花木流味噌 成増総本店

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 花木流味噌 成増総本店

住所 :

Narimasu, Itabashi City, 〒175-0094 Tokyo,Japan

Opening hours :
Saturday 10:30AM–11PM
Sunday 10:30AM–11PM
Monday 11AM–11PM
Tuesday 11AM–11PM
Wednesday 11AM–11PM
Thursday 11AM–11PM
Friday 11AM–11PM
街 : Tokyo

Narimasu, Itabashi City, 〒175-0094 Tokyo,Japan
トゥインクル。 on Google

以前からこの口コミや口コミ写真見て、もやしが多いのを見てて、自分は、けっこう少食なんで食べきれないなってずっと思ってました。 なので、もやし抜き・味噌ラーメン780円+トッピング【たまご・バター・コーン】200円の計980円で頼みました。 無料のごはんも、食べきれないのでお断りしました。 スープが濃厚で非常においしくて、麺もおいしくて、スープも全部飲み、完食しました。 チャーシューは、固めでした。 もし、もやしあったら食べきれませんでした。 このうまさでしたから、また行きたくなりました。 成増に味噌ラーメン屋ってなかっただけに、本当にありがたいです。 またいきます。
Looking at these reviews and word-of-mouth photos for a long time, and seeing a lot of bean sprouts, I always thought that I couldn't eat because I had a small meal. So, I ordered bean sprout-free and miso ramen for 780 yen + toppings [egg, butter, corn] for 200 yen, for a total of 980 yen. I refused to eat free rice because I couldn't eat it. The soup was rich and very delicious, the noodles were delicious, I drank all the soup and ate it. The char siu was firm. If there was bean sprout, I couldn't eat it. It was so good that I wanted to go again. I'm really grateful that there wasn't a miso ramen shop in Narimasu. I will go again.
ノーラン on Google

Miso ramen shop with free rice. The photo is black, with a large serving of char siu. I wonder if it's some kind of oil ... and it's miso ramen with each vegetable fried in oil, so it felt quite oily. I felt the miso feeling was far from it. The volume was perfect and the noodles were chewy and delicious.
音速少年時代 on Google

Thick and sweet miso soup, thick noodles, like a stew that is too loose. I hope it's spicy miso, but the soup is too sweet for me. Ramen that tastes good and you will want to eat it once in a while. Free large servings of noodles and free rice. Fried rice is excellent.
iAd on Google

極太麺の濃厚味噌ラーメン。 成増で2番目に美味しいラーメン店です。 外まで並ぶことはないので、1番目(★★★★⭐)に比べ高評価にしてます。時は金なり。 白=みそ(ベース)、赤=ベースにラー油オン、黒=ベースにマー油オンの三択です。 ※最近ではカレーも追加されたみたい。 昔は白飯だけだった無料サービスに、麺の大盛も選択できるよう変わっていました。 ラーメンをおかずにライスを食べるのが苦手な私には嬉しいサービスです。 大盛を頼むと、時間差もなくなぜか大盛分の麺だけ別皿で出てきたりした迷走期もあったけど、大きな器も用意されたようで、その辺のオペレーションは安定した様子。 特盛は+100円。 卓上の一味(辛味)、花山椒(シビレ)もアレンジでき、鬼金棒みたいな風味にも味変が可能で飽きずに楽しめます(白飯用のふりかけもあります) 八王子、成増に次ぐ3店舗目として三鷹店もオープンしたみたいですね。儲かりまんなぁ。 ますます頑張ってください!
Thick miso ramen with extra-thick noodles. It is the second most delicious ramen shop in Narimasu. Since it does not line up to the outside, it is highly evaluated compared to the first (★★★★ ⭐). The time is money. White = miso (base), red = chili oil on base, black = mar oil on base. * It seems that curry has been added recently. In the past, it was changed to a free service that was only white rice, but you can also choose a large serving of noodles. This is a nice service for me, who is not good at eating rice without eating ramen. When I asked for Omori, there was a stray period when only the noodles for Omori came out on a separate plate for some reason, but it seems that a large bowl was also prepared, and the operation around that seems to be stable. The special price is +100 yen. You can also arrange the tabletop gang (spicy) and Hanasansho (sweetbread), and you can change the taste to a flavor like a demon gold stick, so you can enjoy it without getting tired (there is also a sprinkle for white rice). It seems that the Mitaka store has also opened as the third store after Hachioji and Narimasu. It's not profitable. Please do your best!
Ryu “Ken” on Google

