お好み焼き プーヤン

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact お好み焼き プーヤン

住所 :

Yogitacho, Zentsuji, 〒765-0040 Kagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88778
街 : Kagawa

Yogitacho, Zentsuji, 〒765-0040 Kagawa,Japan
675rアキヒト on Google

美味しいお好み焼きさんといえば、プーヤンと名前が上がるお店です。メニューも豊富です。先日行ったときは、自分がミックス、息子が餅入りをいただきました。外はサクッと中は、ふわっとして、つなぎもしっかりされておりました。鰹節も、粉末でなく、薄削りタイプなので、見た目もよくできました。 しいて言えば、ソースを塗る刷毛がプラスチックなので、思ったより塗りにくく、ソースが薄味なので、後から追いソース状態で、上から垂らしながら、追加なので、やりにくかったです。 色々メニューがあるので、お好み焼きだけじゃなく、次回は、他のも挑戦します。
Speaking of delicious okonomiyaki, it is a restaurant that is named Pooyan. The menu is also extensive. When I went the other day, I had a mix and my son had mochi. The outside was crispy and the inside was fluffy, and the connections were solid. The dried bonito is not powder but thinly cut, so it looks good. Speaking of which, since the brush to which the sauce is applied is plastic, it is harder to apply than I expected, and the sauce has a light taste, so it was difficult to do because it was added while hanging from the top in the state of chasing sauce later. There are various menus, so I will try not only okonomiyaki but also other dishes next time.
いっチー on Google

駐車場は狭いけどお好み焼きは美味しい。 ホルモン玉おすすめ。
The parking lot is small, but the okonomiyaki is delicious. Hormone ball recommended.
椰子の実 on Google

豚オムそばチーズ入り 670円 (マヨは自分でかける) いいお味 お客は近所のおじいちゃんおばあちゃんや家族連れがメインっぽい 店員さんが大声でおじいちゃんと世間話してるお店です
Pork omelet with soba cheese 670 yen (Mayonnaise is called by yourself) Good taste The main customers are grandpas and grandmas in the neighborhood and families. It's a shop where the clerk is talking loudly with Grandpa.
tsubu tsubu on Google

I don't say it should be amiable, but I want it to be normal
香川の姉さん on Google

電話で持ち帰りをお願いして行ったので、焼き上がり直前でした。 青のり無しでおねがいしたのに帰って開けてみたら、しっかりかかっていてちょっと残念?
I asked him to take it home by phone, so it was just before it was baked. I asked for it without green laver, but when I went back and opened it, it was a little disappointing ?
はーさんLove on Google

The stir-fried pork kimchi was really delicious. Teppanyaki is the best ✩. * ˚ This year is also Kakioko. The best teppanyaki of oysters and bean sprouts! ️
うどん脳 on Google

最近、お好み焼き屋が減って、関西出身の私は、時々無性にお好み焼きが食べたくなったら、昔からこのお店に来ていた。 牡蠣の季節なので、牡蠣モダン焼きを堪能。 やっぱり美味しい。 しかし、唯一このお店の嫌なところは、女性店員の応対や言葉使いのキツさ! 折角の美味しいお好み焼きも半減する。昔から変わっていないなぁ、接客態度。
Recently, the number of okonomiyaki restaurants has decreased, and I'm from Kansai, and I've always come to this restaurant if I sometimes want to eat okonomiyaki. It's the season for oysters, so enjoy modern oyster grilling. After all it is delicious. However, the only thing I don't like about this shop is the reception of female clerk and the difficulty of using words! The delicious okonomiyaki is also halved. It hasn't changed since long ago, the customer service attitude.
M M on Google


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