
3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact かわいぃ食堂

住所 :

Kamiyamadaonsen, Chikuma, 〒389-0821 Nagano,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : http://www.hotel-platon.jp/restaurant/lunch.html
Opening hours :
Saturday 5–8:30PM
Sunday 5–8:30PM
Monday 5–8:30PM
Tuesday 5–8:30PM
Wednesday 5–8:30PM
Thursday 5–8:30PM
Friday 5–8:30PM
街 : Nagano

Kamiyamadaonsen, Chikuma, 〒389-0821 Nagano,Japan
田中敦 on Google

菅原宏 on Google

塚原靖 on Google

次郎長 on Google

加藤十 on Google

I was worried about criticism, but not enough. I think cospa is good. Guests may have a good side dish and drink. If the rice grade goes up, overall ... Is it because of criticism?
angel Sariel on Google

未だかつてこんなに酷いお店は初めて。 キリンラガーの瓶の中身が別物。 前の日に自宅で飲んだ瓶ラガーと全く違っていた。 料理も酷すぎて涙が出た。 その中でも酷かったのが、 麻婆豆腐はほぼ片栗粉の塊ゴロゴロで冷めきっていた、 陶板焼きの上のバターに見えたのはマーガリン、 天ぷらは仕出し屋、 杏仁豆腐はザラザラゴテゴテ(市販の粉系杏仁豆腐の素の分量間違えた?) 中華スープは色つき水、 ご飯は真っ黄色。 いくらコスト削減とはいえ、お客を、食べ物をバカにしすぎている。 2度目は無い。
It's the first time I've ever had such a terrible shop. The contents of the Kirin Lager bottle are different. It was completely different from the bottle lager I drank at home the day before. The food was too terrible and I cried. The worst of them was Mapo tofu was almost completely chilled with a lump of potato starch, Margarine looked like butter on a porcelain plate Tempura caterer, Annin tofu is rough and rough (Is the amount of powdered almond tofu on the market wrong?) Chinese soup is colored water, The rice is bright yellow. No matter how much the cost is reduced, the customers are too stupid about food. There is no second time.
265181 Zena on Google

上のホテルに泊まり、晩飯を食うところを探してうろうろした挙句 結局ここに。店員さんがホール厨房含めて一人しか居ない所に私の他にも予想外のお客さんが入ったらしく、陶板焼定食なら比較的早くできると言われたのでそれにしました。一番安い(税別1000円)定食でしたが、豚肉陶板焼、麻婆豆腐、小さいお造り、小鉢、茶碗蒸し、漬物、御飯、スープがつき 御飯とスープはお代わり自由と ボリュームは充分かつ陶板焼がなかなか美味しく、満足でした。麻婆豆腐はもうちょっと辛い方が好みだったかな。 店員さんはやたら焦ってましたけど実際の対応は時間がかかりすぎてるわけでもなく、「とりあえず落ち着け」と言ってあげたかったです。
After staying at the hotel above and wandering around looking for a place to eat dinner, I ended up here. It seems that there are other unexpected customers besides me in the place where there is only one clerk including the hall kitchen, and I was told that I could do a ceramic plate grilled set meal relatively quickly, so I decided to do it. It was the cheapest (1000 yen excluding tax) set meal, but it comes with pork porcelain tofu, mapo tofu, small sashimi, small bowl, chawanmushi, pickles, rice, soup. It was delicious and I was satisfied. I wonder if I liked mapo tofu a little more spicy. The clerk was very impatient, but the actual response did not take too long, and I wanted to say, "Calm down for the time being."
apasan88 on Google

系列宿に素泊まりだったので、こちらで夕食しました。 予約していなかったのですが、こばち、鍋物まで付き、ご飯味噌汁セルフで千円と、満足オトクな内容でした。 提供も早いです。 見てると、結構飛び込み客も多い様子。 ホールの方が一人なので、お酒の追加とかはちょっとタイミング必要かと。 お会計は2Fのホテルフロントで。 旅館ご飯も憧れるのですが、いかんせん呑んでしまうと食べられなくなり、残すのも申し訳なく、お腹が張るほど食べて後悔する事も少なくないので、丁度良い量でした。 瓶ビールと、日本酒も美味しかったですよ。
I stayed at an affiliated inn without meals, so I had dinner here. I didn't make a reservation, but it was a satisfying and profitable content, with kobachi and hot pot, and rice miso soup for 1,000 yen. The offer is also quick. Looking at it, it seems that there are quite a lot of diving customers. Since there is only one person in the hall, I wonder if it is necessary to add some sake. Check out at the hotel front desk on the 2nd floor. I long for inn rice, but if I swallow it, I can't eat it, I'm sorry to leave it, and I often regret eating it so much that I'm hungry, so it was just the right amount. The bottled beer and sake were also delicious.

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