Okazaki Takahara Clinic - Okazaki

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Okazaki Takahara Clinic

住所 :

36番地 Shimoguchi Kakemachi, Okazaki, Aichi 444-0011, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 444-0011
Webサイト : https://takahara-clinic.net/

36番地 Shimoguchi Kakemachi, Okazaki, Aichi 444-0011, Japan
ゆゆ on Google

近代的で無駄がなく、とても良いクリニックでした。先生も丁寧・的確に診断下さいます。良くないコメントが投稿されるのが不思議です。クレーマー的なコメントは無視されるのが賢明です。良いクリニックでした。 順番待ちシステムもありがたいです。
It was a modern, lean and very good clinic. The teacher will also give you a polite and accurate diagnosis. It is strange that bad comments are posted. It is wise to ignore Kramer-like comments. It was a good clinic. I am also grateful for the waiting system.
ここここ on Google

At the reception, when I said that I had no medical certificate, I said, "Can I pay 100 yen? ” It's rude if you don't know how to speak. I'm not rich, but I have 100 yen. The woman at the counter is beautiful for some reason, but I got the impression that I wanted to wear it, and I didn't want to go there again. Uncomfortable thing while waiting. I came to my heart.
Koichi Ishizaka on Google

新米開業医はホンマに良く厳選しないとアカンと、心の底から思った。キレイな建物に惹かれてはアカン!(月)の夕方6時に寄ったが院内ガラガラ。何か嫌な予感がするなと思いながら「初めてですけど、血圧の薬を貰いたいのですが」と告げると、「診察券か保険証は有りますか?」と。保険証を提示すると、頭を傾げながら「こちら初めてですか?」と。俺の名字を「はじめて」と思ったんか???受付の基本の会話も出来へんキレイ処か知らんが若い姉ちゃん3人も置くなら、1人くらいベテラン置いとけ! 問診票書いて、待ってると受付横に有る腕を突っ込んで計る簡易血圧計で血圧を計ってプリント紙を受付に出せと。計測値は135/96。心拍数66。やはり、下が高いなぁ…?と思った。でも、呼ばれて診察室に入ってから血圧を院長が自ら一度も計らず。しかも、座っていきなり俺に目も合わせず、パソコンの画面見ながら「血圧の薬ですね」「今日は血圧良いですね」受付で渡したお薬手帳のコピーを見ながら「この篠原医院って何処ですか?」 お前、何処の医大出て何処の研修医でどんだけの医療に携わって来たん???何か他に聞くこと無いか??(ToT)、この人どんな人?どんな生活しててどんな仕事しててとか、血圧が高いから薬飲んでるのに色々問診も無しか??? あと、意味のわからん質問もあって「ぇ?、はい??」って2回ほど聞き直したわ…?結局、最後まで俺に目も合わせず、診察終了。 診察室に案内してくれた看護師を含めると診察室に院長と若い女性看護師3人。この瞬間に院内には若い女性看護師&スタッフが6人。患者は俺入れて3人。しかも、最後の精算の時まで一切の名前呼ばれず、「番号札16番の方~」 保険証や問診票も書いても、尚番号で呼ぶんか?? 働いてるスタッフさん、今のクリニックは自分が病気になって行きたいと思うようなクリニックですか…?親御さんを連れて行ける病院ですか…? こんなクリニックに金払って診て貰うなら、いっそ全ての医療業務をAI化してくれ!?AI受付嬢にAI看護師、AI院長。血圧も検尿も採血も全部AI化してくれ!それなら患者側もそれなりにクリニックに行ける!それなりに近くなら通うわ!?それならキレイな建物院内も価値上がるわ? 二度と行きません!?
A practitioner thought from the bottom of his heart that he should not be carefully selected for Homma. Don't be attracted by the beautiful buildings! I dropped in at 6 o'clock in the evening on Monday, but the rattle in the hospital. Thinking that I don't feel something bad, I said, "It's my first time, I want to get blood pressure medicine." When I present my insurance card, I lean on my head and ask, "Is this your first time?" Did you think my last name was "for the first time"? ?? I can't do basic conversations at the reception desk. If you have 3 young sisters who don't know whether they are beautiful or not, leave about 1 veteran! Write down the questionnaire, wait and wait. I'll put your arm next to the receptionist to measure your blood pressure with a simple sphygmomanometer and take the printed paper out to the reception. The measured value is 135/96. Heart rate 66. After all, the bottom is high... I thought ?. However, the director never measured his blood pressure after he was called and entered the examination room. Moreover, while sitting down and looking at me, I looked at the computer screen and said, "It's a blood pressure medicine." "I have good blood pressure today." While looking at the copy of the medicine notebook I gave at the reception, "This Shinohara clinic Where?" What medical school did you go to and where did the trainee doctor work on what kind of medical treatment? ?? Do you have anything else to ask? ? (ToT), what kind of person is this person? What kind of life do you have, what kind of work do you have, and because you have high blood pressure, are you taking medicines without any questions? ?? Also, I had some questions that I didn't understand, so I asked him twice, "Eh, yes? ?." Including the nurse who guided me to the examination room, the examination room has a director and three young female nurses. At this moment, there are 6 young female nurses and staff in the hospital. I have 3 patients. Moreover, no name was called until the last payment, "Number tag number 16~" Even if you write your health insurance card and questionnaire, do you still call by number? ? Staff who are working, is the current clinic a clinic where you want to get sick? Is it a hospital where you can take your parents...? If you want to pay for this kind of clinic and have it examined, please convert all medical services into AI! ? AI nurse, AI director, AI receptionist. All blood pressure, urinalysis, and blood sampling should be AI! Then the patient side can go to the clinic as it is! If it's close enough, I'll go! ? Then the beautiful building will increase the value in the hospital ? I won't go again! ?
ぽぽぽぽぽ on Google

