
4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 株式会社東宝ハウス溝の口

住所 :

Mizonokuchi, Takatsu Ward, Kawasaki, 〒213-0001 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : https://www.toho-mizonokuchi.co.jp/
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Mizonokuchi, Takatsu Ward, Kawasaki, 〒213-0001 Kanagawa,Japan
TETSUYA. H on Google

There was a property I was interested in, so I asked for materials. Mr. Mizonokuchi of Toho House said that he was close to the house, and when he saw the profile of Mr. Yanagiyama who was in charge of the staff introduction, he was young and had the impression that he was a sportsman, so he decided to go to Toho House. .. When I actually met him, he was right and friendly, and he consulted with me when buying a house. I was exchanging various things on SNS, but no matter what kind of request I made, I got along without making an unpleasant face. I was able to communicate on SNS even at work, and things went quickly and it was very helpful. I made a big decision to buy a house, but the person in charge was Mr. Yanagiyama, which was very good. If you have any questions or concerns, I would like to continue to consult with you. Thank you for your continued support.
中村裕介 on Google

引っ越し期限が決まっており、あまり時間のない状況の中でしたが、ローンの相談から物件探し、現地確認等全てスピーディーに対応していただき非常にスムーズに契約まで行くことができました。 また、住宅メーカーさんとの交渉や、確認なども間に入って頂き大変助かりました。 きっと、アフターフォローもきっちりしてくれると期待して、火災保険のほうも東宝ハウスさんで契約しました。 購入するかどうか迷われてる方いらっしゃいましたら、色々と相談に乗ってくれると思いますので、是非一度相談してみられてはいかがでしょうか?
The deadline for moving was fixed, and I didn't have much time, but I was able to get to the contract very smoothly because I was able to respond speedily to everything from loan consultation to property search and on-site confirmation. Also, it was very helpful to have negotiations and confirmations with the housing manufacturer in between. I'm sure that after-sales follow-up will be done properly, so I signed up for fire insurance with Toho House. If you are wondering whether to buy it, I think that you can consult with us in various ways, so why don't you give it a try?
N H on Google

金額と理想の両者が見合う物件になかなか出会うことができずにいました。 そんなとき、東宝ハウスさんにご縁をいただき 購入に至るまでの全ての工程について、完璧な対応をしていただきました。 お家の購入は一世一代の大きな買物というプレッシャーを感じておりましたが、担当の柳山さんは最初から最後までとても丁寧に寄り添ってくれました。 特に印象的だったのは、どんな些細な要望に対しても二つ返事で動いてくれるフットワークの軽さとレスポンスの早さです。 若々しくてパワフル、とても気迫に溢れています!頼もしい! また、(見かけによらず?)ガツガツしていない落ち着いた雰囲気の柳山さんだからこそ、私たちもペースが乱れる事なく安心して物件が選べました。 "お客様への愛情第一"とはこういうことなんだなぁ…と、素直に実感させられました。 一口に不動産屋さんといってもたくさんありますし、素敵なご縁をいただいたと思います。 一生懸命な柳山さんに、人生の節目に出会えたことに感謝しています。 改めて、本当にありがとうございました! 東宝ハウスさんとのお付き合い、これからが楽しみです。 今後ともどうぞ宜しくお願いいたします。
I couldn't find a property that matched both the amount and the ideal. At that time, I got a connection from Toho House. We received perfect support for all processes up to the purchase. I felt the pressure of buying a house as a big shopping for a generation, but Mr. Yanagiyama, who was in charge, was very polite from the beginning to the end. What was particularly impressive was the lightness of the footwork and the quick response, which responded to any trivial request with two replies. Youthful and powerful, very energetic! reliable! Also, because Mr. Yanagiyama has a calm atmosphere that is not rugged (regardless of appearance?), We were able to select the property with peace of mind without disturbing the pace. I was able to honestly realize that "love for customers comes first" is something like this. There are many real estate agents in a bite, and I think they had a wonderful relationship. I am grateful to Mr. Yanagiyama for working hard to meet the milestones of my life. Thank you again! I am looking forward to working with Toho House. We look forward to working with you in the future.
MoJoJOJO on Google

Everything was easily explained and all questions were answered. Would recommend to others! Loved the energy! Thanks!
Shaghayegh Shahbeigi Gilkalaei on Google

I would like to express my first impression about the office atomsphere ,It's really welcoming and refreshing .The receptionist was very compassionate and polite . I enjoyed applying through this real state agency since the provided service was incredibly accurate and detailed ,therefore we had less worries about possible obstacles .Everything went smoothly through the process of purchasing home and loaning money .Shirato San is such a passionate and dedicated agent that I truly appreciate her supportive efforts during the procedure. This real state is quite trustworthy and reliable with professional and expert staff .
syed muslim on Google

Absolutely top marks to Mr. Miyata at Toho House (Mizonokuchi Branch) for being a complete star throughout all the process. The suggested houses that he showed to us was the best of the property's features, and most importantly it matched with our needs and requirements. We get the best deal as he and his team was an excellent negotiator. He always responded quickly to texts or calls and never failed to answer to all our questions and doubts. I've tried other agents from different company before but with Toho House, I would say the staff is more professional and friendly. Highly recommended, especially for foreigner who are searching for property in Japan, this is your answer. #property #agent #foreigner #permanent #resident
aby aillard on Google

I would like to express my gratitude for Mr.Miyata and the team for recommendations and smooth process to get my dream house. He always responded quickly and efficient. Professionally explained about the details and didn’t persuasive at all. He knew what to recommend when I gave the details of my dream house looks like. Going to recommend to all my foreigner friends who trying to buy a house.
Elspeth Ritchie on Google

My agent (Shirato) has been amazing throughout the house finding process and incredibly supportive during the purchase process. There has been a great balance between properties that meet what I *thought* I wanted and properties that challenged those preconceptions a little. Extremely patient and willing to test the walk between a property and the station.

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