Osasa Shrine - Agatsuma District

4/5 に基づく 2 レビュー

Contact Osasa Shrine

住所 :

Ozasa, Tsumagoi, Agatsuma District, Gunma 377-1613, Japan

Postal code : 377-1613

Ozasa, Tsumagoi, Agatsuma District, Gunma 377-1613, Japan
Y Sauber on Google

苔むす参道を歩いていると穏やかな気持ちになれます。 煌びやかなところではありませんが、とてもいい空気を感じられる場所です。
You can feel calm while walking along the mossy approach. It's not a gorgeous place, but it's a place where you can feel a very nice atmosphere.
田中小荷 on Google

大笹神社(おおざさじんじゃ) 主祭神 建御名方命 八坂刀売命 合祀神 伊弉諾尊 菊理姫命 大山祇命 倉稲魂命 日本武尊 菅原道真公 「大笹神社獅子舞」 九月中旬、大笹の獅子舞は、初日は大笹神社の宵祭りで、次の日は奉納日です。神社に集結した獅子舞は集団で区内を練り歩きます。途中公民館庭など六ヶ所で舞の奉納があり、神社での舞が納めの舞となります。区内安全、五穀豊穣を祈願するものです。 (嬬恋村役場HPより) 嬬恋村指定重要文化財「芭蕉の句碑」 大笹神社前に、嘉永六年(1853)に一夏庵竹烟によって書かれた碑文があります。 「雲雀啼 なかの拍子や きじの声 ばせを翁」 雲雀の細い声に拍子をとるかのように甲高い雉子の声が聞こえるという意味で、芭蕉翁元禄三年(1690)の作です。 (現地案内板より) 大笹村に関連した民話もあります。 「カッパのくれた千金丹」 昔はなぁ、重い病気になると、籠に乗せて鳥居峠を越えて上田の医者まで十里も十二里も村の衆がかわりばんこで担いで行ったんだと。赤ん坊とか大怪我の者は、たいげえ峠を下りないうちに死んじまったそうだ。 大笹村にもえらいお医者様がいて、近郷近在から病気の者がかかりに来たんだが、あんまり良くは治せなかっただと。早えい話がやぶだが肝っ玉のでっけいのと愛想の良さで評判があったんだと。 ある時、干俣村に急病人がでて往診に行く事になり、お医者様は馬で出掛けたんだと。大笹の裏町から烏兎の沢を下りて鳥居川の橋を越え砂井に出て干俣村へ行き、往診を終えて帰る時は、すっかり夜中になっていたんだと。肝っ玉のでっけいお医者様は心配ねぇ心配ねぇと一人で馬に乗って帰ったんだと。鳥居川の橋を渡ろうとして中程を行くと急に馬が立ち止まりしりっぺた叩いてもフゥフゥ言って動かなくなってしまったんだと。おかしいいなあと思って馬の足の方をのぞくと、なんかに足が引っかかっているんだと。こんなもんとお医者様は腰の刀でチョン切ったんだと、そのまま何も無く家に帰って馬の足元を見ると、何とへんてこな手のような物がくっついていたんだと。お医者様はそれを家の中へ持ち帰り床の間に置いて寝たんだと。 とっぷり夜中になった頃、トントン、トントンと戸を叩く音にお医者様が目をさますと、トントン、「こんばんわ」トントン「こんばんわ」と誰かの呼ぶ声がするんだと。誰だろうこんな夜更けにと思ったが、「どうしただ」と、戸を開けたんだと、そうしたら庭にくれいかたまりのような物がこっちを向いてペコペコ頭を下げているんだと。よく見ると頭に皿があったんで、「おめいはカッパか」とお医者様が言うと、「あぁ、おらぁ鳥居川のカッパだ。もう悪さをしねいからおらの手を返してくれ。お願えだ。」と片手付いておつくべをして何度も何度も頭を下げるんだと。 お医者様は可哀相になって、カッパの手を手術して縫いつけてくれたんだと。「もういたずらはしねぇだ。ありがとう、ありがとう。」と言って帰っていったんだと。 それから幾日かたった晩にまたトントン、トントンと、戸を叩く音がしたんで、お医者様が戸を開けて見ると、カッパが立っていて、「こないだのお礼にどんな病気にも効くカッパの薬の作り方を教えるだぁ」と、お医者様にカッパの薬を教えたんだと。 半信半疑で、お医者様が薬を作って病人にやったと所、今まで治らなかった病気がたちまち治ってしまっただと。驚き喜んだお医者様は、このカッパの薬は千金に値するすばらしい薬だ。カッパの千金丹だと、どんどん作り多くの人を治し、代々繁盛したんだと。 「さぁ、千金丹を飲ますから明日までに熱がさがるぞ。」 (「愛郷---上信高原民話集」より)
Ozasa Shrine Main festival god Ken Onomoku Life Yasaka Sword Sale God of God, Ijo no Joson, Kiku Rimehime, Oyama Gion, Kuraine Tamashii, Nihonbuson, Sugawara Michizane "Osasa Shrine Lion Dance" In mid-September, the Ozasa Lion Dance is the first day of the Ozasa Shrine evening festival, and the next day is the dedication day. The lion dances gathered at the shrine walk together in the ward. On the way, there is a dedication of the dance at Rokkasho and other places in the public hall, and the dance at the shrine is the devoted dance. We pray for safety in the ward and for abundant harvest of five grains. (From the Tsumagoi Village Office website) Important cultural property designated by Tsumagoi-mura "Basho's phrase monument" In front of Ozasa Shrine, there is an inscription written by Ikatsuan Bamboo in 1853. "Oh, the time signature of the Hibari Haruka and the voice of the lottery" It is a work by Basho Genroku 3 (1690) in the sense that the sound of a high-pitched pheasant can be heard as if the voice of