
4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ローマ軒浜松町店

住所 :

Kaigan, Minato City, 〒105-7502 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
街 : Tokyo

Kaigan, Minato City, 〒105-7502 Tokyo,Japan
レイナ佐藤 on Google

サラダに虫が入ってイライラしました。 お店お客様いないのに もちょっと しっかりやって欲しい。
I was frustrated with insects in the salad. Even though there are no shop customers, I want you to do it a little firmly.
新戸亜依 on Google

I enjoyed pouring beer myself! I couldn't connect it very well, but the clerk kindly told me! The pasta was full and the thick noodles were delicious! !! I will go again!
N Kenji on Google

The so-called Lome Spa shop. I am grateful that Takeshiba can only be eaten in the Shimbashi area. The building and the store are fashionable and new. It feels like Balboa or Japone, but Napolitan and Carbo are good! It's also nice to take out and eat on the bench outside. Saturdays and Sundays are free!
Azumi Murata on Google

Excessive salt. It was too salty. I remember the food I cooked when I cooked for the first time. Is it seasoned according to sake?
ものづくり支援 on Google

名古屋で食べた餡かけスパに似た麺でした。 量が多すぎて食べ切るのが大変。
The noodles were similar to the bean paste spa I ate in Nagoya. It's too much to eat.
小澤誠 on Google

ボリューム満点で安くてとて美味しかったです? また利用したいと思います!!
It was full of volume, cheap and delicious ? I want to use it again! !!
わんわんチャット on Google

2020/10/29訪問 近隣のサラリーマン、OLで賑わっている焼きスパゲティのお店です。ランチのナポリタン850円を食べました。普通です。昭和の喫茶店のナポリタンの味。トマトケチャップの味がとても濃いので水を飲まないと食べれません。ランチはミニサラダ付き。前払い制です。 30分600円でサッポロ黒ラベル飲み放題をやっていました。
Visited October 29, 2020 It is a grilled spaghetti shop that is crowded with office workers and office ladies in the neighborhood. I ate Napolitan 850 yen for lunch. it is normal. The taste of Napolitan in the Showa coffee shop. The taste of tomato ketchup is so strong that you can't eat it without drinking water. Lunch includes a mini salad. It is a prepayment system. I was doing all-you-can-drink Sapporo black label for 600 yen for 30 minutes.
宮田浩行 on Google

やっぱ、ジャポネーゼ大盛だよねー。 ローマ軒は、メニューをいつも見ないんだよねー。 久しぶりに食べたけど、焼きスパってスパゲティとは全く別物の食べ物だよね。 この病みつきになる味わいがたまらない。 シソの香りがまたいい感じで、しつこく無い感じが600gあるとは思わせない。ペロッと食べれてしまう。 今日も5分で完食です。 ご馳走様、また来まーす!
After all, Japonese is a great success. Romaken doesn't always look at the menu. I ate it for the first time in a long time, but grilled spa is a completely different food from spaghetti. This addictive taste is irresistible. The scent of perilla is also nice, and I don't think there is 600g of non-persistent feeling. I can eat it. It will be completed in 5 minutes today. Feast, come again!

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