初めて成増に行った際に訪問 自分は辛味噌ラーメンチャーシュートッピング 相方は味噌ラーメンバターコーントッピング で注文 太麺ストレートで、スープは動物系味噌スープ 生のクラッシュにんにく入れると◎ 美味しいと思う。 しかし、野方の花道に普段通ってる自分からすると下位互換な感じ。平均以上だと思うが。 ライス無料、大盛り無料等サービス面では優位性あり。そのへんのバランスを、考慮して★4かな。
Visited when I went to Narimasu for the first time I'm Spicy Miso Ramen Char Siu Topping My partner is miso ramen butter corn topping Order at Thick noodles straight, soup is animal miso soup When you put raw crushed garlic in it ◎ I think it's delicious. However, it seems to be backward compatible for me, who usually goes to Nogata Hanamichi. I think it's above average. There is an advantage in terms of services such as free rice and free large servings. Considering that balance, I think it's ★ 4.
バスの運転手 on Google

※すんごいサービスのお店です。 白味噌ベースのスープに炒めモヤシとニラ、ひき肉の野菜類とチャーシューが2枚、麺は「菅野製麺」のモッチリ中太麺でうんまい♪ 最近20円値上がりしても800円で大盛&ライス両方ともサービスを受けられます。 しかも卓上アイテムも豊富でふりかけ&キュ〜ちゃんも使い放題。 ポイントカードは一回に付き一個のポイントですが5個で100円分のトッピングを10個で半チャーハンサービス。15個でラーメン一杯サービス。しかも雨の日はポイント3倍。 なんと、毎日22日は「感謝祭」としてワンコインで食べれるそうです。 美味しいし近所に欲しいお店です。
* It is a great service shop. Stir-fried bean sprouts and garlic chives in a white miso-based soup, two pieces of minced meat vegetables and char siu, and the noodles are delicious with the fluffy medium-thick noodles of "Sugano Seimen" ♪ Even if the price rises by 20 yen recently, you can get the service for both Omori and Rice for 800 yen. Moreover, there are plenty of tabletop items, and you can use Furikake & Kyu-chan as much as you want. The point card is one point at a time, but 5 pieces are 100 yen worth of toppings and 10 pieces are half fried rice service. A bowl of ramen is served with 15 pieces. Moreover, on rainy days, the points are tripled. It seems that you can eat it with one coin every day on the 22nd as "Thanksgiving". It's delicious and I want it in my neighborhood.
大川俊雄 on Google

