Sushiro - Muko

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Sushiro

住所 :

Kuguso-16 Teradocho, Muko, Kyoto 617-0002, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8797
Postal code : 617-0002
Webサイト :

Kuguso-16 Teradocho, Muko, Kyoto 617-0002, Japan
にゃんママ4“にゃんママ6”にゃんママ2 on Google

I recently found it and started using it. If you remove (Sat) and (Sun), you can eat smoothly. Contact infections are prevented by providing guidance and payment by yourself. The inside of the store is very beautiful with temperature measurement and disinfection. Please note that the entrance and exit of the parking lot are separate ??
はらぺこミミズ on Google

2021/11 新店の為店内は綺麗でした。カードやなんちゃらペイが使えます。セルフレジです。 駐車場は食事をすれば無料になるみたいです。 ネタは美味しかったです。値段150円や一皿一貫が多い気がしました。 9時半ラストオーダーで、事前の案内なく、いきなり注文できなくなります。 2021/10 スタッフの電話応対は★マイナス5です。 10月オープン予定のスシローさん。
2021/11 The inside of the store was beautiful because it was a new store. You can use cards and nachara pay. It is a self-checkout. The parking lot seems to be free if you eat. The material was delicious. I felt that the price was 150 yen and there were many consistent dishes. With the last order at 9:30, you will not be able to order suddenly without prior notice. 2021/10 The staff's telephone response is ★ minus 5. Mr. Sushiro scheduled to open in October.
プロトタイプ(忠三) on Google

清潔感ない。 醤油入は、ねばねばだし、テーブルにセロテープの跡が汚らしく残っている。 挙げ句に、レーンの反対側の子供が他の席の寿司をさわっていた。自分の席はレーンの最後なので、他の席の子供が触っているかもと思ったら食欲なくしました。注文品のたこが何周もしてカピカピなって変色していた。ある程度取られなければ処分すればいいのに。席がレーンの最後だと、赤出しはぬるいし、シャリが皿にくっついているし。 特急レーンのあるはま寿司やかっぱ寿司、カバーのあるくら寿司の方が断然、魅力あると思う。
There is no feeling of cleanliness. The soy sauce is sticky, and the traces of cellophane tape are left dirty on the table. After all, the child on the other side of the lane was touching the sushi in the other seat. My seat is at the end of the lane, so I lost my appetite when I thought that the kids in the other seats were touching it. The octopus of the ordered item had become shiny and discolored after many laps. If it isn't taken to some extent, it should be disposed of. When the seat is at the end of the lane, the red rice is lukewarm and the rice is stuck to the plate. I think Hama sushi and Kappa sushi with a limited express lane and Kura sushi with a cover are definitely more attractive.
Suguru Fujita on Google

席によって皿が乗ってくるトレーの色が決まっているらしいですが「金」とか「銀」とか命名されていてもトレーそのものは「赤」なので非常に分かり難いです。「間もなくご注文の~が到着します!」と液晶からアナウンスされても来ないなぁーと思っていたら勘違いした上流の別テーブルの客が取ってしまい、こちらの席まで流れて来ないことが多々あり、その都度店員さんを呼んでは謝られ、新たに直接持って来られました。 どうせ会計の時は皿で計算するシステムだし別の客に取られてもこちらに会計が付け回されることはありませんがこの流れが効率的とはとても感じられません。タッチパネルでオーダーする意味あるのかな?と思います。 ロボットが握るところまでは先駆的だったのかもしれませんが注文品を届けるシステムは遅れていると思います。 味は…価格相応で「おいしい」かなぁ??と思いますがこれは人それぞれなので。 子供連れの家庭向けの店でしょうからこんなものなんでしょうか…
Tray itself even if I seems to determined the color of the tray to come riding dishes have been named or "gold" and "silver" by the seat is difficult to understand in very so "red". "You will arrive - of your order soon!" With the liquid crystal will take the guests of the announcement is upstream of another table that was mistaken I thought Naa not come even from, often can not come to flow until here seat Yes, each case is called the clerk is apologize, came with new directly. It is not that here in accounting is Tsukemawasa be taken to the system out another customer to calculate in the dish anyway when accounting does not provide this flow is very feel that efficient. Wonder if meaningful of that order at the touch panel? I think. Up to where the robot grips Perhaps it was pioneering, but I think that the delay system to deliver the orders. I wonder if "delicious" in taste ... price accordingly? ?? Because I think, but this is people who respectively. I will do such a thing because would shop of children's home ...
K Ninja on Google

The taste is delicious, and above all, the store clerk's response and care are wonderful. Better than any store. As soon as you spill water, it will bring you a duster and will respond flexibly. There was such a sticker on the seat. I went with my child, but I was relieved to have a meal like this! I definitely want to use it again. Thank you very much.
Y2 on Google

