Kibarashi - Chikuma

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kibarashi

住所 :

500-1 Sakurado, Chikuma, Nagano 387-0012, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 387-0012
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–2PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 11:30AM–2PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–2PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–2PM
Thursday 11:30AM–2PM
Friday 11:30AM–2PM

500-1 Sakurado, Chikuma, Nagano 387-0012, Japan
堀田努 on Google

駅前のメイン通りから少し入った所にあり知っていないと行きにくいお店です。 初めてでサービスランチをいただきましたが担々麺にご飯と肉じゃがが付いて750円はお得感ありです。 味も美味しかったので今度は他の定食食べてみたいです。
It's a little bit from the main street in front of the station, so it's hard to reach if you don't know it. I had a service lunch for the first time, but 750 yen is a good deal with dandan noodles with rice and meat and potatoes. The taste was delicious, so I would like to try another set meal this time.
五条ゆり on Google

入ってみると予想よりとても広い店内で、 宴会に利用される団体さんに人気のお店のようです。 定食を頂きましたが、とても美味しかったです。 混み合う時は予約の方のみになる事もあるみたいなので、心配な方は予約していくといいと思います。
When I entered the store, it was much larger than I expected. It seems to be a popular shop for groups used for banquets. I had a set meal and it was very delicious. When it is crowded, it seems that only reservations may be made, so if you are worried, you should make a reservation.
まんぷく丑さん on Google

I received a fried soba bowl. The taste was normal, but it was smelly, probably because it was a counter seat by one customer, or it was fresh from the inside of the counter, or rather bleached. I think that it would be good if you take care a little more and do your best for cleanliness as well.
traveller DEEP on Google

千曲市にこんなに良い人気店があるとは知りませんでした。 昼に行くと第四駐車場まで既にぎっしり埋まっていたので、かなり混んでるかと思ったのですが二階の座敷を解放してくださり、ゆっくりとくつろぎながら食事ができました。 メニューも多彩でボリュームも凄く、あんかけ焼きそばは細麺を使用しており、柔らかめの焼きそばでした。 お得なランチメニューもあり、店内は居酒屋風の一階と宴会用の二階とあり、かなり広いです。
I did not know that there is such a good popular store in Chikuma City. I thought that I was quite crowded when I went to noon because the 4th parking lot was already filled up, but I was able to release the room on the second floor and I could relax and have a meal. The menu was varied and the volume was great. Ankake chow mein used thin noodles and was a soft chow mein. There is a good lunch menu, and the inside of the restaurant is quite large, with a tavern-like first floor and a second floor for banquets.
アイスメロン on Google

何回か利用させていただきました。 接客も丁寧で料理もとてもおいしいです。 平日昼間にやっているサービスランチがコスパが良くておススメです。
I used it several times. The customer service is polite and the food is very delicious. The service lunch that is held during the daytime on weekdays is recommended because of its good cost performance.
Masaki Iwata on Google

しなの鉄道 屋代駅からほど近いところにある、きばらし。 駐車場は第1~第4まで有り余裕の駐車スペース。 入口はお洒落なカフェのような雰囲気。 そして玄関左手には昔ながらの食堂を彷彿とさせるメニューのサンプルが並ぶショーケースが! 一人でも気軽に食事が出来るカウンター席からテーブル席、宴会も出来る広間も。 とにかくメニューが豊富。 各種定食、各種丼もの、ラーメン類、チャーハン、焼きそば、カレー、うどん、そば…と何でも揃っているから、家族やグループ、嗜好が異なるメンバーでも、みんな大満足! どの料理も外れがなく美味しいです。 食事の後には嬉しいコーヒーのサービスが。
Kibarashi is located near Yashiro Station on the Shinano Railway. There are plenty of parking spaces from 1st to 4th. The entrance has a stylish cafe-like atmosphere. And on the left side of the entrance is a showcase with sample menus reminiscent of an old-fashioned dining room! From counter seats where you can easily eat alone, to table seats, and halls where you can have banquets. Anyway, the menu is abundant. We have various set meals, various bowls, ramen, fried rice, yakisoba, curry, udon, soba, etc., so even members with different families, groups, and tastes are all very satisfied! All the dishes are delicious without any deviation. A nice coffee service after the meal.
キム兄ぃ(すの〜うまん) on Google

家内と二人で、夜食にお邪魔し天重と、中華丼を食す! 定員さんの対応はすごく気持ちよくて、とても衛生的♪消毒の匂いと書かれる方も居ましたが、今の世の中、凄く気を遣ってらっしゃる証拠かとも私は思います。 さて、食事ですが、しっかりした味付けでご飯が進む。 が、天重は価格なりきと言うか、衣から脱皮したエビを見ると、チョット大きいバナメエビ?と言う感じでチョット寂しかった。 中華丼は普通に美味しかったです。 ホッと、一息ついた感じで食事したい方にはピッタリと思います。
My wife and I bother to eat a midnight snack and eat a Chinese bowl with Tenju! The response of the capacity is very pleasant and very hygienic ♪ Some people wrote that it smells of disinfection, but I think that it is proof that you are very careful in the present world. Now, with regard to meals, the rice goes on with a solid seasoning. However, Tendon is priced, or when you see the shrimp that have molted from their clothes, it's a big baname shrimp? I was a little lonely. The Chinese bowl was usually delicious. I think it is perfect for those who want to eat with a sense of relief.
Caleb Plunkett on Google

Very good food and service at a great price. No English menu.

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