
3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ハンバーグ&パスタBENSON

住所 :

Karuizawa, Kitasaku District, 〒389-0103 Nagano,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87789
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Sunday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Monday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Thursday Closed
Friday 11:30AM–2:30PM
街 : Nagano

Karuizawa, Kitasaku District, 〒389-0103 Nagano,Japan
Hiromi on Google

旧軽井沢エリアから数分歩いた先にあり、変に混雑していなく、居心地よい空間。 ステーキランチ食べました。 肉の焼き加減はレアのようで、もう少し火を入れた方が私は好み。 そして別添えのソースがかなり美味しく、食を進ませるガーリックソース。 付け合わせの野菜は鮮度の良い野菜を丁寧に調理してあり非常に好感度が高かった。
Located a few minutes walk from the former Karuizawa area, this is a comfortable space that is not crowded. I ate a steak lunch. The taste of the meat seems to be rare, and I prefer to cook a little more. And the garlic sauce that makes the meal go well with the extra sauce. The garnished vegetables were prepared with carefully prepared fresh vegetables and were very likable.
とまつゆうこ on Google

It is a very tasty and easy-going shop. Pasta and hamburger are very delicious, and combination salad is also recommended. I think it is better to make a reservation because it is popular. Close to the former Karuizawa Ginza.
NBHR UCD on Google

Cospa, atmosphere and service are all the best.
豆ちゅよ、 on Google

2月に伺いましたが割りとお客さん多くてビックリしました。 軽井沢でのランチではお安いほうなのかなと思います。 ステーキのお肉が柔らかかったです。
I visited in February, but I was surprised that there were a lot of customers. I think it's cheaper for lunch in Karuizawa. The meat of the steak was tender.
Fin S on Google

軽井沢に行った時には必ずここで食べて帰ります。 どの料理もこだわりと丁寧さが感じられてとても美味しいです。食べたい料理が多くていつも注文しすぎてしまう、、、
Whenever I go to Karuizawa, I always eat here and go home. Every dish is very delicious with a sense of commitment and politeness. I always order too many dishes because I want to eat them ...
いぬちゃん on Google

ランチでステーキセットとハンバーグオリジナルソースをいただきました。どちらもリーズナブルで美味しかったです。セットのサラダも新鮮で美味しい! トイレあり (通年) 駐車場なし
I had a steak set and hamburger original sauce for lunch. Both were reasonable and delicious. The set salad is also fresh and delicious! There is a toilet (all year) No parking
Atsushi Hashimoto on Google

半年ぶりに再訪。やっぱりここは全てが美味しい。店内は混んでいたけれども、店員さんはテキパキしており、オーダーミスもなくスムーズ。料理も美味しかったけれど、なんだか今回はお店の方のスピードと正確性にも目がいってしまいました。。 ふらりと訪問、たまたま?空席ありとのことでラッキー。やっぱりおいしい、値段もリーズナブル、とっても行きやすい、アットホームなお店!
Revisited for the first time in half a year. After all everything is delicious here. Although the store was crowded, the clerk was very cheerful and smooth without any order mistakes. The food was delicious, but this time I was also impressed by the speed and accuracy of the shop staff. .. A casual visit, by chance? Lucky that there are vacant seats. After all it is delicious, the price is reasonable, it is very easy to go, and it is a cozy shop!
Shimizu Shimizu on Google

ステーキランチ150g(税込1650円)を頂きました。サラダ、ライス、コーヒーがついてます。軽井沢にてこの美味しさでこのプライス、すごくお得だと思います。お肉は上質で柔らかく、ソースも美味しさを引き立てて絶品❗ 店内は明るくおしゃれで落ち着ける感じ。 ただ、他の方も言っている通り、ホール店員さん(女性1名でした)に愛想が無いのがちょっと気になりました(笑)。 後は最高だと思うのでなんか勿体ない。。 でもコスパ良くおいしかったので また伺いたいと思います?️
I had a steak lunch of 150g (1650 yen including tax). Comes with salad, rice and coffee. I think this price is very good at this deliciousness in Karuizawa. The meat is high quality and tender, and the sauce enhances the deliciousness and is excellent ❗ The inside of the store is bright, fashionable and calm. However, as others have said, I was a little worried that the hall clerk (who was one female) had no amiability (laughs). I think the rest is the best, so it's a shame. .. But the cost performance was good, so I would like to ask again ?️

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