2022年1月22日土曜日のお昼過ぎ この日は月1サービスデーで3種限定味噌ラーメンがワンコインで頂けるとの事で初入店 成増で開店して~約1年経過したのもあり中々好評な為 試しに食して見よう訪問 だが流石にワンコインデーは他の飲食店に比べお得過ぎるので行列があり一度躊躇してしまい時間を置いて再訪問 暫し行列に並び食券購入後オーダー 何と無く赤=辛い?の麺大盛無料でオーダー 席に案内されるも麺が太麺なので、やや待たされる?スタッフも大変だろうか、ややミスが、かいまみえる。店内足下がスースーして冷え性な私は少々寒い。ほどなくして着丼 先ずはこ盛りのご飯から 少し待ちラーメン?到着 もやし炒め20円オーダーしたのでトータル520円でご飯?もやしのおかわりが出来るならお得でしかない?先ずはスープから飲みやすく丁度いい塩梅といった感じ。麺も大盛にしたため食べ応えがありチャーシューも2枚厚みもありデフォでもやし炒めも入っているし満足感は十分あるなと言った感じです。味変でニンニク、一味、山椒、ブラックペッパー等があり、ニンニクと山椒でひと味変化が楽しめて、(只若干オイリーな感じ、もやし炒めに味付け)塩が有れば良いのに 月1サービスデーは、満足出来ました。唯一マイナス点は、初入店時メニューの内容が解りづらいのと、卓上の仕切り盤が有るため調味料の一部ニンニクが無くて、お隣~自分の元へ移動さらに待って入る間カウンター上に空の茶碗が後になって(きゅうちゃん)漬物が入っていた茶碗だった事を、他の口コミ写真投稿で知ることとなり、やや不満でした。スタッフさん補充してよって。隣の客も手に取って見てたが空だった為分からずそのまま何も言えず。スタンプカードもあり 中々良心的お店だったと思いました。個人的には、月1サービスデーなら次回もありかなぁな感じです。ご馳走様でした?
After noon on Saturday, January 22, 2022 This day is the first service day of the month, and it is said that you can get 3 kinds of limited miso ramen with one coin. Therefore, let's try eating and seeing it, but one coin day is too profitable compared to other restaurants, so there is a line and I hesitate once and revisit after a while I line up in a line for a while and order after purchasing a meal ticket Somehow red = Spicy? You will be guided to the order seat for free, but the noodles are thick, so do you have to wait a little? I wonder if the staff will have a hard time, but I can see some mistakes. I'm a little cold because my feet are soothing and cold. Shortly afterwards, donburi first, wait for a while from the rice in a bowl ? Arrived Stir-fried bean sprouts for 20 yen, so it's only a good deal if you can replace the bean sprouts for a total of 520 yen ? First of all, it's easy to drink from the soup and just right salt plum Feeling like. The noodles were also made into a large serving, so it was satisfying to eat, and the char siu was also thick, and the default and stir-fried bean sprouts were included, so I felt that I was satisfied enough. There are garlic, gang, Japanese pepper, black pepper, etc. in the taste change, you can enjoy the garlic and Japanese pepper, and you can enjoy the taste change (just a little oily feeling, seasoned with bean sprout), but if you have salt, the monthly service day is I was satisfied. The only negative point is that it is difficult to understand the contents of the menu when entering the store for the first time, and because there is a partition board on the table, there is no garlic in some of the seasonings, so move to your neighbor-yourself and wait for more on the counter. I was a little dissatisfied with the fact that the empty bowl was later (Kyu-chan) and that it was a bowl that contained pickles, as I learned from other word-of-mouth photo posts. Please replenish the staff. I picked up the customer next door and looked at it, but I couldn't understand it because it was empty and I couldn't say anything. I thought it was a conscientious shop with stamp cards. Personally, I wonder if there will be another service day on the 1st of the month. It was a treat ?
TERU on Google

動画を拝見しての、初訪問でした。 店前に掲示されていたものから黒味噌ラーメンにしようと決めて店内に入り券売機を見ると、味噌カレーラーメンなる文字が‼️ これはたのむしかないと、券売機にお金を入れてポチっと❗ カウンターに通され、入念にアルコール消毒をしてくれる女性店員さんも感じが良い? 麺の量、ライスの有無を聞かれ麺大盛り ライス小をコール 卓上にたまご振りかけもあるが、鮭振りかけも有りますよって、先ほどの女性が さらに水のピッチャーに中身がなくなるタイミングで、す~っと交換してくれる 紙エプロンの心配もしてくれて、100点の接客だと思いました。 さて、味噌カレーラーメンですが限定メニューだったらしく、荒々しい出来映えではなくて、マイルドかつ繊細な作品だと思いました。 次は、黒味噌に挑戦いたします。 余談ですが、1来店でワンスタンプのサービスカードがカウンターにあります。 スープ完飲でさらにもう1つスタンプがもらえる。 貯まったら、様々な得点あり。 リピート確実なお店でした。
It was my first visit after watching the video. When I decided to change from what was posted in front of the store to black miso ramen and entered the store and looked at the ticket vending machine, the letters Miso curry ramen were! ️ If this is unavoidable, put money in the ticket vending machine and click ❗ The female clerk who is passed through the counter and carefully disinfects alcohol also feels good ? Asked about the amount of noodles and the presence or absence of rice, a large serving of noodles Call small rice There is also an egg sprinkle on the table, but there is also a salmon sprinkle, so the woman I mentioned earlier Furthermore, when the water pitcher runs out of contents, it will be replaced quickly. He was worried about the paper apron, and I thought it was 100 points of customer service. By the way, although it is miso curry ramen, it seems to be a limited menu, and I thought that it was a mild and delicate work, not a rough workmanship. Next, I will challenge black miso. As an aside, there is a one-stamp service card at the counter for each visit. You can get another stamp when you drink the soup. If you collect it, you will get various points. It was a repeat shop.

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