ハウスコム 溝の口店

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ハウスコム 溝の口店

住所 :

Mizonokuchi, Takatsu Ward, Kawasaki, 〒213-0001 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88799
Webサイト : https://www.housecom.jp/shop/mizonokuchi-hc/list/%3Futm_medium%3Dorganic%26utm_source%3DGMBlisting
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Mizonokuchi, Takatsu Ward, Kawasaki, 〒213-0001 Kanagawa,Japan
室屋奏衣 on Google

There were many things I didn't understand when I was looking for a property for the first time, but the person in charge responded very politely. Also, when I was worried that I couldn't find the property, I was very sorry that I kept looking for it outside business hours, but it was really helpful. Thank you very much.
烏龍茶茶 on Google

とても丁寧に接していただきました。 分からないことも一回一回止まって説明していただけました。 接した方は2人でしたが接しやすかったです。 条件も色々つけてしまいましたが、頭に物件が入っていて、検索している間に条件が良い物件を提示してくれました。 暇な時間を作らないようにしていただき、とても信頼できる方々でした。 条件以内だけでなく、色々な観点から提案していただきました。
Thank you very much for your kindness. He stopped and explained what he didn't understand. There were two people who came in contact with each other, but it was easy to get in touch with them. I added various conditions, but I had a property in my head, and while searching, he suggested a property with good conditions. They were very reliable people who did not make free time. We received proposals not only within the conditions but also from various perspectives.
イワミタマキ on Google

I didn't know much about the real estate for the first time, but the store manager and Mr. Matsuda taught me politely from the beginning. He introduced me to a very good property because I consulted with him from early on. I wasn't rushed to make a contract. I had a bad impression of real estate depending on the location, but the people at this store are very polite.
真樹 on Google

It was a little past 14:00 on January 28, 4th year of Reiwa, and when I went to the consultation, the response of the man sitting near the first entrance was terrible. If there is no welcome, the tone looks down. I trembled with anger as much as I wanted to get a business card and expose my name. It's the worst. By the way, the store manager is a good person who listens to the story in a friendly manner. I'm thinking of looking for a property at another real estate agent.
ゆんゆん on Google

色々な物件探しで疲れていたところで、やっと頼れる存在の松田さんに出会えました。 何より、誰より、人として信頼出来ました。 次に引っ越す時も松田さんにお願いしたいですし、お友達が物件探している時にも紹介したいと思えるご担当者様でした。 メリットだけでなく、デメリットをお伝えしてくれるのが印象的で決めました。 あ ありがとうございます。
When I was tired of searching for various properties, I finally met Mr. Matsuda, who I can rely on. Above all, I was more reliable as a person than anyone else. I would like to ask Mr. Matsuda when I move next time, and he was the person in charge who would like to introduce me when my friend is looking for a property. It was impressive that he told me not only the advantages but also the disadvantages. Ah thank you.
ベゾスジェフ on Google

松田さんの接客はよかった。大家さんに交渉もしてくれて非常に優秀だった。ありがとうございます。 ただ1名電話対応が雑だった。(松田さん、石崎さん、店長ではない)物件が決まってその後のやり取りをしていたが声のトーンは低く、突き放すかの言い方、無責任なセリフ。クレームを入れるため「店長に代わってください」というと対応中だからと言われ、「じゃあ対応が終わったら店長に電話するように」と言ったが結局電話は来なかった。恐らくそいつの名前を聞かなかったことと怒られるのを恐れて店長にあえて報告しなかったのだろう。 恐らく契約が決まったらそれでいいらしい。そんな社訓があるのでしょう。 あとこれはどの不動産でもそうかもしれないが、仲介手数料は借主、大家から合計1ヶ月分、双方から取れるのは0.5ヶ月分だが1ヶ月分取られた。ハウスコムは健全ですからと言っていたので信用していたが裏切られたようです。 これを見た方は見積もりで1ヶ月分の仲介手数料だった場合「0.5ヶ月分までですよね!?ぼったくろうとしてませんか!?」と周りの客に聞こえるような声で言って私の無念を晴らしてください。(笑)
Mr. Matsuda's customer service was good. He also negotiated with the landlord and was very good. thank you. Only one person was not able to handle the phone. (Mr. Matsuda, Mr. Ishizaki, not the store manager) The property was decided and I was exchanging after that, but the tone of the voice was low, the way to say whether to push it away, irresponsible lines. I was told that I was responding on behalf of the store manager in order to make a complaint, and I said, "Then call the store manager when the response is over", but the call did not come after all. Perhaps he didn't report to the store manager for fear of getting angry that he didn't hear his name. Perhaps it's okay if the contract is decided. There may be such a company motto. Also, as with any real estate, the brokerage fee was taken from the borrower and the landlord for a total of one month, and from both sides for 0.5 months but one month. I believed that Housecom was healthy because I said it was healthy, but it seems that I was betrayed. Those who saw this said that if the estimated brokerage fee was one month's worth, "It's up to 0.5 months' worth !? Are you trying to get rid of it !?" Please clear up. (Lol)
めぐみ on Google

初めての上京と引っ越しで、わからないことだらけのままハウスコム溝の口店さんにお邪魔しました。 土地勘も何もわからない私に、駅の線の事やその土地の雰囲気、全てを丁寧に教えていただきました。 店長さん、清水さん、石崎さん、吉川さんが私に関わってくださり、この4人の方々のおかげで自分が想像していた以上の素晴らしい物件を探してくださりました。 私1人での上京でお金の件で相談させていただくと、家賃交渉、初期費用を抑えていただけるように交渉して下さり、お金の件に関しても配慮してくれました。 不安しかない物件探しでしたが、ハウスコムさんの素晴らしい対応のおかげで4月からの新生活がとても楽しみになりました。感謝でいっぱいです。 本当にありがとうございました。 ハウスコムさんで物件を探して大正解でした。
When I moved to Tokyo for the first time, I visited the Housecom Mizonokuchi store with all the things I didn't understand. I didn't know anything about the land, so I kindly taught me everything about the station line and the atmosphere of the land. The store manager, Mr. Shimizu, Mr. Ishizaki, and Mr. Yoshikawa were involved with me, and thanks to these four people, they searched for a wonderful property that was beyond my imagination. When I went to Tokyo alone and consulted on money, he negotiated rent and negotiated to reduce the initial cost, and he also considered money. I was only looking for a property that I was worried about, but thanks to Mr. Housecom's wonderful response, I was really looking forward to my new life from April. I am full of gratitude. I'm really thankful to you. I was looking for a property at Housecom and it was a great answer.
ななな on Google

上京で何も分からない状態から4軒目でやっと良い不動産屋さんに出会えました。担当していただいた松田さんは、親身になって私の立場に立って物件を調べてくださいました! 難しい条件の中でメリットやデメリットを包み隠さず教えてくれて、尚且つ無理強いはしない営業の仕方が私は好きでした。 楽しくお話しをしてくれるので、こちらも本音を出しやすく物件探しがスムーズに進んだのは松田さんのおかげかなと思っています!!!

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