荻須医院 - Okazaki

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 荻須医院

住所 :

Kagodacho, Okazaki, 〒444-0041 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Postal code : 444-0041
Webサイト : http://home1.catvmics.ne.jp/~ogisuiin/
街 : Aichi

Kagodacho, Okazaki, 〒444-0041 Aichi,Japan
瀧末和佳奈 on Google

成瀬洋子 on Google

hideharu miwnezawa on Google

A doctor who speaks Kansai dialect other than the director, a high-handed way of saying, and getting angry. I will never go again.
i ma on Google

病院はお医者様によるので、かなり探して向かいましたがまず、平日の午前行きましたが受付から診察までがとても早いです。 繰り返す病気なので、当方も慣れておりますな、説明も淡々と対策を教えてくださいます。 時間のない時でも安心して行ける病院です!
The hospital depends on the doctor, so I searched for it quite a bit, but first I went there on weekday mornings, but the reception and consultation are very quick. It's a recurring illness, so I'm used to it. It is a hospital where you can go with confidence even when you do not have time!
K A on Google

荻須先生しか診てもらった事はないですが、ベテランで信頼のできる先生で安心できます。 話し方も穏やかで子供も嫌がらずいきます。 人は多いですが、入り口のドアも開いていて、中の窓も開いていて コロナ対策されているので安心していけます。
I have only seen Dr. Ogisu, but I am relieved that I am an experienced and reliable teacher. The way of speaking is calm, and the child will not dislike it. There are many people, but the entrance door is open and the windows inside are also open You can rest assured that corona measures have been taken.
シト on Google

Thank you for explaining the diagnosis and explanation of the symptoms to me in a very easy-to-understand manner. It is a hospital where you can have a medical examination with confidence. I recommend it.
n n on Google

体質柄か年に数回お世話になってます。荻須先生も新しく来られた先生もせかさず話を聞いてくれ、方針や先の見通しも言ってもらえるので私は安心していつもお世話になってます。 ただ若い先生は私にはどうも合わず、その先生の時間は避けます。物言いがきつい印象でした。
I am indebted to my constitution several times a year. Both Mr. Ogisu and the new teacher are willing to listen to me and tell me about my policies and future prospects, so I am always indebted to them. However, the young teacher doesn't suit me, and I avoid his time. It was an impression that the words were tight.
こうかん on Google

籠田公園バス停から徒歩1分です。 初めて泌尿器科にかかったのですが、受付の方も先生もとても優しく親切でした。病院自体は少し古い感じでした。こちらの不安がなくなるまでエコー?を撮ってくださったり質問に答えてくださいました。
It is a 1-minute walk from the Kagota Park bus stop. I went to the urology department for the first time, and the receptionist and the teacher were very kind and kind. The hospital itself was a bit old. Echo until this anxiety disappears? He took a picture and answered the question.

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