テイクアウトで 「すき焼き海鮮しゃり弁」を注文。 ネット注文、電子決済、ボックス受取だったので日曜昼間の混雑時に、並ぶことなくスムーズに購入出来ました。 商品自体は、 色々なアイデアで購買意欲を駆り立てるなぁと関心はしつつも、 牛丼と海鮮丼は別々に食べた方が美味しいという結論でした。。 見た目は彩り鮮やか✨
At takeout I ordered "Sukiyaki seafood sushi rice". Since it was an online order, electronic payment, and box receipt, I was able to purchase smoothly without lining up during the busy Sunday daytime. The product itself Although I'm interested in using various ideas to drive purchasing motivation, The conclusion was that it would be better to eat beef bowl and seafood bowl separately. .. It looks colorful and vivid ✨
ホテルくん on Google

10月8日(金)オープン2日目に来店 今までは桂店に月2〜3回行ってたが、新しく出来て桂店より近いので楽しみに伺いましたが、結果ダントツ桂店の方が良かった。 良かった点と悪かった点は以下の通りです。 ■良かった点 ・店員さんが元気良く、これは桂店よりダントツに良かった。オープン直後ということもあると思うが。 ・オープン直後なので、店内が綺麗。 ・待合が広い。 ■悪かった点 ・カウンター席が多く、ファミリーよりビジネスマンターゲット ・駐車場入口が歩行者やバイクのすり抜けがあり、めちゃくちゃ入りにくい。後ろが渋滞するので申し訳なくなる。 ・駐車場の型が停めにくい。 ・駐車場の入口、出口が狭い。 ・駐車場が駅前なので、タイムズ。飲食すれば2時間無料だが、並んでいると2時間なんてあっという間。若い自分たちはアプリで予約して行くがお年寄りは直接行って待ち時間が長いと駐車料金が発生するのではないか。 ・駐車券を無料にする機械がチェックイン機の横にあるので、店内飲食しなくても混んでいれば店内に入ってバレずに無料機械に通すことが可能。普通会計時にやらなきゃ違法駐車増えますよ。 ・頼んでないお寿司やサイドメニューがいっぱいきた。1番ビックリしたのが、かぼちゃの天ぷらを頼んでアイスクリームがきた。 ・桂店では、お箸は袋に入ってるが、こちらは直接入っていてかなり不潔。このご時世でありえない。
Visited on the second day of opening on Friday, October 8 I used to go to the Katsura store two or three times a month, but I was looking forward to it because it was newly built and closer to the Katsura store, but as a result, the Dantotsu Katsura store was better. The good points and bad points are as follows. ■ Good points ・ The clerk was fine and this was much better than the Katsura store. I think it may be just after the opening. ・ Because it is just after opening, the inside of the store is beautiful. ・ The waiting time is wide. ■ Bad points ・ There are many counter seats, and it is more targeted for business people than families. ・ The entrance to the parking lot is slippery for pedestrians and motorcycles, making it difficult to enter. I'm sorry because there is a traffic jam behind me. ・ The parking lot type is difficult to park. ・ The entrance and exit of the parking lot are narrow. ・ The parking lot is in front of the station, so the Times. If you eat and drink, it's free for 2 hours, but if you line up, it's 2 hours in no time. Young people make reservations with the app, but elderly people go directly and if the waiting time is long, parking fees may be incurred. ・ There is a machine next to the check-in machine that makes parking tickets free, so if it is crowded without eating or drinking in the store, you can enter the store and pass through the free machine without getting caught. Illegal parking will increase if you do not do it at the time of ordinary accounting. ・ There are a lot of sushi and side menus that I haven't asked for. The most surprising thing was that I ordered pumpkin tempura and got ice cream. ・ At the Katsura store, chopsticks are in a bag, but they are directly in the bag and are quite dirty. It cannot be this time.
よしひろ on Google

21年10月にオープンしたスシロー向日町店。JR向日町駅近くにあり、電車でも車でも利用しやすい店舗です。日曜日のランチに利用しまさが、家族連れで賑わっていまさした。 私は限定の本鮪三貫盛り、鉄火巻き、ネギトロ巻き、秋刀魚と、濃厚海老味噌ワンタンを頂きました。スシローのラーメンは330円とは思えない一杯で、美味しいです。 娘はイクラが好き、でもなぜが海苔を食べない。禁断のいくら海苔抜きをオーダーしてました。こんなことを対応してくれるのも素敵です
Sushiro Mukaimachi store opened in October 2009. Located near JR Mukomachi Station, this store is easy to use by train or car. It was crowded with families because it was used for lunch on Sunday. I had a limited edition of three pieces of tuna, tekka maki, negitoro roll, autumn sword fish, and rich shrimp miso wonton. Sushiro's ramen is so delicious that you can't think it's 330 yen. My daughter likes salmon roe, but why she doesn't eat seaweed. I ordered the forbidden salmon roe without seaweed. It ’s nice to be able to handle this kind of thing.

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