Photo Studio cell fit Kyoto shop - Kyoto

4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Photo Studio cell fit Kyoto shop

住所 :

ヤサカ四条ビル 8F 106 Tachiuri Nakanocho, Shimogyo Ward, Kyoto, 600-8006, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87888
Postal code : 600-8006
Webサイト :

ヤサカ四条ビル 8F 106 Tachiuri Nakanocho, Shimogyo Ward, Kyoto, 600-8006, Japan
Hまる on Google

お店に入った瞬間から最後まですごく雰囲気の優しい女性スタッフさんたちに案内されて、最初に緊張していたのが嘘みたいにとても安心して撮影してもらうことができました。 ヘアメイクや撮影時、そして写真のチェックや修正までとてもテンポが良かったです。 急かされている感じもない上に指示が的確で撮り直しもない部分にプロなのだなと実感しました。 就活でまだどんな職種に就くかもあやふやでしたが、スタッフさんのおすすめやカウンセリングで方向性を定めてもらい、自分の伝えたいイメージ通りの写真を撮って下さいました。本当にありがとうございました?‍♀️
From the moment I entered the shop to the end, I was guided by the female staff who had a very gentle atmosphere, and the first thing I was nervous about was that I was able to take pictures with great peace of mind as if it were a lie. The tempo was very good, from hair makeup and shooting, to checking and correcting photos. I realized that I was a professional in the part where I didn't feel rushed, the instructions were accurate, and I didn't have to retake it. I wasn't sure what kind of job I would get in my job hunting, but I asked the staff to set the direction with the recommendations and counseling, and took the picture as I wanted to convey. Thank you so much ?‍♀️
123 mari on Google

I used it for the ID photo for changing jobs, but the receptionist, the hair make-up, and the cameraman were all female, and they kindly and politely responded. I would like to take a very nice photo and pass the document screening and go to the interview!
高居佑衣 on Google

フロントの方、ヘアメイクの方は話しやすく丁寧にして頂けました。 カメラマンの方も表情の作り方を撮る時に教えてくれて、「いいね」との声掛けをして下さいました。 ですが写真を見ると写りは最悪、最低限の直しだけしてすぐ片付けをされました。「こうしたい」と言いましたが結局直されず、、 「あ、じゃあこれで」と言われ、ポツンと置いてけぼりに。 終わりがあっさりすぎて帰っていいのかも分からず、とにかく悲しい気分になりました、、 忙しい時期だったのだと思いますが、もう少しカウンセリングして頂きたかったです。。
The front desk staff and hair makeup staff were easy to talk to and polite. The cameraman also taught me how to make facial expressions and said "Like". However, when I looked at the photo, the image was the worst, and it was cleaned up immediately with only a minimum of repairs. I said "I want to do this", but it wasn't fixed after all, "Oh, then this is it", and I left it alone. I didn't know if the end was too light and I could go home, so I felt sad anyway. I think it was a busy time, but I wanted you to have a little more counseling. ..
果実 on Google

大変綺麗に撮影していただきました。就活の撮影で利用しましたが、ジャケットとシャツも貸していただき、メイクも丁寧に教えていただきましたし、撮影も的確な指示の元して頂きました。店員さんも皆様丁寧な接客でリラックスできました。 ただ、受け取りの際にフロントに店員さんがおひとりで、おそらく私にも気づいていらっしゃいましたがお電話中だったので、普通に待っていたのですが、あとからもう1人来た際には電話中でもすぐに奥の店員さんを呼び、はじめに待っていた私よりも先に接客されたので、かなり待たされた印象になりました。奥に店員さんがいる可能性も考えて私も声をかければ良かったのですが、もう1人のお客さんが大人の方だったので学生は後回しか、と思ってしまいました。そこだけ少し残念に思いました。 ただ撮影やデータは本当に素晴らしいので、また必要になればお世話になると思います。特に就職活動の方は他と差がハッキリと出ると思うのでオススメです。ありがとうございました?‍♀️
I had you take a very beautiful picture. I used it for job hunting shooting, but he also lent me a jacket and shirt, taught me how to make up carefully, and gave me accurate instructions for shooting. The clerk was also able to relax with the polite customer service. However, when I received it, there was a clerk at the front desk alone, and I was probably aware of it, but I was on the phone, so I was waiting normally, but when another person came later Immediately called the clerk in the back even on the phone, and the customer was served before I was waiting at the beginning, so I got the impression that I had to wait a long time. I should have spoken to him considering the possibility that there was a clerk in the back, but since the other customer was an adult, I thought that the students would only be late. I was a little disappointed there. However, the shooting and data are really wonderful, so I think that I will be indebted if necessary again. Especially for job hunting, I think it will make a clear difference from others, so I recommend it. Thank you ?‍♀️
さと on Google

