
4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact あじこば

住所 :

Nishine, Sagae, 〒991-0003 Yamagata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87888
Webサイト : https://www.facebook.com/ajikoba0609/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–2:30PM
Sunday 11AM–3PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 11AM–2:30PM
Wednesday 11AM–2:30PM
Thursday 11AM–2:30PM
Friday 11AM–2:30PM
街 : Yamagata

Nishine, Sagae, 〒991-0003 Yamagata,Japan
稲荷たろう on Google

A ramen shop where motorcycle lovers gather. (Of course, many other people also come.) It's a addictive taste, and despite the fact that there are many Yamagata meat soba restaurants, you come here every time. The new salt soba and the famous tempura were delicious!
柏倉達郎 on Google

It's been a while since I visited this shop, and many ?️ motorcycle lovers have come to this shop. Mainly meat soba, and there are also meat Chinese and set meals. Today I ordered meat Chinese, and it is a slightly sweet soup with a Chinese noodle version of meat soba. Personally, I prefer crispy noodles, but do you try to keep up with the strength of the taste? ? This was delicious.
aki. aki on Google

本日は、以前から気になっていたあじこばさんへ?初訪問です? 訪問したのは水曜の開店直後⌚️当然一番乗り✌️と思ったら既に先客が?人気店のようです? 蕎麦がメインのお店ですが、私のターゲットは、お蕎麦やさんの中華そば?ということで、券売機でチャーシュー麺を?1人なのでカウンターに座るべきなのでしょうが、お好きな席へとの案内に甘えて窓際の4人掛けのテーブル席へ?そういえば、カウンター以外の席は、久しぶりかも?? チャーシュー麺は?醤油と塩があるとのことなので、醤油をお願いして待つことしばし⏳その間メニューを眺めていると、JAFの会員証提示で大盛り無料?でも、そばだけか…?残念です? さほど待つことなく、浅漬けとともに、チャーシュー麺登場?まずはスープを一口?塩を頼んだっけ?と思うくらい透きとおったスープですが、寒河江基準?美味しいけど、寒河江出身の私でもかなり塩辛い感じがします? 続いて麺を?こちらも透明感があり、歯ざわりに食感ともに?です? さて、つぎはチャーシューを?これは少しパサつき感が…?また、やや硬めに仕上げてあるために、肉の繊維が歯の間に?私のような、歯間が広がった中高年には少し厳しいですね?(笑) 今回は普通盛りだったこともあり、瞬殺?⏱当然に、先客を追い越して?お店の外へ? ごちそうさまでした?
Today is my first visit to Ajikoba-san, who I've always been interested in ? I visited the store right after the store opened on Wednesday ⌚️ Naturally the first ✌️, but it seems that the previous customers are already ? popular stores ? The main shop is soba, but my target is soba and san's Chinese soba ?, so I should sit at the counter because I have only one char siu noodle at the ticket vending machine, but I can go to my favorite seat To the table seats for 4 people by the window in spite of the guidance ? By the way, the seats other than the counter may be the first time in a while. ? It is said that char siu noodles have ? soy sauce and salt, so please wait for a while ⏳ While looking at the menu, a large serving of free with JAF membership card ? But only soba ... ? Sorry ? Char siu noodles appeared with light pickles without waiting too much ? First, a bite of soup ? Did you order salt? The soup is so clear that I think it is based on Sagae. It's delicious, but even I from Sagae feel quite salty ? Next, the noodles ? This is also transparent, and the texture is ? with the texture ? By the way, next is char siu ? This is a little dry ... ? Also, because it is finished a little hard, the fibers of the meat are between the teeth ? A little for middle-aged and older people like me It's tough ? (laughs) This time it was normal, so was it an instant kill? ⏱ Naturally, overtaking the previous customer ? Outside the store ? Thank you for your feast ?
Toshiaki T on Google