Hibari was thin. (From the local information board) There are also folk tales related to Osamura. "Senkintan from Kappa" In the old days, when a serious illness occurred, the villagers took a basket instead of riding in a basket, crossing the Torii Pass and reaching the doctor in Ueda. It seems that babies and other injured people died before going down the mountain pass. There was a great doctor in Osamura, and a sick person came to my home from near my hometown, but I couldn't cure it very well. He told me that the story was early, but he had a good reputation for his big heart and amiability. One day, a suddenly sick person came up in Himata village to go to the house, and the doctor went out by horse. It was said that it was completely in the middle of the night when I went down Orasa no Uramachi, go down the Rabbit no Sawa, cross the Torii River bridge, went out to Sunai, went to Himata village, and returned after finishing the home visit. He said that he was a big doctor, and he was not worried. When I tried to cross the bridge of the Torii River, the horse stopped suddenly when I hit the middle, and even if I hit it hard, I told him that it stopped moving. I thought it was weird and I looked into the horse's foot, and it seemed to be stuck. The doctor said that he cut his skin with his sword on his waist, and when he went home without looking at the foot of the horse, he found something like a strange hand sticking to him. The doctor took it home and put it between the beds and slept. Around midnight, when the doctor awoke to the sound of tapping on the door, there was a call from someone called "Good evening" "Good evening" "Good evening". I wondered who it was late at night, but "What's wrong?" He said he opened the door, and then something like a lump in the garden was facing me and bowing his head. When I looked closely, there was a plate on my head, and the doctor said, "Are you kappa?" "Ah, oh, it's the Torii river kappa. Please give me your hand to avoid any evil. I hope, "he says," hold him with one hand and bow his head again and again. " The doctor became sorry, and he operated on Kappa's hand and sewed it. He said, "I don't want to play tricks anymore. Thank you, thank you." A few days after that, there was a tapping sound again and again, and when the doctor opened the door and looked at it, Kappa stood and said, "Thank you for not coming I will teach them how to make medicine, "he told the doctor about kappa medicine. I was half suspicious that when a doctor made a medicine and gave it to a sick person, a disease that had not been cured until now was immediately cured. Surprisingly delighted doctors, this kappa medicine is a wonderful medicine worth a thousand bucks. It was said that the Kappa Senkintan made more and more people and healed many people and thrived for generations. "Now, I'll drink Senkintan, so I'll have a fever by tomorrow." (From "Aigo --- Kaminobu Kogen Folktales")

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