
3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Shōya

住所 :

Narimasu, Itabashi City, 〒175-0094 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8998
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 5PM–12AM
Sunday 5PM–12AM
Monday 5PM–12AM
Tuesday 5PM–12AM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 5PM–12AM
Friday 5PM–12AM
街 : Tokyo

Narimasu, Itabashi City, 〒175-0094 Tokyo,Japan
田中保男 on Google

(Translated by Google) Sashimi is delicious, but grilled and fried foods cannot be eaten hot. I'm sorry! ️ I understand when I'm busy, but I wonder if it's the same when I'm free (> <)
亨也小林 on Google

There was also a smoke separation room, and infection prevention was also done properly! ️
Katu ousugi on Google

Sashimi and baked goods are good. It was a nice and cozy place to serve customers.
ヨシッ on Google

ここでは他ではあまり見かけない 大好きなつぶ貝の刺身が有るので、食べたくなったら訪問します。日本酒もおいしいですが値段がもう少し安ければと思います。
I don't see much elsewhere here There is sashimi of my favorite mussels, so I will visit if I want to eat. Sake is delicious, but I think the price is a little cheaper.
馬橋大輔 on Google

ここの庄やは頑張りやさん。深夜までやってるお店が少ない中、グランドメニューは変わらないものの 成増店ならではの取り揃えを心がけている。 深夜帯でしか飲めない私にはかなり嬉しいです。 ありがとうございます!!
Here, Shoya is working hard. While there are few shops until midnight, the grand menu is the same We keep in mind the unique lineup of Narimasu stores. I'm very happy for me who can only drink at midnight. Thank you! !
田中光太 on Google

The arrangement is dirty. The color of the tuna is bad. There was a customer who asked the clerk if it was okay, but he just apologized. Do the staff at the hall staff even think that the color of the tuna is bad? That's the quality.
H O on Google

品切れが多すぎる。 味も値段もメニュー構成も普通なのだから せめてこんなことは無いようにしてもらいたかった。
There are too many out of stock. Because the taste, price, and menu structure are normal. I wanted you to avoid this at least.
M Kawarada on Google

ジャンクフードのチェーン店が多いので割と無難な定食を食べられる場所が無いので貴重なお店だ。オススメ出来るものは無いが外れは少ない。写真は刺身が旨い定食 1280円
Because there are many junk food chain stores, it is a valuable shop because there is no place to eat splendid and safe food. There is nothing that I can recommend but there are few offsets. Picture set sashimi delicious set meal 1280 yen

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