バイク乗りの友人オススメのあじこばさんにお邪魔しました。店主がバイク乗りのなので、ライダーズカフェのお蕎麦屋版みたいなお店です(笑) 山形と言えば、冷たい肉そば! 券売機で、食券を買おうと思っていると中華も美味しそう!!意を決して、冷たい肉そばと塩中華の両方とも注文しちゃいました。 そしてお安い!肉蕎麦700円、中華600円です。お安い! まずは期待の冷たい肉そば。 蕎麦の太さを、細太から選べます。一般的には、暖かいのを太麺ですが、あえて冷たい肉そばで太麺にしてみました。スープを飲んで、まず感じたのが、ほんのり甘い! そして適度な出汁感。キリッとした出汁では無くて、ややふわっとしてる感じです。麺は太麺にしたので、私好みのしっかりとした歯応えと喉越しの、田舎蕎麦で良いです。 ややお味が薄めの出汁なので、細麺にして、お出汁を絡めて食べるのもありかも。鶏肉は適度に歯応えがあり、ただただ柔らかい鶏肉とは少し違う感じがして、これもまたとてもよい。 お次は、塩中華。 醤油も選べますが、蕎麦屋の中華をあえて塩で食してみたくなりました。これは、、、少し私の好みと違うかな。良い表現をすれば、優しいお味ですね〜♪と言うやつで、塩の味を前に出すのか、スープを前に出すのか、麺に味を乗せてくるのか、答えがわかんなくなっちゃいました。トータルでは、とても美味しい塩ラーメンなんですが、私は塩のミネラル感が立ったラーメンを期待したので、良い意味で普通に美味しい感じでした。あっ、忘れちゃならん、チャーシューは、絶品でした!モチっとして柔らかくて。 お前!蕎麦の後に食うからだろ!と言う鬼突っ込みが聞こえてきそう、、、お許しくださいw 今度はラーメンだけ頂くようにしてみますので(笑)ライダーでなくてもお勧めのお蕎麦屋さんです。
I visited Ajikoba-san, who is recommended by a friend who rides a motorcycle. The owner is a motorcycle rider, so it's like a soba shop version of Rider's Cafe (laughs) Speaking of Yamagata, cold meat soba! If you are thinking of buying a meal ticket at a ticket vending machine, Chinese food will be delicious! !! By no means, I ordered both cold soba noodles and salted Chinese food. And cheap! Meat soba is 700 yen and Chinese food is 600 yen. Cheap! First of all, the expected cold soba noodles. You can choose the thickness of soba from thin. Generally, warm noodles are thick noodles, but I dared to make thick noodles with cold soba noodles. When I drank the soup, the first thing I felt was a little sweet! And a moderate soup stock. It's not a crisp soup stock, but a little fluffy. The noodles are thick, so you can use the countryside soba noodles, which have a firm texture and throat that I like. The soup stock has a slightly lighter taste, so you may want to make thin noodles and eat it with the soup stock. The chicken is reasonably crunchy and just feels a little different from the tender chicken, which is also very good. Next is salt Chinese food. You can choose soy sauce, but I wanted to try eating Chinese food at a soba restaurant with salt. This is a little different from my taste. To put it in a good way, it's a gentle taste ~ ♪ I don't know the answer, whether to put the salt taste in front, the soup in front, or the noodles with the taste. .. In total, it's a very delicious salt ramen, but I expected a ramen with a salty mineral feel, so in a good way it was usually delicious. Oh, don't forget, the char siu was excellent! Mochi and soft. you! It's because you eat it after soba! I think I can hear the demon rushing in ... Please forgive me w Next time, I'll try to get only ramen (laughs), so I recommend this soba restaurant even if you're not a rider.
ducati ss900ie on Google

温かい肉そば 大盛り 頂きました。 この日はとても、寒く バイクで冷えた身体を温めたく、温かい肉そばチョイス! 麺の硬さ、味、スープと どれもバランス良し! 美味しかった! 食べ終わった頃、同行したメンバーから、 次回は冷たい肉そばを勧められました。 また、格別に美味しいとの情報(๑•̀ㅁ•́ฅ✨ 次回は、冷たい肉そばを頂きに来ます ご馳走様でした 2回目の来店! 今回は冷たい肉そば  大盛り太麺です。 美味い! 麺も太麺なのに柔らかく美味しい! スープとのバランスも良いです まさに、人気投票通りに冷たい肉そばがお勧めですね♪ 大変美味しく頂きました ご馳走様でした。
Warm meat soba Large serving We received. This day is very cold A warm meat soba choice that warms your cold body on a motorcycle! Noodle hardness, taste, soup All are well-balanced! was delicious! When I finished eating, the members who accompanied me Next time, I was recommended to have cold soba noodles. In addition, information that it is exceptionally delicious (๑ • ̀ ㅁ • ́ฅ✨ Next time, I will come to have cold soba noodles It was a treat Second visit! This time, it's cold soba noodles with a large serving of thick noodles. delicious! Even though the noodles are thick, they are soft and delicious! Good balance with soup Just like the popularity vote, cold soba noodles are recommended ♪ It was very delicious It was a treat.
takako on Google

出汁がきいてる肉そばです。 太麺と細麺が選べました。
It is a meat soba with soup stock. You can choose between thick noodles and thin noodles.
Yukihiko SHOJI on Google

肉中華をいただきました。 載っていたのはむね肉と親鳥の歯応えのしっかりしたお肉の二種類。 普通盛では量は少な目です。 また、ダシはかなり甘めな印象。 個人的にはもう少し甘みが抑えられても良いかなと思います。 ごちそうさまでした。
K-SPIRITS (花咲じじい) on Google

I was on a business trip from Chiba to Yamagata. I was worried about the menu for the first time, but I got cold two-color soba. It was chewy and delicious because I could eat and compare it. Zimotti ate something like warm Chinese soba. This also looked delicious. Next wants to challenge.

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