parking lot was! That ’s right. Both chilled Chinese and wontanmen are reasonably priced and simple. It was wonderful thing consumption.
pi pi on Google

美味しいと思うか… 自分の好みであるか… 好みは人それぞれでよし 領収証をもらうような人には 来てほしくない! …というような優しいお店です 背脂こてこて系とは 真逆のラーメンの極みです あっさりな中に すっごく美味しいスープです ガツンとじゃなく 身体に優しい 沁み渡るスープ メンマ多め 大好き✨ 夏はやっぱり いつでも年中 冷やし中華絶賛おすすめ‼️ 味噌メンマ¥800 味噌ラーメン 個人的には かなりおすすめです✨?? 太麺ではありません 冷やし中華 女性でも1.5玉はいける 1玉だとペロリで 物足りないから 今度は1.5玉の メンマ冷やし中華にしよう! スープがこれまた 絶妙なスッキリ酸っぱさ加減✨?? 酸っぱいの好きな人は 追い酢で調整 ここの冷やし中華食べたら 錦糸卵もきゅうりもいらないって 実感します‼︎ 4月からは 味噌ラーメンおやすみです ?️は とてもわかりづらいが 極近隣に2台 旧愛宕橋を渡り 越路郵便局を左に見て 細い道を右折 愛宕橋真下を左折 (かなり細い道) 奥に進むと 左にアパート その奥に駐車場があり 突き当たりに2台分の ?️がある 右手の坂を歩いてすぐ左にお店
Do you think it's delicious ... Is it your taste ... Each person has their own taste For those who get a receipt I don't want you to come! It ’s a kind shop like ... What is a backfat trowel system? It ’s the opposite of ramen. In a light It ’s a really delicious soup. Not with a gut Gentle on the body Soup I love a lot of Menma ✨ After all summer Anytime all year round Hiyashi chuka highly acclaimed recommended! ️ Miso Menma ¥ 800 Miso Ramen personally Highly recommended ✨?? Not thick noodles chilled Chinese noodles Even women can get 1.5 balls If it ’s one ball I'm not satisfied This time 1.5 balls Let's make Menma chilled Chinese! Soup is also this Exquisite refreshing sourness ✨?? If you like sour Adjust with additional vinegar If you eat chilled Chinese here You don't need brocade eggs or cucumbers I realize it! ︎ From april Miso ramen good night ?️ It ’s very difficult to understand 2 units in the immediate vicinity Cross the old Atago Bridge Look at the Koeji Post Office on the left Turn right on a narrow road Turn left just below Atago Bridge (Quite narrow road) When you go to the back Apartment on the left There is a parking lot in the back For 2 cars at the end There is ?️ Walk down the slope on your right and the shop will be on your left
サイ on Google

昔ながらのお店 冷やし中華はシンプルながらこれぞ!という味でとても美味しい。 お客さんも多く、とても愛されてるお店だと感じた。 基本的に相席
Old-fashioned shop Hiyashi chuka is simple but this is it! It tastes very delicious. There were many customers and I felt that it was a very loved shop. Basically shared
かなりえずき on Google

3時までの営業時間を確認の上2時半前に入店。 駐車場に車を停め行ってる間に暖簾を中に。。。 「終わりですか?」って聞いたら「しょうがねぇなぁ…ご飯は無いぞ!」で、着席。 先客の釣り銭を触った手で、麺の茹で加減を確認する店主(笑) 調理もお冷も水道水。 それも味の一部なんですよね。 そう言う人なんだと思っていれば腹も立ちません。
After confirming the business hours until 3 o'clock, enter the store before 2:30. While the car is parked in the parking lot, the curtain is inside. .. .. When I asked "Is it the end?", He said "I don't have any rice!" And took a seat. The owner who touches the change of the previous customer and checks how much the noodles are boiled (laughs) Tap water for both cooking and cold. That is also part of the taste, isn't it? I'm not angry if I think I'm the one who says that.
yasuyuki goto (ごんちゃん) on Google

The Chinese noodles provided by the elderly couple have a nostalgic taste that I ate somewhere in the past. It's my first visit, but I miss it. It has a gentle taste.
もり3ちや3 on Google

私が頼んだのはワンタン麺? 昔ながらの中華そばというかんじでした。あっさりしていて、スープを飲み干してしまいました。 麺の量はどちらかというと少なめだと思います。値段も手頃…というよりは、安いと言えます。 一年中冷やし中華が食べられるのも嬉しいです。
I asked for wonton noodles ? It was a traditional Chinese noodle. It was light and I drank the soup. I think the amount of noodles is rather small. The price is reasonable ... rather than cheap. I'm glad that you can eat chilled Chinese all year round.
ダーリン勝 on Google

【冷やし中華】発祥の地の仙台では、通年に冷やし中華を提供する店が何軒も在る☺️ 残念ながら本店は昨年末に閉業してしまったが、志のぶ支店越路店では通年たべられる。 決して派手さは無くシンプルだが、しっかり冷や締めされた麺がシコシコして心地好く美味い⤴️⤴️
[Hiyashi chuka] In Sendai, the birthplace, there are many shops that offer hiyashi chuka all year round ☺️ Unfortunately, the main store closed at the end of last year, but the Shinobu branch Koshiji store can be eaten all year round. It's not flashy and simple, but the noodles that have been chilled and tightened are chewy and delicious ⤴️⤴️
Eurydice MoMO on Google

Hiyashi Chuka seems to be what everyone orders. This is a place you can eat hiyashi chuka all year round as most places only serve it during summer. They also serve hot ramen and combo meals. I personally thought hot ramen dishes were good (just good), and hiyashi chuka is very nice. No wonder everyone orders that. The bowl has soup and noodle in it as well as 2 peas. Yeah, two green peas. No usual topping you would see at many chuka places such as sliced meat, sprouts, tomatoes, thinly sliced pan-cooked eggs, cucumbers and oranges. A plate (or a bowl if you order a larger serving) of this hiyashi chuka wants you to taste its soup and noodle. So, there you go! I like the soup. I got no issue walking in with my guide dog. I'll be returning again!

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