ろばた焼 心海

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ろばた焼 心海

住所 :

Miyacho, Omiya Ward, 〒330-0802 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : https://shinkai.owst.jp/
街 : Saitama

Miyacho, Omiya Ward, 〒330-0802 Saitama,Japan
Shoeki68 ANDO19 on Google

It was only the material feeling examined. Cooking is also polite and polite. The store is also clean.
つぐさん on Google

The ceiling is high and open. Although the counter is a little low, I feel that the distance from Mr. Kaita is very close. The food is like a restaurant where you can enjoy seasonal seafood.
小佐野悠 on Google

ランチで伺いました。 雲丹も入った海鮮丼、メチャ美味しかったです♪ 仕入れ状況により内容は変わるらしいので、今回は大当たり?(これが通常かもしれませんけど…。) 他のネタももちろん素晴らしかった(*^^*)
I asked for lunch. Seafood bowl with sea urchin, Mecha was delicious ♪ The contents seem to change depending on the stocking situation, so this time it was a big hit? (This may be normal though ...) Of course the other stories were great (* ^^ *)
ペリ on Google

通りすがりの遅めの午後にランチでお伺いしました。 広くはない店内ですが綺麗で落ち着ける雰囲気で常連さんの多そうなお店です。 当日もその時間からご夫婦で来て飲んでいる方たちがいました。 アジフライ定食ですがさいたまのアジフライとしては大きめでさっくり揚がっていて中はしっとり柔らかくて美味しかったです。 ご飯も美味しいし、お味噌汁がとても美味しくてしっかりした料理という感じがしました。ご馳走さまでした。
We visited for lunch late in the afternoon. It's not a large store, but it's a store with a lot of regulars because of its clean and calm atmosphere. On that day, there were some couples coming and drinking from that time. It was a set meal of fried fried mackerel, but as a fried fried fish of Saitama, it was large and fried, and the inside was moist and tender and delicious. The rice was delicious and the miso soup was very delicious and solid. It was a feast.
papa jun on Google

The material is good. The food is also polite. The arm looks good. However, I'm not very particular about sake. Is it just a brand? General comment, tabelog evaluation level. I wish the cost performance was good. It is unavoidable to go even on the outskirts of Omiya station. There are many regular customers. There is no need to worry about losing. I also want to visit the store on the 3rd floor.
敬子相場 on Google

初めて伺いました。 小さなお店ですが、とても清潔な気持ちの良いお店でした。 お刺身は新鮮‼️もつ煮もつがとても柔らかく、お味もgood? 常連さんがほとんどの様でした。 ご馳走さまでした。
I visited for the first time. It's a small shop, but it was very clean and comfortable. Sashimi is fresh! ️The motsuni is very soft and the taste is good ? Most of them were regulars. It was a feast.
Yasuhiro Koinuma on Google

訪問した際は時間が遅く、ネタが大分切れていたのが残念でした。 出てきた造りは新鮮でした。 常連さんが多かったです。
It was a pity that the time was late when I visited and the material was running out. The structure that came out was fresh. There were many regulars.
yu tera on Google

いつも愛用してます。 大宮で海鮮食べたいなってここ! 大将も人がよく お客さんとも話せて アットホームな感じです。 とにかく何食べてもハズレなし!
I always use it. I want to eat seafood in Omiya here! The general is also often Talk to your customers It feels at home. No matter what you eat, there is no loss!

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