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Contact 黒田城跡

住所 :

Kojo, Kisogawacho Kuroda, Ichinomiya, 〒493-0001 Aichi,Japan

街 : 区画 Aichi

Kojo, Kisogawacho Kuroda, Ichinomiya, 〒493-0001 Aichi,Japan
広浜陽一 on Google

There are no remains, but a stone monument and a statue of Kazutoyo Yamauchi, who was born, are maintained.
古川健一 on Google

I went here around the castle and the ruins of the castle! Now there are explanation boards, stone monuments, and Ippyo statues next to the elementary school!
ハラダリョー on Google

駐車場が無く,前の道も細いので車だと不便です。 休みの日は、小学校の正門前に車寄せれます。
YUSUKEI on Google

There was an explanation that the castle was where Kazutoyo Yamauchi was born. It is about 10 minutes on foot from Kisogawa station. It seems that you can get the castle stamp now.
おとらさん on Google

一宮市立黒田小学校の一角にあります。 約100年の間に8人の城主の交代がありました。 まずは、8人の紹介です。 ■■■黒田城歴史■■■ 明応年間(1492~1501年) 相模国から尾張に入った ①五藤源太左衛門光正 が、居館を築いたのが初まりとされます。 天文初年(1532年以降) 岩倉城を本拠とする織田伊勢守家の家老 ②山内但馬守盛豐 が城代として入ります。 天文十四年(1545年) この城で盛豊の三男として山内一豊が誕生。 弘治三年(1557年)七月 山内盛豐は黒田城に於いて夜討ちに遇い、 長男 山内十郎と共に討たれました。 その後、犬山城主織田十郎左衛門信清の 弟 ③織田勘解由左衛門尉廣良 が城主となります。 永禄五年(1562年) 廣良が美濃斎藤氏との軽海の戦いで討死した後、 犬山織田信清の家老、 ④和田新助 が城主となります。 天正二年(1574年) 伊勢長島における、一向一揆の戦いで 和田新助が討死し、弟の ⑤和田八郎定教が城主となります。 しかし、和田八郎定教は何らかの理由で追放され 本貫の近江国甲賀郡に帰って隠遁し、 本能寺の変後に三河に逃走しようとしていた 徳川家康を助けたことで召し出され、 その縁で、子の和田定勝は家康に仕えました。。 天正十年(1582年)六月 織田信長が本能寺の変で、明智光秀に討たれると、 織田信雄が伊勢、尾張を領することとなり、 清洲入りし ⑥沢井左衛門尉雄重 を黒田城主とします。 天正十八年(1590年)、 織田信雄が転封を拒否して改易されたのに 巻き込まれて沢井雄重も禄を失い、 黒田城には3万5千石で 一柳直末の 弟・ ⑦一柳直盛 が入った。このときに黒田城は 大きく改修がなされ、比較的大きな 構えになったと考えられている。 慶長五年(1600年)、 関ヶ原の戦いの功により一柳直盛は 伊勢国・神戸に5万石で転封され、 黒田城は尾張を所領とした 松平忠吉の支城となり、家臣の ⑧富永忠兼 が入ったが、 その後、しばらく後に廃城となります。 ここで、特出する2人についての物語です。 【一人目】 ⑥沢井 雄重(さわい かつしげ)です。 天正10年(1582年)には、信長の次男、 織田 信雄(おだ のぶかつ) の家老:沢井雄重が入城しました。 沢井は検地を行うとともに、 領内の伊富利部神社及び 籠守勝手神社の再建を行いました。 天正12年(1584年)の小牧の役の際には黒田城を死守 羽柴秀吉(のちの豊臣秀吉)の調略にも応じず、 これを賞して後に徳川家康から 感状と太刀が与えられています。 【二人目】 ⑤和田定教 和田定教が追放され、隠遁して居たところは、 本貫の近江国甲賀郡で、 本能寺の変後に三河に逃走しようとしていた 徳川家康を助けたとされます。 一方、本能寺の変の前日、徳川家康の遊覧に同行していた 長谷川秀一 という武将がおりました。 この人物は、黒田の隣にある、北方という地区の 生まれで、和田定教と同世代の人物です。 おそらく、和田定教と長谷川秀一は、面識があり、 協力して徳川家康を助けたと推測できます。 長谷川秀一の記念碑は、一宮市立北方中学校にあり この黒田小学校とJR東海道本線でつながっています。 沢井 雄重 和田定教 という2人の黒田城主は、徳川家康を助け 江戸幕府成立に貢献したといえます。
It is located in a corner of Ichinomiya City Kuroda Elementary School. There have been eight castellan changes in about 100 years. First of all, I would like to introduce 8 people. ■■■ History of Kuroda Castle ■■■ Meiō year (1492-1501) Entered Owari from Sagami Province ① Genta Goto Saemon Mitsumasa However, it is said that it was the first time to build a residence. First year of astronomical observation (after 1532) The elder of the Oda Isemori family based in Iwakura Castle ② Yamauchi Tajima Morimori Enters as a castle fee. Astronomical 14th year (1545) Yamauchi Kazutoyo was born as the third son of Moritoyo at this castle. July, 3rd year of Koji (1557) Morio Yamauchi treats him at night at Kuroda Castle, I was defeated with my eldest son, Juro Yamauchi. After that, the younger brother of Nobukiyo Oda Jurozaemon, the lord of Inuyama Castle. ③ Oda Kankyo Yuzaemon Lieutenant Hiroyoshi Will be the castellan. Eiroku 5th year (1562) After Hirora was killed in the Karumi battle with Mino Saito Inuyama Oda Nobukiyo's elder, ④ Shinsuke Wada Will be the castellan. 