
3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 滝の広場

住所 :

1 Chome−9, Nihonbashi, Chuo City, 〒103-0027 Tokyo,Japan

街 : Tokyo

1 Chome−9, Nihonbashi, Chuo City, 〒103-0027 Tokyo,Japan
Jake on Google

It is a small square.
k. k on Google

The small square was full of people as a cruise ship platform.
タツヨウ on Google

I didn't expect to be able to board the ship from here.
坂本龍馬 on Google

滝の広場はかつて晒し首に処された罪人を民衆に晒す『晒し場』だった場所です。 現在でも建物が建つことはなく、広場になっています。
The waterfall plaza is a place that was once a "bleaching place" that exposes the sinners who were exposed to the neck to the people. Even now, there are no buildings built, and it is a square.
NaKa DooN on Google

東京湾クルーズの乗り場 広場の体になっていはいますが、東京湾クルーズのテントがあって公共の場と言う感じがしません。
Tokyo Bay cruise platform Although it has the shape of a plaza, there is a tent for Tokyo Bay cruise and it doesn't feel like a public place.
増田環(Marcy) on Google

江戸時代は晒し刑に処せられた罪人を民衆に晒すための場だったとか。 現代は人口の滝が流れ昼休みにはサラリーマンが弁当を頬張る長閑なエリアに。 1枚目画像左の門は日本橋川観光船乗り場(桟橋)へと続きます。
It was said that in the Edo period it was a place to expose the criminals exposed to the public to the public. In the modern day, a waterfall of the population flows, and during lunch break, a salaried worker is in a quiet area where he has a lunch box. The gate on the left of the first image leads to the Nihonbashi River sightseeing boat terminal (pier).
飯野博之 on Google

日本橋を渡る中央通り東側の日本橋川の南詰にこの広場はあります。日本橋船着場につながっていて一段低くなっており、その段差を利用して人口の滝が作られています。広場といっても100坪もないほどの小さな公園でベンチもありません(石の一人用の椅子は3つあります)。 隣の日本橋船着場からは毎日観光船が出ています。いくつかの運営会社がそれぞれの船で、それぞれのコースでクルーズを行っています。その日々の情報はここの広場で掲示されていますが、中央通りを反対側(=西側)に渡った場所にある日本橋観光案内所でも情報を入手できます。
This plaza is located on the east side of Chuo-dori across the Nihonbashi, at the south end of the Nihonbashi River. It is connected to the Nihonbashi Pier and is one step lower, and the waterfall of the population is made using the step. The park is a small park with less than 100 tsubo and no benches (there are three stone chairs for one person). Daily sightseeing boats leave from the adjacent Nihonbashi docks. Several operators cruise on each ship and on each course. The daily information is posted on the plaza here, but you can also get it at the Nihonbashi Tourist Information Center, which is located across Chuo-dori on the other side (= west side).
masurao (ますらお) on Google

ここから船が乗れると知ってる人は意外と少ないと思います。僕も知らなかった…! いつか両親連れて乗りにきます。
I think that surprisingly few people know that a ship can be boarded from here. I didn't even know ...! Someday I will come with my parents.

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