三原神社 (嬬恋村)

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Contact 三原神社 (嬬恋村)

住所 :

Mihara, Tsumagoi, Agatsuma District, 〒377-1526 Gunma,Japan

街 : Gunma

Mihara, Tsumagoi, Agatsuma District, 〒377-1526 Gunma,Japan
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御祭神 伊弉那岐命 伊邪那美命 大山津見命 火之迦具土神命 天照大神 市杵島姫命 須佐之男命 倉稲魂姫命 大国主命 崇神天皇 日本武尊 弟橘媛命 菅原道真公 徳川家康公 由緒 中井村赤羽根村の旧熱田神社天照大神倭建命他三柱は明治四十年(1907)八月三十一日本社末 秋葉 琴平 大山祇各神社と神明宮 天神天満宮 東照宮十一社を合併して三原神社と改称を許可されました。 (境内案内碑より) 「赤羽根村」 三原神社の入口辺り、バス亭東三原の周辺がかって赤羽根と呼ばれていた地名のあった所です。 赤羽根の地名は、当地の地質が赤色の埴土からなることによります。(郡村誌) 吾妻川の左岸の標高約800mの河岸段丘上に位置していて、集落は自然発生的な塊村形態をなしています。 江戸期の嬬恋村一帯には、赤羽根・中井(中居)・今井・釜原・門貝・袋倉・芦生田・西窪・大笹・大前・干保・田代の十二ヵ村がありました。(寛文郷帳) 天明三年(1783)に浅間山が大噴火をおこしました。 明治七年(1874)赤羽根・中井の両村が合併して三原村となりました。同二十二年(1889)市制町村制施行により、三原・今井・釜原・門貝・袋倉・芦生田・西窪・大笹・大前・干保・田代の十一ヵ村が合併して嬬恋村が成立しました。 (サイト「全国あかばね紀行」より) 「三原みこし秋祭り」 古くから三原地区で行われている秋祭りです。初日は御輿が三原神社をスタートし地内を三原区民や子どもたちが担いで練り歩きます。また、二日目は手踊りや子どもたちの大好きな金魚すくいやスイカ割りなどが行われ地域全体で五穀豊穣や無病息災を願う祭りです。 (嬬恋村役場HPより) 「愛妻家の聖地」 嬬恋村誌によると、「明治二十二年(1889)に発足した「嬬恋」の村名は、全くすなおに日本武尊が碓日坂(今の鳥居峠)におたちになって、なき妻弟橘姫を追慕のあまり「あづまはや」とおなげきになって妻をいとしまれたという故事にちなんで名づけられた、と村勢要覧に掲げている。」とされています。 (嬬恋村役場HPより) その愛妻家の元祖ヤマトタケルノミコトを祭っている神社として嬬恋村には「五大愛妻神社」があり、その一つが三原神社です。 「五大愛妻神社」 田代神社(嬬恋村田代34) 干俣神社(嬬恋村干俣365) 大笹神社(嬬恋村大笹176) 三原神社(嬬恋村三原1108) 今井神社(嬬恋村大宇今井812) (嬬恋村観光協会ウェブサイトより)
The deity of the god Iinagi no Kimei, Izen Namei, Oyamazu Mimei, Hinoyuki Ghito Shinjin, Amaterasu Okami, Ichikijima Himemei, Susano Otome, Kuraine Soul Himemei, Daikoku Otome, Emperor Sujin Emperor Nihonbuson, Tachibana Hime Sugawara Michizane Tokugawa Ieyasu History Nakai-mura Akabane-mura's former Atsuta Shrine Amaterasu Okami Wakkenmei and three other pillars are the end of August 31, 1907 (1907) The end of the headquarters Akiba Kotohira Koyama Oyama Shrine and Shinmeigu Tenjin Tenmangu Toshogu 11 Then, the name was changed to Mihara Shrine. (From the precinct information monument) "Akabane Village" Around the entrance of Mihara Shrine, around Bustei Higashi Mihara, there was a place name called Akabane. The place name of Akabane is based on the fact that the geology of the area is red clay. (Korimura magazine) It is located on the bank on the left bank of the Azuma River at an altitude of about 800m, and the village is in the form of a naturally occurring lump village. There were twelve villages of Akabane, Nakai (Nakai), Imai, Kamahara, Kaguya, Fukurokura, Ashiuda, Nishikubo, Oasa, Omae, Shiho, and Tashiro in the Tsumagoi village area during the Edo period. (Kanbunkyo Book) Mt. Asama caused a large eruption in the third year of the Tenmei era (1783). In 1874, the villages of Akabane and Nakai merged to become Mihara Village. With the implementation of the municipal system in 1889, the eleven villages of Mihara, Imai, Kamahara, Kamenkai, Fukurokura, Ashiya, Nishikubo, Ohasa, Ohmae, Shiho, and Tashiro merged. Tsumagoi Village was established. (From the site "Nationwide Akabane Travelogue") "Mihara Mikoshi Autumn Festival" It is an autumn festival that has been held in the Mihara area since ancient times. On the first day, the mikoshi will start the Mihara Shrine and the Mihara residents and children will walk around the ground. Also, on the second day, hand dances, scooping of goldfish and watermelon splits, which are loved by children, are held, and it is a festival to pray for good harvest and disease-free disasters throughout the region. (From the Tsumagoi Village Office website) "Holy place of wife" According to the Tsumagoi-mura magazine, the name of the village of "Tsumakoi", which was founded in 1889, is completely different from the fact that Nihon Takeson became the owner of Usuisaka (now the Torii Pass). The village manual states that he was named after his wife and younger brother Tachibana Hime, who was so scared of his wife that he was so angry that he said "Azumaya". "It has been with. (From the Tsumagoi Village Office website) As a shrine that worships Yamato Takeru Nomikoto, the ancestor of the beloved wife, there is the "Five Great Love Wife Shrine" in Tsumagoi-mura, one of which is Mihara Shrine. "Five Great Love Wife Shrines" Tashiro Shrine (34, Tsumagoi Village, Tashiro), Hitamata Shrine (365, Tsumagoi Village), Ozasa Shrine (176, Tsumagoi Village, Osamu 176) Mihara Shrine (1108, Tsumagoi Village, Miuhara Imai, 812, Uuimai, Tsumagoi Village) (From the Tsumagoi Village Tourism Association website)

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