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Contact 光明寺城跡の碑

住所 :

Komyoji, Ichinomiya, 〒491-0135 Aichi,Japan

街 : 区画 Aichi

Komyoji, Ichinomiya, 〒491-0135 Aichi,Japan
鈴木隆一 on Google

In the quiet residential area there is a monument of a splendid fort.
イシテル on Google

The castle ruins are in a residential area, and it took me some time to find them.
平松哲夫 on Google

In 1560 AD, Nobunaga defeated Yoshimoto Imagawa in the Battle of Okehazama and began to unify the world. The one who controls Mino controls the world. I built this castle to monitor and capture Mt. Inaba of Saito Dosanii Castle.
荻野孝明 on Google

Monument of Komyoji Castle Ruins (/ ≧ ◇ ≦ \)
Masayoshi Shibata on Google

光明寺城跡 現在城跡には碑が建つのみで遺構はありません。 光明寺城は織田信長の家臣神戸伯耆守が築城しました。 神戸伯耆守が永禄12年(1569年)に大河内城攻めで戦死すると、信長の馬廻衆山田半兵衛が居城しました。 【光明寺】 光明寺城のすぐそばにある安照院光明寺は白鳳年間に建立された、1300年以上の古刹です。 桶狭間の戦いの後の永禄6年(1563年)織田信長と松平元康は清洲城で同盟を締結します。 祝いの酒宴が開かれ、酔い覚ましに信長は元康とともに光明寺城へ向かったのでした。 この城から北にある稲葉山城を見た二人は「美濃を制する者が天下を制するか」とつぶやいたという。 織田信長は松平元康に光明寺城の眼下にある安照院光明寺の僧侶「青井意足」を紹介した。 この青井意足は八幡太郎義家の軍法を伝える人物であり、織田信長もこの軍法を手に入れたかったのだが、織田家が平家の出の為、断られていたのであった。 信長は同盟締結の礼として、源氏の出である元康に紹介したのであった。 元康は数日間光明寺に滞在し、青井意足より八幡太郎義家の軍法を授かった。 この軍法を継ぐ者は名前に「義」か「家」を継ぐ事になっており、今川義元からもらった名前を変えたいと考えていた元康は、「元」を「家」に変え徳川家康を名乗るようになったという。 #お城 #城 #城跡 #愛知県 #光明寺城 #光明寺 #一宮市
Komyoji Castle Ruins Currently, only a monument is built on the ruins of the castle, and there are no remains. Komyoji Castle was built by Nobunaga Oda's vassal, Hoki Kobe. When Kobe Hoki was killed in action in the 12th year of Eiroku (1569) by attacking Okawachi Castle, Nobunaga's Makaishu Yamada Hanbei lived there. [Komyoji] Anshoin Komyoji, which is right next to Komyoji Castle, is an ancient temple built over 1300 years ago during the Hakuho era. In the 6th year of Eiroku (1563) after the Battle of Okehazama, Nobunaga Oda and Motoyasu Matsudaira conclude an alliance at Kiyosu Castle. A festive banquet was held, and Nobunaga headed for Komyoji Castle with Motoyasu to awaken his sickness. The two who saw Inabayama Castle in the north of this castle muttered, "Will the one who controls Mino control the world?" Nobunaga Oda introduced to Motoyasu Matsudaira the monk "Aoi Kiseki" of Anshoin Komyoji, which is under the eyes of Komyoji Castle. This Aoi is a person who conveys the military law of the Taro Yawata Yoshiie, and Nobunaga Oda also wanted to obtain this military law, but the Oda family was refused because of the Heike clan. Nobunaga introduced it to Motoyasu, who came from Genji, as a thank-you for concluding the alliance. Motoyasu stayed at Komyoji Temple for several days and was given the military law of the Yawata Taro Yoshiie by Aoi. Those who inherit this military law are supposed to inherit "righteousness" or "house" in the name, and Motoyasu who wanted to change the name given by Yoshimoto Imagawa changed "former" to "house" and Ieyasu Tokugawa It is said that he came to call himself. #Castle #Castle #Castle Ruins #Aichi Prefecture #Komyoji Castle #Komyoji #Ichinomiya City
左近石田 on Google

松平元康がすぐ近くの光明寺の住職と出会った事で家康と改名。 徳川家康誕生の地とも言えるかも。 城跡の遺構はありません。
The name was changed to Ieyasu when Motoyasu Matsudaira met the chief priest of Komyoji Temple nearby. It may be said that Ieyasu Tokugawa was born. There are no remains of the castle ruins.
おだ天狗 on Google

Komyoji Castle is a Japanese castle located in the current Hongoyashiki of Komyoji, Ichinomiya City, Aichi Prefecture. Built by Nobunaga Oda's vassal, Hoki Kobe. Nobunaga Oda introduced to Motoyasu Matsudaira the priest of Anshoin Komyoji, who is under the eyes of Komyoji Castle. This Aoi is a person who conveys the military law of the Taro Yawata Yoshiie, and Nobunaga Oda also wanted to obtain this military law, but the Oda family was refused because of the Heike clan. Nobunaga introduced it to Motoyasu, who came from Genji, as a thank-you for concluding the alliance. Motoyasu stayed at Komyoji Temple for several days and was given the military law of the Yawata Taro Yoshiie by Aoi. The person who succeeds this military law is supposed to inherit "righteousness" or "house" in the name, and Motoyasu who wanted to change the name given by Yoshimoto Imagawa changed "former" to "house" and Tokugawa It is said that he came to call himself Ieyasu.
おとらさん on Google

