Minamotoya - Sendai

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Minamotoya

住所 :

2 Chome-17-5 Nishitaga, Taihaku Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 982-0034, Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Postal code : 982-0034
Webサイト : http://menyatogashi.co.jp/%25E3%2583%25A9%25E3%2583%25BC%25E3%2583%25A1%25E3%2583%25B3%25E3%2581%25BF%25E3%2581%25AA%25E3%2582%2582%25E3%2581%25A8%25E5%25B1%258B/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–10PM
Sunday 11AM–10PM
Monday 11AM–2:30PM
Tuesday 11AM–2:30PM
Wednesday 11AM–2:30PM
Thursday 11AM–2:30PM
Friday 11AM–2:30PM
Description : Simple stop for tsukemen noodles dipped in pork & sardine-based broth with anchovies & garlic.

2 Chome-17-5 Nishitaga, Taihaku Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 982-0034, Japan
ぽんジー on Google

券売機が入口の扉を開けてあります。 入口付近はあまり広くないので出入りする人がいると邪魔になる事があります。 券売機の前でメニューに悩む事人もいるしね! 入り口の外にメニュー表の看板なんてあったら便利かも! 旨味、コクとかは良くわかりませんでした。笑 味濃くて、ドロドロでちょっと甘味が強めで...。 このみは別れると思いますが美味しかったですよ!
The ticket vending machine has the entrance door open. The area near the entrance is not very wide, so it may get in the way if there are people coming in and out. Some people are worried about the menu in front of the ticket vending machine! It might be convenient if there is a signboard on the menu table outside the entrance! I didn't really understand the taste and richness. smile It has a strong taste, is muddy and has a slightly stronger sweetness. I think Konomi will break up, but it was delicious!
みずのこうじ on Google

前回の投稿が一年前だったので再投稿です。今回は濃厚煮干しつけ麺(800円)を注文。前回と違うのはつけ麺と油そば以外は並盛り200gから100g追加毎に料金が掛かる様になってシステム。 どちらにしろ並盛りの値段が下がったので以前とコスパ的には変わらないと思われます。 今回のつけ麺はとがしグループでもみなもと屋のオリジナルと思われて、柚子が香り、後からスパイシーな香辛料の味もする好みが分かれる味でした。 腹ペコで400gを頼みましたがラスト100g位はちょっと飽きてしまいました。無理せず、300g位がオススメです。前回は仕切りもなく座席間も狭くコロナ対策はされてませんでしたが今回は座席間も広く仕切りもされてて良かったです❗ 一つだけ言えるなら3分間換気と言わずに、出入り口の扉が閉まりきらない様に工夫して常時換気にした方が宜しいかと思います。
The last post was a year ago, so it's a repost. This time, I ordered rich niboshi tsukemen (800 yen). The difference from the last time is that except for tsukemen and abura soba, a fee will be charged for every additional 200g to 100g. In any case, the price has dropped, so it seems that the cost performance will be the same as before. The tsukemen this time was considered to be the original of Minamotoya even in the Togashi group, and the taste was different, with the scent of yuzu and the taste of spicy spices later. I asked for 400g with my stomach, but I got tired of the last 100g. Don't overdo it, we recommend around 300g. Last time there was no partition and the space between the seats was narrow and no corona measures were taken, but this time it was good that the space between the seats was also wide. If you can say only one thing, I think it is better not to say ventilation for 3 minutes, but to devise a way to prevent the door of the doorway from closing completely and to keep ventilation at all times.
kaz 1030 on Google

二月限定のカツオの味噌豚そば大盛をいただきました。クリーミーな豚骨味噌にカツオ味が効いて美味いです。ニンニク無しでオーダーしましたがスープにはニンニクは使われてないようです。野菜や豚は豚そばと同じと思います。三月の限定が楽しみです。 期間限定の四川麻婆豚そばをいただきました。痺れ中、にんにく少でオーダーしました。私、か豚そばは途中で食べ飽きるのですが、こちらは辛み痺れのパンチがあることで最後まで美味しくいただけました。こちらのメニューが美味しかったので★4に上げました。レギュラーメニューになるといいな…^_^
We had a large serving of bonito miso pork soba for February only. The creamy pork bone miso has a bonito flavor and is delicious. I ordered without garlic, but it seems that garlic is not used in the soup. I think vegetables and pork are the same as pork soba. I'm looking forward to the limited edition in March. I had Sichuan Mapo pork soba for a limited time. While I was numb, I ordered a small amount of garlic. I get tired of eating pork soba on the way, but it was delicious until the end because of the spicy and numb punch. This menu was delicious so I raised it to ★ 4. I hope it will be a regular menu ... ^ _ ^
I .W on Google

仙台太白区で次郎系ラーメンが食べたいと思い、みなもと屋に行きました。 病みつきになります!で、今月はもう来なくていいとなります。笑 そして、来てみて気付いた!とがしグループ。 好きです! 駐車場あります。どっからどこまでか不明ですが。? コロナ対策はしっかりとされてます!店内も綺麗です!是非!
I went to Minamotoya because I wanted to eat Jiro ramen in Taihaku-ku, Sendai. Be addicted! So, I don't have to come this month anymore. smile And when I came, I noticed! Togashi group. I like it! There's a parking lot. I don't know where to go. ? Corona measures are firmly taken! The inside of the store is also beautiful! I'd love to!
やーまー on Google