2nd year of Tensho (1574) In the battle of Ikko-ikki in Ise Nagashima Shinsuke Wada dies and his younger brother ⑤ Hachiro Wada will be the castellan. However, Hachiro Wada was banished for some reason. Returned to Koga-gun, Omi Province, and retired. I was trying to escape to Mikawa after the Honnoji Incident Called for helping Ieyasu Tokugawa In that connection, his child, Sadakatsu Wada, served Ieyasu. .. June, Tensho 10 (1582) When Nobunaga Oda was defeated by Akechi Mitsuhide due to the strangeness of Honnoji, Nobukatsu Oda will take over Ise and Owari Enter Kiyosu ⑥ Saemon Saemon Yushige Is the owner of Kuroda Castle. 18th year of Tensho (1590), Even though Nobukatsu Oda refused to transfer and was reformed Yushige Sawai also lost his dignity after being involved. Kuroda Castle with 35,000 stones Hitotsuyanagi Naoto's younger brother ⑦ Naomori Ichiyanagi Entered. At this time, Kuroda Castle Major renovation made, relatively large It is believed that he was ready. 5th year of Keicho (1600), Naomori Ichiyanagi is due to the battle of Sekigahara Transferred to Kobe, Ise Province with 50,000 stones, Kuroda Castle has Owari as its territory Became a branch of Matsudaira Tadayoshi and became a vassal ⑧ Tadashi Tominaga Entered, After that, the castle will be abandoned after a while. Here is a story about two people who are special. 【first person】 ⑥ I'm Yushige Sawai. In the 10th year of Tensho (1582), Nobunaga's second son, Nobukatsu Oda Elder: Yushige Sawai has entered the castle. Sawai conducts land inspection and Iburibe Shrine in the territory and We rebuilt Komorikatte Shrine. Defending Kuroda Castle during the role of Komaki in 1584 (Tensho 12) Not responding to Hideyoshi Hashiba (later Hideyoshi Toyotomi) Awarded this and later from Ieyasu Tokugawa A sentiment and a sword are given. 【Second person】 ⑤ Wada Sadakyo The place where Wada Sadakyo was banished and kept secret In Koka-gun, Omi Province, Bon-gwan I was trying to escape to Mikawa after the Honnoji Incident It is said that he helped Ieyasu Tokugawa. On the other hand, the day before the Honnoji Incident, I was accompanied by Ieyasu Tokugawa. Hidekazu Hasegawa There was a military commander. This person is in the northern district next to Kuroda. Born, he is a person of the same generation as Wada Seikyo. Perhaps Sadayoshi Wada and Hidekazu Hasegawa are acquainted with each other. It can be inferred that they cooperated and helped Ieyasu Tokugawa. The monument to Hidekazu Hasegawa is located at Ichinomiya City Northern Junior High School. It is connected to this Kuroda Elementary School by the JR Tokaido Main Line. Yushige Sawai Wada Sadakyo The two Kuroda castle owners help Ieyasu Tokugawa It can be said that it contributed to the establishment of the Edo Shogunate.
岩井昭典 on Google