織田信長の家臣・神戸伯耆守が築城したお城です。 1558年頃 に築かれ 1569年頃 廃城となりました。 ◆10年間の歴史◆ 永禄年間(1558~69年の間) 神戸伯耆守により築かれました。 神戸伯耆守は丹羽長秀の家臣です。 ここは、もともと、岩倉織田氏の支配地域でした。、 岩倉城落城後に、清須方織田家により、 1558年頃、この城は築城されました。 この頃は齋籐義龍の美濃へ侵攻している時期で、 稲葉山城も見えたのだそうです。 光明寺城主神戸氏の一族である、 青井意足という人物がおりました。 光明寺(一宮市光明寺)に住み、 軍学に通じていたといいます。 青井意足は、信長の寵遇を得て、 美濃稲葉山城攻めでは、 敵情視察に派遣されたという記録があります。 また、桶狭間の戦いで、八幡太郎義家の軍法 により、当日の天気を当て、信長軍を勝利に 導いたとされる人物です。 それが縁で、家康に軍法を伝授し、 元康からの改名は意足の発案とも伝わります。 青井意足の息女が嫁いだ際は、 信長と家康の書を持たせたといわれます。 慶長7年(1602)、青井意足は、 ここ、光明寺村で没しています。 その後、城主:神戸伯耆守ですが、 1569年の伊勢の大河原城攻めで 討死しています。 この時は城を四方から包囲して夜襲 をかけたのですが、雨が降り出し鉄砲が 使えませんでした。 そのため攻城側が苦戦し、 戦死者が多数出たのだそうです。 伯耆守は単騎で敵陣に突撃したのですが、 神戸市介、神戸賀介らが討死したからでしょうか? 拙速な攻撃で痛手を受けた織田信長は、 兵糧攻めに作戦を変更。 城内で餓死者が出始めると、 織田信長の子を北畠家の跡継ぎにすることで 和睦しました。これが後の織田信雄です。 神戸伯耆守が討死した後、 山田半兵衛が城主となりました。 山田半兵衛は織田信長の馬廻で、 摂津池田城攻めや小谷の退却戦などで活躍しました。 信長公記でも「隠れなき武篇者」と書かれている 猛者です。 1569年頃 になると この地域も 平定されました。 城としての役割を終え、廃城となりました。 地元の伝承によると、 神戸伯耆守は城下の民を慈しみ、 知勇兼備の武将といわれていました。
It is a castle built by Nobunaga Oda's vassal, Hoki Kobe. Built around 1558 Around 1569, the castle was abandoned. ◆ 10 years of history ◆ Eiroku year (between 1558 and 69) It was built by Hoki Mamoru Kobe. Kobe Hoki is a vassal of Nagahide Niwa. This was originally the area controlled by Mr. Oda Iwakura. , After the fall of Iwakura Castle, by the Kiyosu Oda clan The castle was built around 1558. Around this time, it was a time when Saito Yoshitatsu was invading Mino. It seems that Inabayama Castle was also visible. The family of Mr. Kobe, the lord of Komyoji Castle, There was a person named Aoi. Lived in Komyoji (Komyoji, Ichinomiya City), It is said that he was familiar with military studies. Aoi willingly receive the favor of Nobunaga, In the attack on Mino Inabayama Castle, There is a record that he was dispatched to a hostile inspection. Also, in the battle between Okehazama, the military law of Taro Yawata Yoshiie To win the Nobunaga army by hitting the weather of the day The person who is said to have led. That was the edge, and Ieyasu was taught military law, The name change from Motoyasu is also said to be an idea. When Aoi's breathing woman gets married, It is said that he had the books of Nobunaga and Ieyasu. In the 7th year of Keicho (1602), Aoi Kiseki I'm dead here in Komyoji Village. After that, the castle owner: Kobe Hoki, In the attack on Ogawara Castle in Ise in 1569 I'm killed. At this time, surround the castle from all sides and attack at night I put it on, but it started to rain and the gun I couldn't use it. Therefore, the siege side struggled, It seems that many people were killed in action. Hoki Mamoru rushed into the enemy with a single horse, Is it because Kobe Ichisuke and Kobe Kasuke died? Nobunaga Oda, who was hurt by a hasty attack, Changed the strategy to attack the military. When starvation begins to appear in the castle, By making Oda Nobunaga's child a successor to the Kitabatake family I was reconciled. This is later Nobukatsu Oda. After the death of Kobe Hoki Hanbei Yamada became the castellan. Hanbei Yamada is Nobunaga Oda's horseman He played an active part in the attack on Ikeda Castle in Settsu and the retreat of Kotani. Even in Nobunaga's official record, it is written as "a warrior without hiding" It is a fierce man. Around 1569 This area has also been settled. After finishing its role as a castle, it was abandoned. According to local folklore Kobe Hoki is gracious to the people of the castle, It was said to be a military commander with both wisdom and courage.

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