二郎系麺も太めで食べ応えあり。 味も普通に美味しいし 二郎系この辺にはないから食べたい人には良いと思う。 だいたい並ぶから時間は気にして来店した方が良いと思います。
Jiro noodles are also thick and satisfying. The taste is usually delicious Jiro system I think it's good for people who want to eat because it's not around here. I think it's better to pay attention to the time when you come to the store because it's usually lined up.
なるお。 on Google

先日長町へ買い物に行った合間に昼食で【ラーメン みなもと屋】さんへ!! 前回は2年程前の日曜の昼に伺ったところあまりの混雑具合に店頭まで来て断念して以来の来店でした! 今回は味玉豚そば 中盛ニンニク普通を注文!? 注文から約10分程で卓へラーメンが着丼!!? スープはギリッと醤油が立ったキレのある濃いめの味わい?? 麺を天地返しして、ストレートの中太麺から食べてみると醤油スープと刻みニンニクが麺と合っていてガツン!!と来てウマイィィ!!!☺️☺️☺️ 厚めに切られた豚も脂がトロけて美味い〜〜? 天地返しでスープが染みたモヤシも丁度良いクタシャキ食感になっていて、モヤシが進みます! 卓上の味変調味料もニンニク七味や黒胡椒等でさらにパンチを効かせることができるので、飽きずに食べられますね! 最後にトロける黄身の味玉の甘味をゆっくり味わいつつ、あっという間の完食でした〜 今度来た際は味噌の豚そばもあったので、味わってみたいですね〜 ゴチそう様でした〜!!!?
To [Ramen Minamotoya] for lunch while I went shopping in Nagamachi the other day! !! The last time I visited the store about two years ago on Sunday afternoon, it was so crowded that I came to the store and gave up! This time, I ordered Ajitama pork soba with medium-sized garlic! ? About 10 minutes after ordering, the ramen is served on the table! !! ? The soup has a sharp and strong taste with salty soy sauce ?? Turn the noodles upside down and try eating straight medium-thick noodles. The soy sauce soup and chopped garlic go well with the noodles. !! Come on! !! !! ☺️☺️☺️ Thickly cut pork is also delicious because the fat is tossed ~ ~ ? The bean sprouts soaked in the soup from the top and bottom have just the right texture, and the bean sprouts go on! You can use garlic shichimi and black pepper to make the tabletop taste-modifying seasoning even more punchy, so you can eat it without getting tired of it! At the end, I was able to finish the meal in a blink of an eye while slowly tasting the sweetness of the yolk flavored balls. When I came next time, I had miso pork soba, so I'd like to try it ~ It was like that! !! !! ?
齋藤健吾 on Google

宮城県仙台市太白区、286号線沿いにあるラーメン屋さん。 仙台市内に展開する、麺屋とがしグループの一店。以前から気になっていて、やっとランチ訪問出来ました。 入り口外に券売機あり、事前精算。店内はカウンター席メインの造り。なかなか混んでましたが、空きを見つけてイン。 豚そばや濃厚煮干つけ麺を頼んでいるお客さん多し。 G系は厳しいので、背脂煮干中華そば830円に煮卵トッピング100円追加。麺は大盛りでも同料金。提供は早いです。 確かに煮干、醤油がしょっぱい、 麺はいま流行りのごわごわ麺。 量もなかなか多い、玉ねぎみじん切りとメンマ3本、チャーシュー1枚、岩のり入り。 お腹いっぱいになりましたが、やはりスープがしょっぱくて、完飲出来ませんでした。 テーブル上に置いてあった、つけ麺用割りスープで薄めるか、いっそライス別注するべきだったのかもしれません。 次から次へとお客さん来店、人気店です。スタッフさんの接客も明るく元気よし。 次回はつけ麺かな?勉強になりました。ごちそうさまでした。
A ramen shop located along Route 286 in Taihaku-ku, Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture. One of the Menya Togashi Group stores in Sendai city. I've been interested in it for a long time, and finally I was able to visit for lunch. There is a ticket vending machine outside the entrance, and payment is made in advance. The inside of the store is mainly made of counter seats. It was quite crowded, but I found a vacancy and went in. Many customers are asking for pork soba and rich niboshi tsukemen. Since the G system is strict, add 100 yen to the boiled egg topping for 830 yen for dried sardines and dried Chinese noodles. Even if the noodles are large, the price is the same. Offer is early. Certainly dried sardines, soy sauce is salty, The noodles are the most popular noodles. The amount is quite large, with chopped onions, 3 menma, 1 char siu, and rock paste. I was full, but the soup was so salty that I couldn't drink it completely. Maybe it should have been diluted with the tsukemen split soup that was on the table, or even bespoke rice. Customers come to the store one after another, and it is a popular store. The customer service of the staff is also cheerful and energetic. Is it Tsukemen next time? I learned a lot. Thank you for the meal.
Steve Young on Google

Hand made noodles and delicious broth.

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