東八 人形町店

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 東八 人形町店

住所 :

Nihonbashiningyocho, Chuo City, 〒103-0013 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
街 : Tokyo

Nihonbashiningyocho, Chuo City, 〒103-0013 Tokyo,Japan
Shi Nana on Google

We used at lunch. It's cheap and has a good selection of delicious salmon menus. Younger children are fine, but middle-aged people like me should order less rice. I went with me, but my mental cutlet was crispy juicy, my croquette was also crispy and delicious I said ️. It was a diving visit during business hours, but it was a big hit
Kazuya Akanuma on Google

2Fもあって席はかなり広いです。結構遅い時間ですが、満席。 近所のサラリーマンっぽい方々のたまり場になっていました。 それにしても、値段が安い!驚きのやすさです。 頼んだのは、エイヒレ。炙り明太子。アジフライと居酒屋定番メニュー系です。 おでん屋さんなので、おでんを頼むべきなんでしょうが、おでんは食べなかったので次回行く機会があればおでんを食べてみたいと思います。
There are also 2F and the seats are quite large. It is quite a late time, but it is full. It was a hangout for people like salaried workers in the neighborhood. Even so, the price is cheap! It's surprising ease. I asked, Eihire. Broiled mentaiko. It is a classic menu system of Asi-fly and Izakaya. Because it is an oden shop, you should ask Oden, but since I did not eat oden, I would like to try Oden if I have the opportunity to go next time.
natuki S on Google

ちょい飲み2軒目で行きました。お店は1階席と2階席がありとても賑わっていました。壁には短冊メニューが貼られています。 居酒屋メニューが豊富で炙り明太子やえいひれを食べましたがおでんも楽しめます。寒日におでんいいですね♪
I went with a second drink. The shop had first floor seats and second floor seats and was very crowded. On the wall there are strips of menus. I had plentiful Izakaya menu and ate Japanese meadow and mashed potatoes but I also enjoy oden. Oden is oden for cold weather ♪
田中直樹 on Google

職場近くにある大衆居酒屋の東八さん。 外観はオシャレに『108』の電飾が。 「トーハチ」⇒「108」という事ですね。 シャレてます。 考え方は「109」マルキューと一緒です。 昼はランチもやってます! 男性サラリーマンが8割。 値段はちょい割高ですが、ボリューム満点! 全メニューに豚汁(大)と小鉢が付いてくるのも嬉しいポイント。 お気に入りはとりわさ丼+メンチカツ 980円! 味も絶品、量も大満足! ★ひとつ減点はタバコ可なところ、、、 喫煙者には嬉しいのでしょうが、、、 また行きます!
Mr. Higashihachi, a popular pub near the workplace. The appearance is stylish with “108” illumination. “Tohachi” ⇒ “108”. I'm smart. The idea is the same as “109” Marquee. I also have lunch at noon! 80% are male office workers. The price is a little expensive, but the volume is perfect! It is also a nice point that the whole menu comes with pork soup (large) and a small bowl. My favorite is Towasawadon + Menchikatsu 980 yen! Excellent taste and great satisfaction! ★ One deduction is where cigarettes are allowed ... It would be nice for smokers, but ... I will go again!
hashizo 95 on Google

I had grilled fish and minced meat cutlet at lunch at an izakaya.
Masatake Yoneya on Google

2022年1月14日 ランチで訪問。 11:45頃に入店。 1階には自分を含めて3名のみ。 エッグチャーシュー定食(950円)をオーダー。 10分かからず配膳。 目玉焼き2つにラーメンサイズのチャーシューが3枚、キャベツの千切りにマカロニサラダの付け合わせ。 これに白飯、みそ汁、もやしの小鉢が付く。 ボリュームは有るが、内容が950円に見合っているとは思えない。 次回行く時は魚とフライの定食にしてみようかと思う。
Visited for lunch on January 14, 2022. Entered around 11:45. Only 3 people including myself on the 1st floor. I ordered an egg char siu set meal (950 yen). Serving in less than 10 minutes. Two fried eggs, three ramen-sized char siu, shredded cabbage and macaroni salad. It comes with white rice, miso soup, and a small bowl of bean sprouts. There is volume, but I don't think the content is worth 950 yen. The next time I go, I'll try a set meal of fish and fries.
Sei kome on Google

ランチで伺いましたが 定食で頼まず単品で色々いただきながら お酒を楽しんでまいりました♪ 基本的な盛り付けはボリューム満点! フライの盛り合わせはメンチを アジフライに変えていただけ嬉しかった またこの中のイカフライの 柔らかさにはびっくりしました 箸でスッと切れて「おー?」ですww チャーシューエッグは叉焼にしっかり味付け タレはまとわないタイプ これも旨かったですね〜♪ マグロ山かけもたっぷりで ご飯抜いたけどお腹いっぱい満足満足!
I visited for lunch Don't ask for a set meal I have enjoyed drinking ♪ The basic arrangement is full of volume! Assorted fries are menchi I was happy to change to Aji fry Also of the squid in this I was surprised at the softness You can cut it with chopsticks and it's "Oh?" Ww Char siu egg is well seasoned for roasted pork A type that does not wear sauce This was also delicious ~ ♪ Plenty of tuna pile I skipped the rice, but I'm full and satisfied!
tai tas on Google

In lunch time, many kind of set meals. not expensive.

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