株式会社Live Mate(リブメイト) - Kobe

5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

~神戸市・明石市の不動産情報は【LiveMate】まで~ - Live-mate.com

【神戸市・明石市】地域密着型の不動産会社です‼ 売買から賃貸、注文住宅まで知識豊富なスタッフがアットホームな環境でお出迎え♪

About 株式会社Live Mate(リブメイト)


代表者満崎  博久
E-mail[email protected]


Contact 株式会社Live Mate(リブメイト)

住所 :

Miyamotocho, Tarumi Ward, Kobe, 〒655-0028 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87878
Postal code : 655-0028
Webサイト : https://www.live-mate.com/
街 : Hyogo

Miyamotocho, Tarumi Ward, Kobe, 〒655-0028 Hyogo,Japan
yu takeuti on Google

家の売却から購入まで金伏さんにお世話になりました。 20年以上の思いの詰まった家の売却を、親身に対応頂き、なるべく高く売却できるよう色々な提案をして頂き嬉しかったです。 また、購入の方では何度も物件を行ったり来たりと毎週のように内覧させて頂きました。 いつも明るく仕事に対する姿勢や、知識の豊富さなどに感銘をうけました。 来月には赤ちゃんが産まれると言う事で是非そちらの方も頑張って下さいね(*^^*) ありがとうございました。
I was indebted to Mr. Kanabushi from the sale of the house to the purchase. I am glad that you have kindly responded to the sale of a house full of thoughts for more than 20 years and made various proposals so that you can sell it as high as possible. In addition, for those who purchased the property, we went back and forth between the properties on a weekly basis. I was always impressed with his cheerful attitude toward work and his wealth of knowledge. Please do your best by saying that a baby will be born next month (* ^^ *) Thank you very much.
Mckee Yuu on Google

It can be said that it is the only real estate agent you can trust. This review may be ridiculous, but it's not a lie. I was taken care of by Mr. Morimoto. Once again, I thought that sales are about winning the trust of people. We hope that you will continue to play an active role as a local real estate agent. Although it is mainly in the leasing department, it seems that they are also involved in buying and selling, and the person in charge there seemed to be reliable. You can consult with us from the perspective of life planning. I look forward to working with you.
瀬田川和 on Google

多くの条件で家探しをお願いしたのですが、とても熱心に探して頂き、実際に店舗にお伺いする前にもメールで多くの物件を紹介してもらいました。 店内の雰囲気や接客もとても良く、ここに決めてよかったと感じています。 しかし、ご紹介頂いた引越し業者が個人的に良くなかったと感じており、そこがとても残念で星4つとさせて頂きました。 不動産屋自体はとても良かったのでまた機会があったら利用させて頂きたいと思っています。
I asked for a house under many conditions, but I was very enthusiastic about searching for it, and even before I actually visited the store, I was asked to introduce many properties by e-mail. The atmosphere inside the store and the customer service are very good, and I'm glad I decided here. However, I personally feel that the moving company I introduced was not good, and I was very disappointed that I gave it four stars. The real estate agent itself was very good, so I would like to use it if I have another chance.
福本由奈 on Google

戸建の購入で金伏さんにお世話になりました。 知識が豊富で、また細かいところまで気を使って頂きとても気持ちよく引越しする事ができました。 メリットだけでなく、デメリット部分までしっかり教えて下さり安心できる不動産屋だと私は思います! また何かありましたら是非お願いしたいです♪
I was taken care of by Mr. Kanabushi for the purchase of the detached house. I was able to move very comfortably because I had a lot of knowledge and paid attention to the details. I think that it is a real estate agent that you can rest assured that not only the advantages but also the disadvantages will be taught firmly! If you have any questions, I would love to hear from you ♪
くるみるく on Google

お恥ずかしい話、会社倒産に伴い一部保証会社に事故歴が有りました。 ペット可能での物件を探すためにリブメイトさんに対応して頂くまでに4店舗に問合せしましたが全ての対応が「必ず契約出来る物件はあります!外出しないといけないので本日夕方に必ず連絡します!」と返答されましたが一切連絡有りませんでした。 今回、細川さんに対応頂いた際は「外出しないといけないので夕方に必ず連絡致します。精一杯頑張りますので宜しくお願い致します」との対応頂き、今回の契約成立するまで本当に親身で迅速な対応をして頂きました。 事務所内でも質問していると、内容が難しい事は隣席の方がすぐにアドバイスしてくださったりと、担当任せではなくお店全体でサポートしてくださります。 物件の内容についてもメリットだけ説明するのではなく、デメリットも隠さずに説明下さり納得いく契約をさせて頂きました。 賃貸契約は7回ほどしてきましたが、こんなに感謝の気持ちになったのは初めてです。 ありがとうございました。
Embarrassingly, some guarantee companies had an accident history due to the bankruptcy of the company. In order to find a property that allows pets, I contacted 4 stores before responding to Mr. Livemate, but all the responses were "There are properties that can be contracted! I have to go out so I will contact you this evening! Was replied, but there was no contact at all. When Mr. Hosokawa responded this time, he said, "I have to go out, so I will contact you in the evening. I will do my best. Thank you." I had you do. If you ask a question even in the office, the person next to you will give you advice immediately if the content is difficult, and the entire store will support you instead of leaving it to the person in charge. We not only explained the merits of the property, but also explained the disadvantages without hiding it, and we made a convincing contract. I have made rental contracts about 7 times, but this is the first time I have been so grateful. Thank you very much.
塩田剛士 on Google

遠方且つコロナという状況がありメール中心のやり取りでしたが、要望や変更にも毎回丁寧に対応してくださいました。 情報サイトに載っていない物件を紹介して頂けたので、満足しています。 店舗の造りを含め、不動産屋さんのイメージが変わりました。 今回は賃貸でしたが、将来的な分譲のご相談もLiveMateさんにするつもりです。 ありがとうございました♫
There was a situation of distant and corona, so the exchange was centered on e-mail, but he responded politely to requests and changes every time. I am satisfied because I was able to introduce properties that are not listed on the information site. The image of the real estate agent has changed, including the construction of the store. This time it was rented, but I'm planning to ask LiveMate for future sales consultation. Thank you ♫
kazuha fukuda on Google

I was very polite, such as a preview guide, and I was able to present a number of candidates, so I was fully convinced when deciding on a room. I was able to leave the explanation of documents and paperwork with care and peace of mind.
kai shimizu on Google

3月という引っ越しの繁忙期真っ只中にもかかわらず、第一希望の物件を契約することができました。 何件かの不動産業者に問い合わせしたのですが、翌日に唯一お電話してもらえたのがLiveMateでした。 仕事の都合で時間の少ないなか、スタッフの細川さんの迅速で丁寧な対応に心から感謝しています。 本当にありがとうございました。
Even though I was in the middle of the busy period of moving in March, I was able to contract the property of my first choice. I contacted several real estate agents, but the only one who called me the next day was LiveMate. I am deeply grateful to Mr. Hosokawa, a staff member, for his prompt and courteous response, even though I have little time due to work reasons. I'm really thankful to you.

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