It seems that the word of mouth is bad, but is it true that the beautiful older sisters at the reception can't afford it because they have just opened the hospital? It may not be friendly, but the teacher seems to be serious and will respond firmly. Thanks to you, my long-suffering cough asthma has ended. Therefore, I am continuing to try sublingual immunotherapy (Sida Cure) here.
Ken1 on Google

肺のCTを撮りに診察、順番待ち予約、問診をWEBで行えるため無駄な待ち時間、無駄な人との接触がありません。入り口に手の消毒もあり感染対策も徹底されています。 診察から会計で約30分程度で終了、受付ら先生も良い人でとても満足できました。
There is no wasted waiting time or unnecessary contact with people because you can take a CT of the lungs for a medical examination, make a waiting appointment, and ask a question online. There is also disinfection of the hands at the entrance, and infection control is thorough. It took about 30 minutes from the medical examination to the accounting, and the receptionist was very satisfied with the good people.
Rider MAX on Google

初めて診察に行ったのですが、清潔な院内・丁寧な説明・主治医が穏やかで聞き取りやすい・お互い笑顔で診察できる雰囲気。初めてでこれは正直驚きました。 他の病院では診断されなかった喘息が発覚したあたり、腕も確か。 行き先に困ったら是非ここを!!✨
I went to see the doctor for the first time, but the hospital was clean, the explanation was polite, the doctor was calm and easy to hear, and the atmosphere was such that we could see each other with a smile. For the first time, I was honestly surprised. Asthma, which was not diagnosed at other hospitals, was discovered, and my arm is certain. If you have a problem with your destination, please come here! !! ✨
pei bvb on Google

一時的に極度のストレスを抱えてから 原因不明の息苦しさに長年悩まされていました。 他の呼吸器内科に行ってもストレスだなんだと ちゃんとした検査をしてもらえませんでした。 ですが、ここでは4種類の検査をしていただき、原因が気管支喘息だったことがわかりました。 ほんとに行ってよかったです。
After having temporary extreme stress I have been suffering from unexplained insufficiency for many years. It ’s stressful to go to other respiratory medicine departments. I didn't get a proper inspection. However, I had four types of tests done here and found that the cause was bronchial asthma. I'm really glad I went.
晴れ on Google

普段口コミは読む専門ですが、このサイトでこの医院があまりに評価が低いので、どなたかの参考になればと思って投稿します。 コロナ禍で感染対策に気を配っているにも関わらず、喉の違和感を感じ、コロナかもしれないと不安に押し潰されそうでした。 こちらの医院は口コミが低くて不安だったのですが、結果的にはこの病院は私には大正解でした。 とても近代的な呼吸器に関する検査を幾つも受ける事が出来、それによってより詳しい自分の状態が分かりとても安心出来ました。 先生も看護師さんも皆さんとても親切で、それもとてもありがたかったです。 迷っていらっしゃる方には是非この病院を勧めます。 本当にありがとうございました。
I usually read word-of-mouth information, but this clinic has a very low reputation on this site, so I'll post it as a reference for someone. Despite being careful about infection control with Corona, I felt a sense of discomfort in my throat and seemed to be overwhelmed by anxiety that it might be Corona. I was worried that this clinic had a low word of mouth, but as a result, this hospital was a correct answer for me. I was able to undergo a number of very modern respiratory tests, which made me feel more at ease about my condition. The teachers and nurses were all very kind, which was also very appreciated. If you are unsure, I highly recommend this hospital. I'm really thankful to you.

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