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住所 :

1 Chome-4-1 Nihonbashi, Chuo City, Tokyo 103-0027, Japan

Postal code : 103-0027
Webサイト :

1 Chome-4-1 Nihonbashi, Chuo City, Tokyo 103-0027, Japan
吉佐美さき on Google

COREDO日本橋裏手にあります。 日本橋の南側にあった白木屋は近江商人大村彦太郎が寛文2年(1662)の創業で、日本橋北側の越後屋と並ぶ呉服の大店でした。 2代目彦太郎は正徳元年(1771)日本橋周辺の水の悩みを解消するため店内に井戸を掘りました。難工事の途中、一体の観音像が出たのを機にコンコンと清水が湧き出したと言われています。以来、周辺住民のみならず広く「白木名水」とうたわれました。越前松平家では、この水で当主の病が治ったとして明治維新まで毎朝汲み取りに行ったそう。 白木屋を継いだ東急百貨店日本橋店が平成11年(1999)に閉店し、白木名水は消失しました。 今は裏手に小さな碑があるのみになっています。 隣には漱石の名作の舞台の碑もありました。
Located behind COREDO Nihonbashi. Shirakiya, located on the south side of Nihonbashi, was founded by Omi merchant Hikotaro Omura in 1662, and was a large kimono store alongside Echigoya on the north side of Nihonbashi. The second generation Hikotaro dug a well in the store in 1771 to solve the water problem around Nihonbashi. It is said that during the difficult construction work, a single Kannon image appeared, and the concon and Shimizu sprang up. Since then, it has been widely hailed as "Shiraki Meisui" not only by the local residents. The Echizen Matsudaira family went to the Meiji Restoration every morning to pick up the water, saying that the water had cured their illness. The Tokyu Department Store Nihonbashi, which succeeded Shirokiya, closed in 1999, and Shirokiya's famous water disappeared. Now there is only a small monument on the back. Next to it was a monument to the stage of Soseki's masterpiece.
hidenobu ohmori on Google

コエドアネックス前、ビル群の中に建っている石碑♪ 名水白木屋の井戸跡地です。 すぐのところにコエドアネックスがあるんですが、今は閉鎖してるもよう。
A stone monument in the group of buildings in front of Code Annex♪ It is the site of the well of the famous water Shirakiya. There is a codex in the immediate area, but it seems to be closed now.
todoroku mark on Google

There was a stone monument, but the monument was relocated from the intersection of Nihonbashi. There is no well etc. Only the matrix of the bastard that is in the immediate side remains in memory.
安達遊馬 on Google

江戸時代はじめ、この日本橋一帯の井戸は塩分を含み、飲料には適さず人々は苦しんでいた。1711年、白木屋の2代目木村彦太郎が、敷地内に井戸を掘ります。その最中、一体の観音像が出たのを機に、こんこんと清水が湧き出したと伝えられています。以来、周辺住民のみならず広く、「白木名水」 とうたわれてきました、とあります。 その「白木名水」 は、数百年の時を経て消失、長い歴史の後、日本橋一丁目交差点角にあったものを、移設再現したもの、とあります。 コレド日本橋アネックス前広場のこの水景は、なんの関係もありません。
At the beginning of the Edo period, wells in the Nihonbashi area contained salt, and people were suffering because they were not suitable for drinking. In 1711, Shirokiya's second generation Hikotaro Kimura digs a well on the site. In the meantime, it is said that Shimizu springed up in spite of the appearance of a single Kannon image. Since then, it has been widely called not only by the local residents, but also by the name of “Shiraki famous water”. It is said that the "Shiraki Nasui" has disappeared several hundred years ago, and after a long history, it was relocated and reproduced from what was at the Nihonbashi 1-chome intersection corner. This water view of the front square of Coredo Nihonbashi Annex has nothing to do with it.
さえ on Google

The Tokyu Department Store Nihonbashi, which succeeded Shirokiya, closed in 1999, and Shirokiya's famous water has disappeared. The Kannon statue was enshrined at Sensoji Temple, and the monument of "Meisui Shirakiya no Ido" was built here. It is a pity that there are no wells left.
飯野博之 on Google

