Kaibara Station - Tamba

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kaibara Station

住所 :

Kaibarachō Kaibara, Tamba, Hyogo 669-3309, Japan

Postal code : 669-3309

Kaibarachō Kaibara, Tamba, Hyogo 669-3309, Japan
taro mame on Google

Read "Kaibara". Since it is the center of the city, the construction of the station is quite good. The overpass with the season is still active. The limited express "Kounotori" stops all day.
ku yu on Google

ICOCA and PiTaPa can not be used when getting on from Kashiwara station. It is unbelievable, but automatic ticket gates have not yet been introduced. As the big drama of 2020 is decided by Akechi Mitsuhide and it is expected that visitors will visit this station more than ever, we would like to set aside about automatic ticket gates in JR West. In addition, it was announced on the ordinary train that it was not only Kashiwabara station, but the station of Fukuchiyama line north of Shinagakeyama station that I can not use the IC card. It is inconvenient for both travelers and residents, so we strongly urge JR West to make improvements.
AnchorBlues on Google

昔は待合室内の売店がありましたが、今や売店もなくなり、駅員さんがいない無人の時間も長くなってしまいました。 しかし立派な駅舎は健在です。 徒歩圏内には名の通った飲食店も多く、丹波市の駅の中では唯一すべての特急が停車するなど、存在感のある駅です。
There used to be a shop in the waiting room, but now there are no shops, and the unmanned time without station staff has become longer. However, the fine station building is still alive. There are many well-known restaurants within walking distance, and it is the only station in Tamba City where all limited express trains stop.
RI ONST on Google

There are shops from the nearby stations and you can also eat. However, there are no convenience stores. There is a taxi stand in front of the station and it is available.
あへ坊 on Google

In Kansai, there are three stations (Hyogo / Kashiwara (⇒ here), Osaka / Kashiwara, Shiga / Kashiwara) that have completely different readings in this kanji.

駅舎は、1990年「国際花と緑の博覧会」の会場内を運行していたドリームエキスプレスの「山の駅」 を移築したもの。 特急こうのとり号も停車する駅です。
The station building is a relocation of Dream Express's "Mountain Station," which was operating inside the venue of the "International Flower and Greenery Expo" in 1990. The limited express Kounotori is also a stop at this station.
華空 on Google

今は、ICOCA使えますよ。 全線、ICOCAでスルー❣️楽ちん? 丹波篠山 → 柏原駅へ来ました。 駅の敷地内にある看板を見て、周辺を散策しましたよ。 駅構内にある案内所では、 係のおじさんから、資料を見ながら説明して頂き、分かりやすかったし、参考になりましたよ。 有難うございました!
You can use ICOCA now. All lines, through ICOCA ❣️ Easy ? Tamba Sasayama → I came to Kaibara station. I took a walk around the area by looking at the signboard on the station grounds. At the information center inside the station The uncle in charge explained it while looking at the materials, and it was easy to understand and was helpful. Thank you!
南形浩 on Google

It seems to be a mistake, but it is "Kaibara" Kaibara. It is in the best location for Kashiwabara Hachimangu.

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