Kura Sushi - Kyoto

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kura Sushi

住所 :

126-2 Kuzehigashitsuchikawacho, Minami Ward, Kyoto, 601-8204, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8797
Postal code : 601-8204
Webサイト : https://www.kurasushi.co.jp/

126-2 Kuzehigashitsuchikawacho, Minami Ward, Kyoto, 601-8204, Japan
アキ on Google

There are various things such as soy sauce being attached to the soy sauce container, so I felt that it was better to review the hygiene aspect before the taste.
Yasuyo K on Google

Sushiro and Kappa Sushi are competing in the neighborhood, but I use it most often next to Kappa Sushi. Since it is an "Engawa" lover, I think it is the best for Engawa, but the dessert was less than expected. It seems that desserts were fulfilling in the past. .. ..
たっくん on Google

某番組で一流料理人に評価して貰う企画を見たのがきっかけでこの店を訪れた。100円の回転寿司だからクオリティを求めるのは難しいかも知れないが、予想を大きく下回る結果だった。 メニューは意外と少ないしネタも新鮮には程遠い。何よりレーンに流れてる寿司だが、一体どれだけの時間流しっぱなしにすれば気が済むんだ?軽く1時間は超えてるものがチラホラ。このコロナ禍では考えられない管理の仕方。もう来ることはないかな。
I visited this restaurant after seeing a project that was evaluated by a first-class chef on a certain program. It may be difficult to ask for quality because it is 100 yen conveyor belt sushi, but the result was much lower than expected. The menu is surprisingly small and the material is far from fresh. Above all, the sushi is flowing in the lane, but how long do you have to keep it flowing? The ones that lightly exceed one hour are flickering. A management method that is unthinkable in this corona disaster. I wonder if it will come anymore.
kei on Google

近くて普段は並んでるのですが正月の3日、夕方四時半頃、行ったら並ばず入れました。 正月メニューあり、品切れもあり、でした。 個人的にラーメンのスープが少し濃ゆくていつも湯を足してます。 出汁がしっかり出てるんやと思います。 若くないので少し薄めて丁度良いです。 シャリとネタのバランスが良いのが、くらやなぁと思います。 お店の雰囲気は特別取り立てゆぅ事はなく明るくて過ごしやすいです。 あ、パネル注文した軍艦の海苔がシナッてるやつが運ばれてきたのはタマタマにしても忘れてた?て感じで残念でした。
It's close and usually lined up, but on the 3rd of New Year, around 4:30 pm, when I went there, I didn't line up. There was a New Year's menu and there were out of stock. Personally, the ramen soup is a little thick and I always add hot water. I think the soup stock is coming out well. I'm not young, so it's just fine to dilute it a little. I think it's easy to have a good balance between rice and rice. The atmosphere of the shop is bright and easy to spend without any special collection. Oh, did you forget that the one with the seaweed of the warship that you ordered on the panel was brought in? I was disappointed with the feeling.
てつです。(てつです。) on Google

久しぶりに訪れました。 ふつうの回転寿司です。 店員さんの対応は良かったです。 土曜日の御昼なのにそれほど待たずに座れました。 店内は、結構広くて、その上に。 駐車場もかなり広いです。 30台以上は止められそうです。 国道に面していますので、分かり易く、 車の出入りは、楽そうです。
I visited after a long time. It is a normal conveyor belt sushi. The clerk's response was good. Even though it was Saturday noon, I could sit down without waiting too much. The inside of the store is quite large, and on top of that. The parking lot is also quite large. It seems that more than 30 cars can be stopped. As it faces the national highway, it is easy to understand Getting in and out of the car seems easy.
Looking Lost on Google

Cheap and standard kaitenzushi fare
Mei Matsuda on Google

Best sushi restaurant in town!
Sean Napier on Google

Even though it was busy food came fast and was great

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