
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 季聞屋

住所 :

Minatomachi, Marugame, 〒763-0042 Kagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887789
Webサイト : https://kibunya.net/
街 : Kagawa

Minatomachi, Marugame, 〒763-0042 Kagawa,Japan
拉麺 on Google

Lunch is good-more than the price.
嘉章北村 on Google

本日伺いました! ホルモン、親鳥、究極の卵焼き等いただきましたがどの料理も丁寧に作られており、とっても美味しかったです!他の人にもおすすめしたいお店です!
I visited you today! I received hormones, parent birds, and the ultimate omelet, but all the dishes were carefully prepared and were very delicious! It is a shop that I would like to recommend to other people!
テオア on Google

マスターは一見ワイルド系で強面にみられますがただのシャイなだけです 料理やお酒も美味しくしかもリーズナブルです??
At first glance, the master seems wild and strong, but it's just shy. Food and sake are delicious and reasonably priced ??
トトッチ on Google

Aランチを頂きました。 美味しかったです。またお邪魔します。
I had A lunch. It was delicious. I will bother you again.
amore imazu on Google

Okonomiyaki, teppanyaki, Marugame yaki (with noodles instead of Hiroshima yaki soba), chicken with bones were all delicious. I forgot to take a picture and ate it. There are many types of kaijin.
t c h b on Google

AランチとBランチを頼みました。 メイン以外は自分でセルフ、前菜の3品も自分で選べ、どれも美味しそうで迷いました。 ご飯もおかわり自由、お汁はお味噌汁かと思いきや鳥出汁の中華系のスープ、おかずも肉系のガッツリ系が多くランチ時には男の人たちで賑わっていました。夜は居酒屋さんと言うことで味もやや濃いめ、ビールに合いそうなメニューがたくさんあり惹かれました。次はぜひ夜も行ってみたいなと思ったお店でした。
I ordered A lunch and B lunch. Other than the main one, you can choose your own self and appetizers, all seeming delicious and lost. The rice was free to change, the soup was miso soup, the Chinese soup with soup stock, and the side dishes were meat-type soups. At night I was told that Izakaya had a slightly deeper taste and attracted many menus that seemed to be suitable for beer. Next was a store that I wanted to visit at night.
植木伸行 on Google

It was a relationship between a store general and a long-distance relationship ❓️? about five years ago, but it was a revenge this time ? The atmosphere of the shop after renovation is good, everything I order is everything It was delicious and I was very satisfied ?️ Especially the ultimate dashi roll egg is as in the photo ? The moment when I chop it with chopsticks the trolley came out with a trolley ‼ There were various kinds of liquor ? I was lost ? This time I got the local highest grade sake ``Etsukaijin'' ? I am also very satisfied ? 〆 I got the Iriko soba and Chinese soba made by the general I finished the night ? General dear ? I will come again ?
sakura oceanview on Google

大体どのメニューもハズレ無しです。この店独自が工夫を凝らしたB級グルメのようなメニューが沢山あり、待っている時間が楽しみという付加価値があります。初めてのお方はきっと感動を覚えることでしょう。店内は少し狭く感じます。早い時間だと出勤前のお姉さんが多いようです。一昨年の冬場には、予約すれば白方産の綺麗な大粒の牡蠣焼きが約1㎏、1000円で頂くことが出来ました。他店ではなかなか頂くことのないカキオコも有ります。残念ながらこの冬は訪問することがありませんでしたが、近いうちにまた訪れようと思います。 2020. 1.22 追記 妻と訪問。予約してないけどカキ焼きは出来るか?と訪ねたら2㎏だけならOKと言うので1人1㎏ずつの2㎏を頂きました。今となってはブランドとなった白方産のカキです。今年は、特に身が大きいようでした。今回は、カキオコなどを頂こうと思っていたので色々と注文しましたが、やっぱりどれも美味しかったです。中でもオドロキの美味しさだったのは大人のジンジャーというドリンクでした。プラス50円で、お酒にも変えられるのがいいですね。スルメイカ内臓(わた)焼はご飯が欲しくなりご飯を注文しました。モダンスペシャル焼はもっちり焼きそば目玉焼きで、キャベツの芯すら美味しいお好み焼きでした。ぷりぷりエビバターは、名前の通りぷりぷりとしたエビでした。締めにラーメンを頼もうと思ってたけど、もうお腹パンパンで次回に持ち越しです。これから益々カキが身を大きくするので、予約して今期もう一度訪問したいと思っています。
Almost all menus are not lost. There are many B-class gourmet-like menus that are unique to this restaurant, and the added value of waiting is fun. If you are new to us, you will surely be impressed. The inside of the store feels a little small. It seems that there are many older sisters before going to work at an early time. In the winter of the year before last, if you make a reservation, you can get a beautiful large oyster grilled from Shirakata for about 1 kg, 1000 yen. There are some Kakioko that you rarely get at other stores. Unfortunately I didn't visit this winter, but I will visit again soon. 2020. 1.22 postscript Visit with my wife. I haven't made a reservation, but can I grill oysters? When I visited, I said that it was OK if it was only 2 kg, so I received 2 kg for each person. It is a white oyster that has become a brand now. This year, he seemed to be particularly big. This time, I was thinking of getting Kakioko, so I ordered various things, but all of them were delicious. One of the most delicious drinks of Odoroki was the adult ginger drink. It would be nice to be able to change it to alcohol for an additional 50 yen. I ordered the rice for the Japanese flying squid gut (Wata) ware because I wanted rice. The modern special fried egg was a fried egg with fried noodles, and even the core of the cabbage was delicious okonomiyaki. Puri Puri Shrimp Butter was, as the name suggests, a Puri Puri Shrimp. I was thinking of ordering ramen to finish it off, but I'm already hungry and will carry it over to the next time. As oysters grow bigger and bigger from now on, I would like to make a reservation and visit again this term.

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