
4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ねじき蕎麦

住所 :

Kondacho Kuroishi, Tamba-Sasayama, 〒669-2162 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87997
Webサイト : https://timehouse.jp/
街 : Hyogo

Kondacho Kuroishi, Tamba-Sasayama, 〒669-2162 Hyogo,Japan
美作すばる on Google

国道372号を走っていると、そばの幟があったので行ってみました。 日曜の13時頃でしたが店の前には数組の待ちが… 遅かったのか冷たいそばしかありませんでしたが、味はしっかりしてておいしかったです。食後のそば湯も頂いてきました。 今度はもう少し早い時間に行ってみたいと思います。
When I was running on National Highway 372, there was a soba nobori, so I went there. It was around 13:00 on Sunday, but there were several groups waiting in front of the store ... It was late or there was only cold soba, but the taste was solid and delicious. I also got a soba bath after a meal. I would like to go a little earlier this time.
もりたかおり on Google

ミシュランガイドに載ったことで有名みたいです。休日は開店から待つ人がたくさん。12時くらいに到着したせいか、1時間近く外で待ちました。 靴を脱いで、テーブルに案内されます。 食べたいと思っていたセットのメニューはそれぞれ10食限定、すでに売り切れていました。選択肢は、盛りそば、温そは、猪肉の塩焼き、かき揚げなどの単品。残念でした。 仕方なく、盛りそばをオーダー。 10割りそばということで、香りもよく、細いけれどコシのしっかりとした麺です。お出汁はあっさりめ。 美味しかったけど、待つ時間やメニューのことを考えると、さほど魅力はなかったように思います。
It seems to be famous for being listed in the Michelin Guide. Many people wait from the opening on holidays. I waited outside for almost an hour, probably because I arrived around 12 o'clock. Take off your shoes and you will be guided to the table. The menu of the set I wanted to eat was limited to 10 meals each, and it was already sold out. The choices are morisoba, hot soba, grilled wild boar meat, and kakiage. That's too bad. There is no choice but to order Morisoba. As it is 100% buckwheat noodles, it has a good aroma and is thin but firm. The soup stock is light. It was delicious, but considering the waiting time and the menu, I don't think it was very attractive.
North North on Google

こんな所にあるのかー!ってくらいの場所にひっそりと店を構えてました(笑) 雰囲気は充分!店員のおば様も優しくて良かった。 初めに出された蕎麦茶が香りも良くこれから出てくる料理に期待を持たせてくれます。 注文は「ねじきのさと、ねじきのとも、冷蕎麦にかき揚げ」 蕎麦は10割、のど越しも良く美味しかった‼️キノコの餡掛けやご飯も美味! わざわざ足を運んだ甲斐が有りました~ セットメニューが10食?限定みたいなので早く行く方が良いでしょう。 11時開店の様なので開店時間目掛けて行く方が良いかも。予約もできるみたいです。 昼前くらいには並んでましたね。
Is it in such a place! I quietly set up a shop in such a place (laugh) The atmosphere is enough! It was nice that the clerk's aunt was also kind. The soba tea that was first served has a good fragrance and will make you expect foods that are coming out. The order is "Nokikinosato, Nekinoki Tomo, Kakiage in cold soba" The soba noodles were 100%, and the throat was good as well. ️Mushroom bean paste and rice are also delicious! It was worth visiting all the time~ Is the set menu 10 meals? It seems to be limited, so it's better to go early. It seems that it opens at 11 o'clock, so it might be better to aim for the opening time. It seems that you can make a reservation. It was lined up before noon.
Dora Kazuko Okura on Google

2021/7/23 久し振りの星?5です???味良し、接客良し、雰囲気良しです❕??十割蕎麦だけど、そんなにクセ強くなく、細切りなのでスルスルいけちゃいます☺季節の炊き込みご飯が、これまた美味しい???ただ1つ残念だったのが、猪肉焼肉や鹿肉甘辛煮の付いた「ねじきセット」が売り切れで、ジビエ好きの私としては、是非とも予約して来なくちゃってなったことです? 1枚目:冷蕎麦、細切りでしょ☺ 2枚目:おろし蕎麦と季節の炊き込みご飯、美味しかった??? 3枚目:メニュー 4〜6枚目:内観、宮川大輔さんも来て食べはったようです? 7枚目:外観、写真撮り忘れたけど、暑い中、外で待ってる人用に冷えた井戸水をサーバーに入れて置いてました☺ ?多文化料理研究家 DORA Okura?
2021/7/23 It's been a long time since the star ? 5 ? ? ? Good taste, good customer service, good atmosphere ❕ ? ? It's 100% buckwheat noodles Also delicious ??? The only disappointment was that the "screw set" with grilled boar meat and venison sweet and spicy was sold out, so as a game lover, I had to make a reservation by all means. That is ? 1st: Cold soba, shredded ☺ 2nd: Grated soba and seasonal cooked rice, it was delicious ??? 3rd: Menu 4th-6th: Introspection, Daisuke Miyagawa also came and ate ? 7th: Appearance, I forgot to take a photo, but in the hot weather, I put cold well water in the server for people waiting outside ☺ ? Multicultural cooking researcher DORA Okura ?
岡部倫典 on Google