日本橋交差点の一角にあるコレド日本橋の裏手、永代通りの反対側の路地にあります。 コレド日本橋の場所には、江戸時代には呉服店の白木屋がありました。白木屋の井戸は、白木屋の、二代目大村彦太郎によって掘られたそうです。当時の日本橋には水の悩みがあり、これを解消するため店内に井戸を掘ったそうで、湧き出したと水は周辺住民のみならず広く「白木名水」と言って知られたそうです。 現在は「名水白木屋の井戸」と彫り刻まれた石柱が都によって建てられています。
It is located at the corner of Nihonbashi intersection, behind the cored Nihonbashi, on the other side of Eijidai Street. At the location of Coredo Nihonbashi, there was Shirakiya, a kimono shop, during the Edo period. The well at Shiragiya was dug by Hikotaro Omura, the second generation at Shiragiya. At that time, Nihonbashi had a problem with water, and he dug a well in the store to solve the problem. When the water grew up, the water was widely known not only to the local residents but also to Shiraki Meisui. At present, stone pillars engraved with "Meizumi Shiragiya Well" are built by the capital.
千葉落花生 on Google

From "The History and Culture of Chuo City" P.6 Shiroki-ya Spring Well (Tokyo Cultural Property) This is the place where clear water, touted as "famous water of Shiroki", gushed out in the Edo period. In 1711,Omura Hikotaro, the second-generation mercer of Shiroki-ya, put his own money into the digging of a well, and a high-quahty water sprang out from there which he dedicated to the shogun family and the feudal lords. Today, there is a monument near the site of the spring. 英文をDeeplで翻訳しました 江戸時代、「白木の名水」と謳われた清流が湧き出た場所。1711年、白木屋の二代目商人・大村彦太郎が私財を投じて井戸を掘ったところ、清冽な水が湧き出し、将軍家や諸大名に奉納されたという。現在、湧水地の近くには碑が建っている。 英文をYahooで翻訳しました(ちょっと誤訳があります) 江戸時代に「しろきの名水」と謳われた澄んだ水が噴出した場所です。 1711年、城木屋の二代目の商人である大村彦太郎が自分のお金を井戸の掘りに注ぎ、そこから高水が湧き出て将軍家と藩主に捧げました。 今日、春の場所の近くに記念碑があります。
From "The History and Culture of Chuo City" P.6 Shiroki-ya Spring Well (Tokyo Cultural Property) This is the place where clear water, touted as "famous water of Shiroki", gushed out in the Edo period. In 1711, Omura Hikotaro, the second-generation mercer of Shiroki-ya, put his own money into the digging of a well , and a high-quahty water sprang out from there which he dedicated to the shogun family and the feudal lords. Today, there is a monument near the site of the spring. Translated English with Deepl A place where a clear stream that was touted as "Shiraki's famous water" springs up during the Edo period. In 1711, when Hikotaro Omura, the second-generation merchant of Shirokiya, invested his private fortune to dig a well, clean water sprang up and was dedicated to the shogunate and various daimyo. Currently, a monument is built near the spring. I translated the English text on Yahoo (there is a slight mistranslation) It is the place where the clear water, which was touted as "Shiroki's famous water" in the Edo period, spouted out. In 1711, Hikotaro Omura, the second-generation merchant of Shirokiya, poured his money into the digging of a well, from which high water sprang up and dedicated it to the shogun and the feudal lord. Today there is a monument near the spring location.
Stelios Prezerakos on Google

Shirokiya department store's original site (Hikotaro Omura opened the store in 1662 and it kept expanding until the beginning of the 20th century). The building destroyed twice, first during the Tokyo earthquake of 1923 and a few years later a major fire on December 16, 1932. The Omura family dug a well in the store in 1700's and found water, solving the water problems of the area. The spring (Shiroki well) is still gushing, making the place an oasis.

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