もりもり寿し 三井アウトレットパーク滋賀竜王店 - Gamo District

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact もりもり寿し 三井アウトレットパーク滋賀竜王店

住所 :

Kuzushi, Ryuo, Gamo District, 〒520-2551 Shiga,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8788
Postal code : 520-2551
街 : Shiga

Kuzushi, Ryuo, Gamo District, 〒520-2551 Shiga,Japan
伝説のヤンファー on Google

This is the 10th visit to the store. Personally, I like the squeezed shrimp. Deep-fried gasu shrimp I ate it for the first time ? I wonder if it's like fried small gasu shrimp that I can't serve with a handful ? It was quite delicious. It was delicious without the odor peculiar to shrimp. The price is cheap and it's good to accompany beer ? I didn't think it was delicious this time. I wonder if it's a grip of horse mackerel. The recommendation was not good enough. The miso soup of female crab was quite delicious, but the soup stock was also good and it was easy to drink.
yu__mer on Google

The material is big and has a satisfying taste, and it is very delicious! The conger eel was also fluffy and the omelet was big and I was surprised. The powdered tea was also very delicious.
NAO on Google

Special assorted Gokanmori (Medium Toro, Nodoguro, Raw Crab, Botan Shrimp, Uniikura Warship) It was insanely delicious. I ordered 2 dishes ? I always order thick-grilled eggs and chawanmushi when I go to a sushi restaurant. The eggs were sweet and delicious. The ingredients for chawanmushi were shrimp and scallops. Next time, I would like to take my mother to eat.
表山秋吉 on Google

回転寿司だけど高級です。 ネタも新鮮で海老もトロも雲丹も全て美味しいですよ。
It's a conveyor belt sushi, but it's high-class. The ingredients are fresh and the shrimp, toro and sea urchin are all delicious.
0806 kf on Google

いつ行っても人気で待ち時間がありますが、店の前に受付の機械があるので、先に順番待ちの予約をして、待ち時間で少し買い物した方がいいかもです。 ブリ尽くしが800円ぐらい。マグロ尽くしは、1000円ぐらいでした。金沢のお店なので、ブリが美味しです。
It's always popular and there is a waiting time, but since there is a reception machine in front of the store, it may be better to make a reservation for waiting in advance and do some shopping during the waiting time. The yellowtail is about 800 yen. The tuna was exhausted for about 1000 yen. It's a shop in Kanazawa, so the yellowtail is delicious.

アウトレットには何度も来てますが初めてこちらのお店を利用させていただきました。 まわる寿しと書いてますが、ほぼ回ってなく、タッチパネルでのオーダーをしてから握っていただけます。 全体的に美味しいです。 他のお店にはほぼメニューにないのどぐろも、がすえびもすごく美味しかったです。 値段は海座や長次郎の2回分、100円回転寿司の4回分ぐらいかな。 個人の好みですが、他に行くならここに行きたくなるほど美味しかったです。
I've been to the outlet many times, but this is the first time I've used this store. Although it says that it is sushi, you can hold it after ordering it on the touch panel. Overall it's delicious. The throated seaperch and shrimp, which are not on the menu at other shops, were very delicious. The price is about 2 times for Kaiza and Chojiro, and 4 times for 100 yen conveyor belt sushi. It's my personal preference, but it was so delicious that I wanted to go here if I went elsewhere.
M3KZ on Google

Great sushi.
Thai Luu on Google

For an outlet mall sushi joint it's was really enjoyable sushi! Sushi tasted fresh and delicious.

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