10割蕎麦で、あっさり美味しく食べれました^_^ 焼き猪肉は臭みもなく炊き込みご飯、蕎麦と一緒に食べでもまたこれは美味しい^_^
With 100% buckwheat noodles, I was able to eat it easily and deliciously ^ _ ^ The grilled wild boar meat is cooked without any odor, and even if I eat it with buckwheat noodles, this is also delicious ^ _ ^
鉄道Jリーグプロ野球好き on Google

お蕎麦は美味しいし、焼き猪肉も美味しい。 人気店だけに結構待たされますし、クルマやバイクで無いと行けません。
Soba is delicious, and grilled wild boar meat is also delicious. Only popular stores have to wait a long time, and you can only go by car or motorcycle.
池田敏弘 on Google

ねじきのさとの冷蕎麦を頂きました。 お値段はチョット高めの2200円でした。 蕎麦は十割そばで色、香りは薄く細打ち麺でした。つゆとの相性はとても良かつたのですが、麺がざらついていてのど越しは今一つでした。 猪肉は臭みゼロで脂部分でもサッパリしていてとても美味しかったです。 揚げ蕎麦餡かけは薄味で、餡にキノコが入っていました。お味は?でした。 猪肉甘煮は濃い味付けで猪肉とはとても思えませんでした。 最後に季節ご飯は薄味で美味しかったです。
I had cold soba noodles with Nejikinosato. The price was 2200 yen, which is a little higher. The soba was 100% buckwheat noodles with a light color and aroma. It went very well with the soup, but the noodles were rough and the throat was not good. The boar meat had no odor and the fat part was refreshing and it was very delicious. The fried soba bean paste had a light taste, and the bean paste contained mushrooms. How does it taste? was. The wild boar meat was so seasoned that I couldn't think of it as wild boar meat. Finally, the seasonal rice was light and delicious.
Ichiro Koromonotana on Google

桜の季節、土曜日の丹波路ドライブ。以前から気になっていたお蕎麦の有名店のこちらへ電話で営業を確認して予約、早速向かうことにした。デカンショ街道国道372号本荘交差点を折れて北上、閑静な2車線の道が続いた。最後の数100mの区間だけセンターラインがなくなったが全く不安無く到着した。駐車場は軽用が5台ほどと、大きな車用は4〜5台ぐらいのスペースが2ヶ所ある感じ。 入口に名前を書く紙があり、予約していたので名前が既に書かれていた。 お店に入ると言葉では表現できない、和と故郷と木が融合した様な空間が広がっていた。大変心地よい。 セットを注文した。お蕎麦は、何も付けずに口に運ぶと、ほんのりと蕎麦畑の風景が浮かんでくるような味と香り、細めの麺は繊細で上品さが漂う。つゆは蕎麦の味にそっと寄り添う優しい感じで、蕎麦、刻み海苔、つゆで三重奏が口の中で広がって脳裏に響いた感じでした。炊き込みご飯は、素材の味を引き立たせた上品さを感じる味でした。雅な和服のような繊細さで美味しかった。猪肉は全く獣を感じさせない味付け。山中の自然で良質なものを食べて育った肉なのか、脂身に森の香りがしたような印象お受けた。 ホスピタリティー抜群で、大変気持ちの良い時間と空間を過ごすことができた。ご馳走様でした。
Saturday's Tandou Drive during the cherry blossom season. I made a reservation by calling here, a famous soba restaurant that I had been interested in for a long time, and decided to go immediately. Dekansho Kaido National Highway No. 372 After breaking the Honjo intersection, heading north, a quiet two-lane road continued. The center line disappeared only in the last few hundred meters, but I arrived without any anxiety. There are 5 parking lots for light cars and 2 spaces for 4 to 5 cars for large cars. There was a paper to write the name at the entrance, and the name was already written because I had made a reservation. When I entered the shop, there was a space that was a fusion of Japanese, hometown, and wood, which I couldn't express in words. Very comfortable. I ordered a set. When you bring the soba to your mouth without adding anything, it has a taste and aroma that makes you feel the scenery of the soba field, and the thin noodles are delicate and elegant. The soba was a gentle touch that gently snuggled up to the taste of soba, and the soba, chopped seaweed, and soup boiled trio spread in my mouth and echoed in my mind. The cooked rice had an elegant taste that complemented the taste of the ingredients. It was delicious with the delicacy of elegant Japanese clothes. Wild boar meat is seasoned so that it doesn't feel like a beast at all. I got the impression that the fat had the scent of the forest, probably because the meat was grown by eating natural and high-quality food in the mountains. The hospitality was outstanding, and I was able to spend a very pleasant time and space. It was a treat.

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