黒田城跡(一宮市木曽川町) ?黒田城は、関ヶ原合戦の功績により土佐20万石を家康から与えられた山内一豊の生誕地(当時城主だった一豊の父、山内盛豊は守護代の岩倉織田氏に仕えた) ?また織田信長が美濃攻めの際、当時黒田城主だった犬山織田信清の家臣、和田新介を丹羽長秀らが調略し犬山城落城と美濃国制覇の足がかりとした城でもあります。 ?城跡北側を流れる用水は外堀の名残りとも謂れているとか、城跡の北東角には切込接ぎで乱積みの石垣が残っています。 ⭐️もとは葉栗郡木曽川町が合併により現在は一宮市。一宮市は以前から郷土の史跡を大切にしてきた印象ありますが、合併後に再整備された「黒田城跡」はじめ信長由来の浮野合戦首塚等々、敷地狭くても文化財として厚く保護するところ感心します。
Kuroda Castle Ruins (Kisogawa Town, Ichinomiya City) ? Kuroda Castle is the birthplace of Kazutoyo Yamauchi, who was given 200,000 stones of Tosa by Ieyasu for his achievements in the Battle of Sekigahara. ? Also, when Nobunaga Oda attacked Mino, Nagahide Niwa and others arranged Shinsuke Wada, a vassal of Nobukiyo Inuyama, who was the owner of Kuroda Castle at that time, and it is also a castle that became a foothold for the fall of Inuyama Castle and the conquest of Mino Province. ? The irrigation water that flows on the north side of the castle ruins is said to be a remnant of the outer moat, and there are stone walls that are piled up randomly at the northeast corner of the castle ruins. ⭐️ Originally Ichinomiya City due to the merger of Kisogawa Town, Haguri District. I have the impression that Ichinomiya City has cherished the historic sites of its hometown for a long time, but I was impressed by the fact that even if the site is small, it is thickly protected as a cultural property, such as the "Kuroda Castle Ruins" that was redeveloped after the merger and Nobunaga's Ukino Battle Shutsuka. I will.
小川悟志 on Google

現在、愛知県では史跡御朱印を発行してます。 この黒田城址周辺には駐車場がないので、小学校の西側の商工会議所に駐車をして歩いて行きました。 歩いて5分くらいです。また、この商工会議所で御朱印貰えます。 山内一豊は岩倉城でも出生地の話がありますが、本当のところはどうなんでしょうね。
Currently, Aichi Prefecture issues a historic site red stamp. There is no parking lot around this Kuroda castle ruins, so I parked at the Chamber of Commerce on the west side of the elementary school and walked. It's about 5 minutes on foot. You can also get a red stamp at this chamber of commerce. Kazutoyo Yamauchi is said to have been born in Iwakura Castle, but what about the truth?
2666 10993 on Google

The ruins of Kuroda Castle, which remains in Kisogawa-cho, Ichinomiya City, Aichi Prefecture. It is also the castle where Kazutoyo Yamauchi, a local hero, was born. The castle was built in the 1490s (Meiō era) and is related to the Oda and Toyotomi families. A stone monument and a statue of Kazutoyo Yamauchi are erected. The statue of Kazutoyo Yamauchi is small compared to the pedestal, but it seems that donations did not collect so much. It seems that this size costs 1 million yen. It seems that this place was originally the place where the Kisogawa Town Hall was. It is now the site of Ichinomiya City Kuroda Elementary School.

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