和食酒処 よね本

4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 和食酒処 よね本

住所 :

Miyacho, Omiya Ward, 〒330-0802 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8877879
Webサイト : https://wasyokusakedokoro-yonemoto.com/
街 : Saitama

Miyacho, Omiya Ward, 〒330-0802 Saitama,Japan
三橋武司 on Google

I had it a la carte, but it was a system where I first showed various fish and asked for a cooking method. The simmering was the best.
こばーみ on Google

店員さん美男美女で優しくて好きです。 料理もどれも丁寧でおいしいです。 また行きます✨
The clerk is a beautiful man and I like her kindly. All dishes are polite and delicious. I will go again ✨
小林聡 on Google

また、行きたいお店です。 約2ヶ月ぶりに再訪しました。 肉、魚共に美味しいです。 季節の物をメインで頂きました。 2時間半、すごく楽しい時間を過ごせました。
Also, this is the shop I want to visit. I revisited after about 2 months. Both meat and fish are delicious. Mainly seasonal items. I had a great time for two and a half hours.
ソーキュー on Google

ワンランク上の和食と日本酒を楽しめる居酒屋です。 価格帯は少々高めですが、料理・お酒・店内の雰囲気のどれをとっても価格以上の満足度があります。 料理は味はもちろん、他所の割烹と比べて量が若干多めなのが嬉しいです。料理によってはハーフサイズも承るとのこと。お酒も良いグレードのものが揃っていました。 店内も非常に清潔です。カウンター席もあり、一人でも入りやすいです。
An izakaya where you can enjoy higher-grade Japanese food and sake. The price range is a little high, but the food, sake, and atmosphere of the restaurant are all more satisfying than the price. I'm glad that the amount of food is a little larger than that of other places, not to mention the taste. Half size is also available depending on the dish. Alcohol was also of good grade. The inside of the store is also very clean. There is also a counter seat, so even one person can easily enter.
mitsue on Google

Visited for the first time. There is a restaurant in Omiya where you can enjoy such fresh fish and sake! The quality of the materials and the service were really nice!
A LINUS on Google

大宮でこんな美味しい和食やさんは初めてです!出汁も、飾り付けも、味も、どれも最高でした。さらに、日本酒の種類も豊富で、燗や冷以外に、燗ロック等日本酒が得意でない方にも呑みやすいものもありました! ビールも美味しいし、店長はお若いのにしっかりしてて、気配りもあり、居心地のよいお店でした! オススメ…冷奴、天ぷら、わらび餅、なんでも(笑) 季節の日本酒も増えて、季節のサラダにはフルーツ(無花果)も入っていて、女性に嬉しいメニューが増えていました✨
This is the first time for such a delicious Japanese restaurant in Omiya! The soup stock, decoration, and taste were all the best. In addition, there are a wide variety of sake, and in addition to Kanzake and cold, there are some that are easy to swallow even for those who are not good at sake such as Kanzake! The beer was delicious, the manager was young but strong, attentive, and cozy! Recommended ... Cold tofu, tempura, warabi mochi, anything (laughs) The number of seasonal sake has increased, and the seasonal salad also contains fruits (figs), and the menu that women are happy with has increased.
大西哲也COCOCORO on Google

お仕事で大宮に一晩お世話に。 いつものように、地元の人すらなかなか知らない名店を探して辿り着いたのは、素晴らしい鮮度の魚料理と手の込んだおつまみで素敵な若夫婦がもてなしてくれる小料理屋さん。 プレミアム日本酒から地酒まで、酒の品揃えのこだわりもシビれました…!
Work at Omiya overnight. As always, we arrived at a famous restaurant that even the locals didn't know, and we arrived at a small restaurant where a lovely young couple would entertain us with its wonderfully fresh fish dishes and elaborate snacks. From premium Japanese sake to local sake, I was very particular about the selection of sake...!
poko (poko) on Google

Yone book is really delicious. You can enjoy the skills trained in Kitcho at Omiya. Beautiful work ✨ You can also get soy sauce by hand. A young couple is run, but the hospitality is polite and it feels very good. We also have today's recommended information, and you can tell us the price each time, so I'm happy that you can order with confidence. Even a single woman is OK at all. It is a famous store in Omiya. It seems that we will enter the self-restraint mode again, but please do your best. I will definitely visit you again!

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