Kodakitenmangu - Agatsuma District

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Contact Kodakitenmangu

住所 :

Kitakaruizawa, Naganohara, Agatsuma District, Gunma 377-1412, Japan

Postal code : 377-1412

Kitakaruizawa, Naganohara, Agatsuma District, Gunma 377-1412, Japan
群馬県ヨシタカ on Google

田中小荷 on Google

ちょうど「長野原町大字北軽井沢」と、「嬬恋村大字鎌原」の境界線の「小宿川」近くにあります。 今では錆びたぐんま名所百選の看板や、苔生した石垣、入口を広く取った参道石段を覆う枯葉など、寂しさを越えて時を待つかのようです。 維 昭和五十六辛酉年(1981)七月二十五日、上州妙義山中金鶏山麓菅原神社より菅公の御分霊をいただき勧請、茲に小滝天満宮を奉斎せり。 菅公は学問の聖神として古来より世人是を崇拝し全国津々浦々に御分社有りしが当地に於ては日本民族伝統の精神的よりどころとしての神社存せず、これに配意せる神戸朝雄一念発起し天満宮勧請を近隣に提案せるに衆人悉く賛意を示し浄財を募り茲に天満宮社及び当碑を建立し併せて礼拝に資する諸施設を整えたり。 次に菅公の御縁起御神徳を記す。 公は仁明天皇の承和十二年(845)に誕生ましまし幼少の頃より学問に秀で仁才威徳宏大にして宇多天皇の侍読となり陞任して醍醐天皇昌泰二年(899)には右大臣に進み延喜元年(901)従二位に叙せらる。然るに藤原時平の䜛言に遇い同年正月廿五日太宰権師として九州大宰府に左遷同三年同地に薨去ましましぬ。然るに延長元年(923)贈右大臣正二位に復せらる又正徳四年(1714)左大臣正一位又太政大臣と追贈、後に天満大自在天神の称号を給わり以来千有余年学問の神と崇められる。 (境内記念碑より)
It's right near "Kousukugawa" at the boundary line between "Naganohara-machi Oita Kita-Karuizawa" and "Tsumakoi-mura Oza-Kamahara". It's as if you wait for time beyond the loneliness, such as the rusted Gunma 100 famous signboards, moss-covered stone walls, and dead leaves that cover the entrance stone steps. Wei, July 25, 1981 (Showa 56) On the 25th of July in 1981, we invited the spirits of Sugako from Sugawara Shrine at the foot of Mt. As a sacred god of learning, Kanko has worshiped the world's motto since ancient times, and there are branch offices all over the country, but there is no shrine as a spiritual source of the Japanese folk tradition here. He raised the Tenmangu shrine and this monument with the help of the public by offering a generous support to the people who proposed the Tenmangu solicitation to the neighborhood and gathered pure money, and arranged various facilities contributing to worship. Next, I will write about the good luck of God. The public was born in Emperor Nimei's 12th year of the Emperor (845), and since he was a child, he was a scholar of excellence and became a samurai reading of Emperor Uda. Advances to the right minister and is appointed second in the first year of Enki (901). However, he was treated to the tongue of Fujiwara Tokihei and moved to Kyushu Dazaifu as a Dazai Governor of New Year's Day in the same year. However, it was extended for the first year (923) and returned to the second place of right minister Masamata 4th year (1714) left minister Shoichi 1st place, and additional gifts with Minister Masata. Worshiped. (From the precinct monument)

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