I was introduced by a friend and had me take an ID photo for job hunting today. The content was substantial, and I received a generous service that was more satisfying than I had imagined, taking time from makeup to hair setting, assisting during shooting, and selecting photos after shooting. The person in charge was also very kind, and I was able to take pictures in consideration of my own wishes and worries. I feel that the content was well worth the price.
ふあ on Google

好印象プラン先日お願いしました。 カメラは井上さんという方でしたが、写真な苦手な私でも自然な表情を引き出していただき、お願いして本当に良かったと思いました。 写真選びや編集もイメージに合わせながら綺麗にしていただきました。就活の相談も受けてもらいながら編集をしてもらってましたがお話ししているとあっという間に編集も終わっていて驚きました! 本当にありがとうございました!!! 頑張ります!
I asked for a good impression plan the other day. The camera was Mr. Inoue, but I wasn't good at photography, but I was really glad to ask him to bring out a natural look. I had you clean the photo selection and editing while matching the image. I was asked to edit while receiving a job hunting consultation, but when I was talking, I was surprised that the editing was finished in a blink of an eye! I'm really thankful to you! !! !! I will do my best!
alpha Hatsuseno on Google

就活というわけではなく異動用の履歴書写真撮影でお世話になりました. 当日飛び込みでメイクなどのサービスが無い「シンプルプラン」で利用致しました. スーツやシャツなどは持込ですのでスタジオでパシャリと撮影して終わりかと思っていましたが,カメラマンの方(名前は失念しました)が「スーツやネクタイの調整」をしてくださり,「表情の出し方」「姿勢矯正」「メガネの有り無しの違い」等丁寧に説明・教示してくださいました. 撮影時にはちょっとした撮影会のような感じできさくな会話をしながら自然な表情を引き出してくれ,良い写真がとれました. 撮影後もフォトショップに数十枚の画像データを並べ,カメラマンと会話しながら希望のイメージに合った写真を徐々に絞っていく過程が新鮮でした. うちの学生にもお勧めしたいと思います.
It wasn't job hunting, but I was taken care of by taking a photo of my resume for transfer. I used it with the "Simple Plan" which does not have services such as make-up because I jumped in on the day. Since I brought in suits and shirts, I thought it would be over after shooting in the studio, but the cameraman (I forgot the name) asked me to "adjust the suit and tie" and said "Facial expression". He carefully explained and taught us how to put out the shirt, correct the posture, and the difference between the presence and absence of glasses. At the time of shooting, he brought out a natural expression while having a casual conversation that felt like a photo session, and I was able to take good pictures. Even after shooting, the process of arranging dozens of image data in Photoshop and gradually narrowing down the photos that match the desired image while talking with the cameraman was refreshing. I would like to recommend it to my students.
1986 yukihirohono on Google

家族での写真撮影をお願いしました。 子どもがとても騒がしかったりしたのですが、それも「可愛い」と言って頂き安心して撮影できました。仕上がりのスライドショーを見せて頂きそこから選ぶのですが、スライドショーだけて泣けるくらい良い写真を撮って頂けました。 (こんな風に笑うんだ!とこちらが感動するくらい子どもの笑顔を引き出すのも上手でした)ヘアメイクの方にもメイクが下手なんですと話をするとアドバイスをして頂きました。 セルフィットのスタッフさんこの度は本当にありがとうございました。 また何かの記念の際は是非こちらで撮影をお願いしたいです。
I asked for a photo shoot with my family. The child was very noisy, but he said it was "cute" and I was able to shoot with confidence. I was shown the finished slide show and chose from there, but the slide show alone took good pictures that made me cry. (I was also good at bringing out the smiles of children so much that I was impressed by laughing like this!) I was advised to talk to hair make-up people that they are not good at make-up. Thank you very much to the staff of SELFIT. In addition, I would like to ask you to take a picture here when commemorating something.

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