Blue Bottle Coffee Takeshiba Cafe

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Blue Bottle Coffee Takeshiba Cafe

住所 :

Kaigan, Minato City, 〒105-0022 Tokyo,Japan

Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–7PM
Sunday 9AM–7PM
Monday 8AM–7PM
Tuesday 8AM–7PM
Wednesday 8AM–7PM
Thursday 8AM–7PM
Friday 8AM–7PM
街 : Tokyo
Description : Trendy cafe chain offering upscale coffee drinks & pastries, plus beans & brewing equipment.

Kaigan, Minato City, 〒105-0022 Tokyo,Japan
Coco's Tokyo Gourmet on Google

新しくできた東京ポートシティ竹芝の3階にあります。コールドブリューとブレンドコーヒーを注文。コールドブリューはすっきりフルーティー。好みが分かれるかもしれませんが、たまにはいつもと違う味わいのコーヒーも良いですね。 今回は店内で頂きましたが、ビルには様々な場所に休憩スペースがあるのでテイクアウトもおすすめ。天気が良い日は外のベンチでのんびりできます♪
It is located on the 3rd floor of the newly created Tokyo Port City Takeshiba. I ordered cold brew and blended coffee. Cold brew is refreshing and fruity. You may have different tastes, but sometimes coffee with a different taste is good. This time I had it in the store, but since there are rest spaces in various places in the building, takeout is also recommended. When the weather is nice, you can relax on the bench outside ♪
カイマリ on Google

カフェラテのホットとアイスを1日のうちに頂いた。 空間も雰囲気もカフェラテも好きだけど、店員さんの拘りが強くてちょっと苦手なトコがある。 数ヶ月前に初めて行った時の事、久しぶりに会う人と楽しく話していたら、店員さんが席に来て相手と話し出して中々帰ってくれずに参ってしまい泣いた事もある。
I had hot and iced latte in one day. I like the space, the atmosphere, and the latte, but the clerk is very particular about it and I'm not good at it. When I first went there a few months ago, when I was having a good time talking to someone I hadn't seen in a long time, the clerk came to my seat and talked to the other person, and sometimes I cried because he didn't come home.
Natsuko H on Google

The refreshing atmosphere of the shop and the refreshing taste of coffee matched very well. Thank you to the clerk who politely hand-drip and talked about coffee and the history of the shop. It's a shop you'll want to visit again.
machi i55 on Google

シンプルで清潔な店内。テーブル数はそんなに多くないですが、ビルにテラスがあるのでテイクアウトするのもいいかも。 アイスのアメリカーノを注文しました。アイスでも香りも良くて美味しかったです。
Simple and clean interior. The number of tables is not so many, but it may be good to take out because there is a terrace in the building. I ordered ice cream Americano. Even with ice cream, the aroma was good and it was delicious.
Shining Beach-field on Google

綺麗で店員さんの対応も心地良いお店。 ソフトバンクの本社が入ってるビルにあるからか、ペイペイが使える。 出来上がり時に名前を呼ばれる為、名前を聞かれるのが少し嫌だけど。 ドリップコーヒーは豆が日替わりっぽいが、基本どれも美味しいと思う。 値段も財布に優しい。 テラス席は開放感あって綺麗で居心地いい。
The shop is beautiful and the staff are comfortable. PayPay can be used probably because it is in the building where the Softbank headquarters is located. I don't like being asked for a name because the name is called when it's finished. Beans of drip coffee seem to change daily, but I think all of them are delicious. The price is also wallet-friendly. The terrace seats are clean and comfortable with a feeling of openness.
宮魔枢 on Google

産業貿易センターに来たときの最近の楽しみになっています。 今回はモカを定番の豆でいただきました。 (サイズ固定660円) 明るくてきれいな雰囲気の店内と、丁寧なご対応いただける店員さんに満足しています。 積極的に利用したい店です。
I'm looking forward to it when I come to the Industry & Trade Center. This time, I had mocha with standard beans. (Fixed size 660 yen) I am satisfied with the bright and clean atmosphere of the store and the staff who can respond politely. It is a store that you want to actively use.
Klara Urban on Google

Perfect cup of coffee
Taishi Fukuyama on Google

Love it when your food and drink comes with a little story. Apparently the NOLA FLOAT ice cream comes from their cream provider in Hokkaido.

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