そば処 七色

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact そば処 七色

住所 :

Saiwaicho, Sagae, 〒991-0035 Yamagata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8787
Webサイト : http://www.7iro.info/
Opening hours :
Saturday 6PM–2AM
Sunday 6PM–12AM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 6PM–2AM
Wednesday 6PM–2AM
Thursday 6PM–2AM
Friday 6PM–2AM
街 : Yamagata

Saiwaicho, Sagae, 〒991-0035 Yamagata,Japan
황민현 on Google

路上駐車慢性化してる。 駐車場があるならそこから荷物おろせ! しっかりしてください・・・
Street parking is becoming chronic. If you have a parking lot, unload your luggage from there! Please be firm ...
HIRO kujiro on Google

飲んだ帰りに寄りました。 ラーメンも食べたかったのですが,初めてということもあり,板そばと板中華めんの合盛りにしてもらいました。 どちらも食べやすく,飲んだ後にはぴったりです。 ゲソ天はまあ山形としては普通でしたが,一緒に頼んだカキが天ぷらで,カキフライでないところが斬新であるかもしれません。 駅のすぐ近くにあるので,電車時間ぎりぎりまでいることができるので,寒い冬でもいいかもしれません。 今度は,ぜひほかのメニューも味わってみたいです。七色という名の通りいろいろ品数が多いお店でした。
I stopped by on my way home after drinking. I also wanted to eat ramen, but since it was my first time, I asked him to make a combination of Ita soba and Ita Chinese noodles. Both are easy to eat and are perfect after drinking. Gesoten was normal for Yamagata, but the oysters I ordered together were tempura, and the fact that they weren't fried oysters might be novel. Since it is very close to the station, you can stay until the train time, so it may be good even in the cold winter. Next time, I definitely want to try other menus. As the name suggests, it was a shop with a large number of items.
よねよね on Google

寒河江で深夜でもやってる肉そばのお店。 スープはすっきりしている、そばも旨い。 肉もスッキリスープに合うように 肉の部位は胸肉を多めに使ってる感じがします! サイドメニューのゲソ天も食べる価値あり! お店のスタッフさんも明るくて居心地の良いお店です。
A meat soba shop that runs in the Sagae at midnight. The soup is refreshing and the soba is delicious. Meat goes well with refreshing soup I feel that the meat part uses a lot of breast meat! The side menu, Gesoten, is also worth eating! The shop staff is also bright and cozy.
エガワケイスケ on Google

客層としては飲酒後にくるお客が多く、大声で話をするひともいます。 喫煙が可能な店なのでこちらが食事中でも容赦なくタバコに火をつけます。こうなると喉元まで上がってゲロ我慢。喫煙者が多数なら、せめて禁煙席位は欲しいところ。 静かなところで純粋にソバを食べたいヒト向けの店ではありませんでした。料理が美味しいだけに残念。
Many of our customers come after drinking alcohol, and some speak loudly. Since it is a smoking shop, you can mercilessly light a cigarette even while eating. When this happens, I go up to my throat and endure vomiting. If you have a lot of smokers, you want at least a non-smoking seat. It was not a shop for people who wanted to eat buckwheat purely in a quiet place. It's a shame because the food is delicious.
aya kudoh on Google

車も路上駐車が常態化してて迷惑だと感じないのでしょうか? 近くに交番があるのに もっとがんばれ!
Don't you feel that it is annoying for cars to park on the street as usual? Even though there is a police box nearby Do your best!
えんたけいしん on Google

The night of the Kangawa River is definitely here! Oyster ramen is recommended as a gem that has condensed oyster flavor and can easily take oyster power.
ホシガメ大明神 on Google

This is a restaurant that was introduced to me by eating yakitori and chilling buckwheat. The buckwheat was cool and delicious. It was a fresh taste. This store was also full of locals. Because it was a large shop, I was able to relax.
芦澤貞春 on Google

仕事が早く、腰が低い接客でした 営業開始19時過ぎの入店だったせいか、しばらくお客はわたしだけ 入店時、お店の子どもらが店内で遊んでいましたが、奥へと追いやられ、店内は途端に静かに その後バラバラと客が増え、それなりに満卓に 一品メニューもそこそこ数がありますが、どれも提供までが早い キチンと仕込みをしてるんですね 最初に出てきたもやしサラダ600円の量にビックリ さすが山形という感じ あとからフライドポテトを頼もうとしたら、今日は子姫芋があるのでと 調べると寒河江の伝統野菜 食べることができ、寒河江に来た〜と感じになりました ただ店内は寒かった けど、ほかのお客さんは半袖やら薄着だったので、寒かったのは東京もんのわたしだけだったんですね、きっと 帰りはお店でタクシーを頼めばよかった‥ 駅に待機してるタクシーは無し 駅前のタクシー会社内で配車を待ってホテルまで それにしても、寒河江の街は人通りもなく、ものすごい静けさ
The work was quick and the customer service was low. I was the only customer for a while, probably because I entered the store after 19:00. At the time of entering the store, the children of the store were playing in the store, but they were driven to the back and the inside of the store became quiet as soon as possible. After that, the number of customers increased and it became full as it was. There are quite a few single-item menus, but they are all quick to serve. You're preparing with chitin I was surprised at the amount of bean sprout salad 600 yen that came out first It feels like Yamagata When I tried to order french fries later, I thought that there was a child princess potato today. If you look it up, traditional vegetables from Sagae I was able to eat and felt like I came to Sagae. But the inside of the store was cold However, the other customers were short-sleeved and lightly dressed, so I'm the only one in Tokyo who was cold, I'm sure. I should have ordered a taxi at the store on my way home ... No taxi waiting at the station Wait for the taxi to be dispatched in the taxi company in front of the station to the hotel Even so, the city of Sagae is uncrowded and tremendously quiet.

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