Fujijibika Clinic - Okazaki

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Fujijibika Clinic

住所 :

Jizomae-4-1 Kakemachi, Okazaki, Aichi 444-0011, Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Postal code : 444-0011
Webサイト : https://fuji.mdja.jp/

Jizomae-4-1 Kakemachi, Okazaki, Aichi 444-0011, Japan
バニラ. on Google

子どもがお世話になっています 先生も看護師さんも 真摯に話を聞いてくれます 家での対処法などの説明も分かりやすく 短く教えてもらいました 検査の時に 泣いている子どもに対して あやしながら 優しく接してくれて 感謝しております
The child is indebted Both the teacher and the nurse will listen to you seriously. I was able to explain how to deal with it at home in an easy-to-understand and short manner. I am grateful for the kindness and kindness of the child who was crying at the time of the examination.
yukiho seki on Google

Both first visit and follow-up were courteous and kind. The teacher was very gentle and well explained. I don't give out too much medicine, so I thought I'd just look at the situation if it was good, so I thought it was a good hospital. However, if the progress was not good and it was judged that it was difficult to respond here, the attitude was completely changed and the response was cut off. It was a response that would give me a glimpse of the feeling of wanting you to come again. I was shocked by the gap in attitude.
kei on Google

以前、子供が顎を強く打ち歯が欠けた際に受診。 初めての事で、ネットには耳鼻科受診とあるものの、本当に耳鼻科なのか不安に思いながら診察を受けましたが、先生は体をこちらに向けて腰を据えてとても丁寧に話を聞いてくださり子供にも優しく話しかけてくれました。 2回目以降は初診と打って変わって、サクサク終わりますが、症状の程度にも寄るかもしれません。諦めず聞けば答えてくれます。
Before, when the child had a strong jaw and lacked teeth, he consulted. For the first time, although I have an otolaryngology examination on the net, I was examined while thinking whether I was really otolaryngologist, but the teacher put my body on my back and listened to the story very carefully He spoke kindly to the children. After the second visit, it will change as the first visit and it will end up crisp, but it may depend on the degree of symptoms. If you don't give up, I will answer.
u o on Google

初診で予約しました。 翌日には予約できたので、病院で何時間も待たされるよりこちらの方がありがたい! 予約制なので、待合も人が少ないく駐車場も混まないし、すぐに順番が来るし、変に病気をもらうことなく診察が終わるので大変合理的です。 先生もこちらの要望に寄り添った薬を出してくれるし、受付も看護師さんも全員感じが良く久しぶりにいい病院に巡り会えた!
I booked at the first visit. As we were able to make a reservation the next day, we would appreciate this one rather than waiting for hours at the hospital! Because it is a reservation system, there are few people waiting and there is not a crowded parking lot, and the order will come soon and it is very reasonable because the medical examination is finished without getting sick. The teacher also gives me the medicine that is close to this request, and the receptionist and nurses all feel good and have visited a good hospital for the first time in a long time!
55 Sakura on Google

You can see them seriously, and children will be happy to say that cleaning their ears here does not hurt. I am indebted to you when I have otitis media.
po “po” on Google

岡崎市民病院から紹介状をもらい、中耳炎と耳掃除しづらい耳で耳垢が溜まっているとのことで行きました。その時はものすごく優しくていい先生だと思いました。 4年後?ぐらいに久しぶりにまた聞こえづらいと言ったので、耳垢で病院にいったらものすごく感じが悪かったです。予約も取りづらいし、もう2度行きたくないです。
I received a letter of introduction from Okazaki Municipal Hospital and said that I had earwax due to otitis media and ears that were difficult to clean. At that time, I thought he was a very kind and nice teacher. 4 years later? I said that it was hard to hear again after a long time, so when I went to the hospital with earwax, it felt very bad. It's hard to make a reservation and I don't want to go there again.
daibu on Google

3年くらいトラブルがあると通っています。 予約時間にちゃんと呼ばれてすぐ診察→会計で早い。その分予約はちょっと取りづらい時もある。 最初は他院で治療途中に紹介状なしで転院しましたが、優しく診ていただきました。
I have been in trouble for about 3 years. It is called properly at the appointment time and it is quick to see the doctor → check out. Sometimes it's a little difficult to make a reservation. At first, I was transferred to another hospital without a letter of referral during treatment, but I was kindly examined.
ひろきち on Google

岡崎で耳鼻科を選ぶなら、ここだと思います。 先生、看護士さんはとても優しいです。 他耳鼻科で誤診されましたが、きっちり治療して頂きました。 自宅近くにあるため、いつも助かってます。
If you choose otolaryngology in Okazaki, I think this is the place. Teachers and nurses are very kind. I was misdiagnosed by another otolaryngologist, but he was treated properly. It's always helpful because it's near my home.

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